Map Changes in 2.0.4

gotta be honest, i dont like the "tier" system at all, everything was fine with map levels shown as is, its an important part of a map, u not only get to see the difficulty but the items and Mods on items it can drop... changing this makes no sense to me. its jsut gonna get confusing.

also zana lvl 8 needs a buff, 73-75 is an automatic skip, only thing im doing is if it happens to spawn a unique map, which is really rare.

anyway ty for the news, looking forward to the 1m
Psyringe wrote:
Nice to see work on the maps, but the statements in the OP seem to be aimed at actually making the game less enjoyable, or maybe I'm understanding them wrong.

"High level maps run through Zana" is a mystery to me since Zana doesn't offer any high level maps in the first place.

Reducing the perceived need for high-level maps by even further increasing the grind level seems rather backwards to me.

Relabeling the map levels into tiers looks like a cover-up rather than a solution to a problem. So now there still won't be adequate content for high level players, they still will get massive XP gain penalties even on the highest level maps, they will have to grind even more than before, and it somehow should feel better because now the maps are labeled with "tiers" instead of "levels"? I'm afraid the only logic that I can see in that would require a rather cynical attitude on behalf of GGG, and I don't really want to believe that.

What I'm taking away from this announcement, is that GGG remains very focused on keeping high-profile players inside the grinding wheel, while continually making the game less attractive for people like me. Not sure if that was the intention, but it's the impression I get. :(

here is someone who actually understands what was said. reason why i left, game changes made because of the top 5% people instead of others.
Finally something regarding the ground effects. Looking forward to the changes.
Kinda mad I ever supported this game, bye.
Karvarousku wrote:
I don't see the reason that instead of having map levels making them tiers. Are you going to be remaking the "zone level" to "tier level" and are we going to be getting "tierlevel 15" items instead of itemlevel 82? If not, why not just keep the map levels as they are and not confuse people?

Very solid point! I will definitely be confused if I saw tier 1-15 items instead of item levels. Like if I said I have a tier 1 item for sale without linking it, you won't even know if it's a tier 1 item from a tier 1 map or a godlike tier 1 item from a tier 15 map.

Also, no matter how much you nerf the process from lvl 99 to lvl 100, elite players and famous streamers will hit lvl 100 just as fast as they always do. I agree that there're more lvl 100 players in temp leagues this time, but maybe it's because they really like 2.0 and all that new contents, so they keep playing. But this change sucks for casual players who want to make it to lvl 100.
Last edited by bshzh2008 on Sep 24, 2015, 1:02:28 AM
Great :D !
yay map buff. Looking forward to try out that map tiers.
Last edited by tslt on Jul 14, 2018, 7:42:01 AM
Don't rename map levels to tiers, that's only going to make it more confusing.

If you guys want tiers so bad, make it show up when you hold alt instead of renaming it, because people need that information and shouldn't have to be going to external sources to find that information, like they already do with many things.
Ugh effort
Last edited by tslt on Jul 14, 2018, 7:50:44 AM

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