Map Changes in 2.0.4

NoNamium wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
Truper17 wrote:
Balancing the endgame around a handful of players who enjoy playing like rabid weasels on speed for 18 hours a day for days on end makes perfect sense.

Fixed. The changes don't affect you if you're not said no-lifer.

And that's exactly the problem...

people like achevhievement, advancement, power... but ggg gives the opposite
Why not just add level 84-100 maps so players can run their level? That would make far more sense. Wouldn't need to have unique design nor new bosses. Simply level 100 Crypt/Grotto/Tropical Island for those special ones. I'd welcome some kind of reward for grinding til 100. Personally, I start losing interest in my character and maps at 75-80 for it just doesn't lead anywhere.
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Soon in POE will remain only streamers if GGG will not figure out something really fast...
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
These changes sound really great now I might be able to get out of my 74-76 area.
I'm just not a fan of the removal of Map levels I don't feel like I want to spent time counting for finding out what level the map is.
Just a suggestion but why not make it so when you press Alt instead of showing the itemlevel from the map show the map level?
Itemlevel is useless to be shown on Maps anyways and by that you can implement the Tiers on Maps without it being a big issue.
Map drop increase...want to believe...not sure why can't...
Lordsidro wrote:
Prisma01 wrote:
Loving the controversy.

Just an opinion:

Why not both? Why not a three way?

Why not map level and tier?
Why not map level, tier and increased xp?

From 68's to 75's
We could get a Grotto - Tier 1 (easy)
We could get a Pit - Tier 3 (difficult)

From 75's to 82's
We could get an Arsenal - Tier 1 (easy)
We could get a Colosseum - Tier 5 (very difficult)

Upper tiers could give more xp. More IIR, IIQ. More map dropping.

I mean, you could take the idea and form a new way of looking into endgame. Not just the way to 100, but the way in which build would feel more safe, more challenged or more rewarding.

I think that GGG is really hitting something here, but it's not quite there yet.

Can't we really have both? Or more?

Thank you, good job!

huh this sounds interesting except there are so many "tiers"

Would require a full rework but very interesting.

Thank you, like I said, I really think that GGG is hitting something.

I know that GGG doesn't want to make the game easy.
I know that GGG doesn't want to confuse players.
I know that GGG doesn't want to push away players, top ones or Hillock ones

Who the hell wants that?

GGG has to make 2 things:

A change that the majority of players will approve and improve gaming.
A change that'll take time for the players to get used to.

Meaning: Happiness and Confusion

Kind of what we have here. :D
zeldzioszka wrote:
Soon in POE will remain only streamers if GGG will not figure out something really fast...

Correction : Soon in POE will remain only players with no job or life if GGG will not figure out something really fast...
I think these little changes are great. I also think the tone of the announcement is wholesome.

Keep it up
I have to leave a commend too.

I disslike most of the changes in the past and also this one.
Like someone told, maybe 90% of all gamemechanics have to be explained with the wiki page, the game itself explains nearly nothing.
If you take a look at other games like d3, where the game explains everything you dont need extra programs or websites to play the game, totaly differnt from poe.
Now this tier change is something more confusing, for new and even for some old players.
The whole game is made around itemlevel, monsterlevel and zonelevel but now maps get a tier !?

I realy feel its the wrong way to change this old system, i would like the new colors to indicate maybe if the map is blue, rare, or white rolled.

In addition i want to mention the dissapointing warbands league, i played all past leagues and this one was by far the worst for me.
Most of the time you dont notice its a league, since you dont meet warbands, if you meet them its the same small packs with "boring" drops, to get the bosses or items you will need to farm alot. I did 3chars in warbands, played many hours, and got 2blue/ 1uniq items droped from the warbands. (Disapointing)
Also to make the warbands items blue unid items that we had to pick up and id to see if its the one we searching for, was just a bad design, since in the same patch we got the itemfilter where maybe 95% of all itemfilters would not even show blue items.....

Im a long time player and realy frustrated with these changes. I hope the future will be better.



Ign: The_Horus

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Last edited by thehorus on Sep 24, 2015, 9:55:52 AM

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