[<RISE>] Reborn Exiles ULTIMATUM // Casual Guild // Discord //
Hey there,
I'm interested in joining. IGN: RaindropEtude |
I'd be interested in joining if space opens up :)
IGN: Javvz_ |
Invites sent =)
Oh hi
Oh hi
Oh hi
If you have space, I would be interested in joining.
IGN I_Rock_Your_World |
I'm very interested in joining if there is space. please feel free to pm/invite at anytime
I am interested to join for better Delve league push experience. Playing 15h/week minimum. Often much more.
Ingame: DBhot |
Sorry for delay. Notification did not show up for me.
Invites sent! Oh hi
I am also looking for a guild to do both the upcoming delve content and to finish out the current event league. Been playing solo for a long time and finally remembered that this is a multiplayer game.
IGN: Kaethryin |