Master Crafting Metamods
I have no problem with all of this.
I'm patient I'll wait another league but in all honesty if the ratio chaos:exalt stay as high , I'll have to call it quit cause its out of my league for the time I can put in this game that's it all ! |
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" Genuine question, have you seen the thread in question? I'll link it to you in the case you havent. That's the thread in question. Ventor's comment was posted at Jan 29, 2:32 UTC. If you look up a bit, there's another comment asking whether or not they were seeing a false GGG flag on the thread. Emmitt, a mod answers with this. Qarl replied to a comment saying that the information, in that comment, was incorrect. Within 10 minutes it was deleted. It was /u/ventorpoe comment. This was posted at Jan 29, 14:35 UTC. That means, his post wasn't entirely gone. Someone repeated the content of his post in relation to ventor's comment. Meaning, if people wanted to, they could try the same method for crafting, but do you know why most people didn't discover it? Back then, the cost of the meta-crafting mods were 2 eternals. I remember buying and selling eternals at 3 Exalts each usually during torment. Meaning, in order for you to try this experiment, you would need 6 Ex approximately. Now, most people complaining are ones that said they can't even afford 2 ex let alone 6 ex. So if they saw Qarl's comment, do you think they would've been brave enough to potentially waste 6 ex worth of currency? The only reason people are mad is because they didn't figure this out in the first and got the advantage out of it. Personally, I find it hilarious that these petulant children think that they are entitled to anything in this game. The only thing you are entitled to is getting scammed, get used to it. Although, to the people complaining, it's easier to blame GGG instead of blaming their own selves for their apparent "failure". |
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Nothing to say more...
![]() Aaron Ciccheli, a guy who made millions running Diablo and PoE RMT sites, owns a significant portion of GGG. How's that for a conflict of interest? 7.5% of your supporter pack money goes to this guy.
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200c : 1 ex To people who asked in this thread what that program is I thought they mainly used [Removed by Support] but it isn't allowed (neither have I ever used it for this game with my pitiful 15 ex + a 6L in standard and 5 ex or so in hardcore) Low balling items exactly as they appear isn't just effective for mirrors and such. At the end of leagues (last 30 events) GGG gives out 100 point and 250 point rewards. Sometimes a noob who enters a race receives one of those rewards and sells it for a few chaos, while they are usually worth 2-4ex+ after the season ends 7 days later or so. Last edited by Rachel#0000 on Aug 21, 2015, 5:05:19 AM
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It's just a game, reading all these posts its seems so many people feel they have a sense of entitlement. I dont see how it effects the actual game play itself? You have a build, you kill monsters, you have fun. Would it be nice to have a godly item? Yes! Well go work for it.
If it was me who found this method, I wouldn't share it but that's my own decision to not share information. What GGG did was a mistake, it dosen't change anything if they are sorry or not, intended or not? Would you all feel better if they apologized? The whole currency inflation issue, well it mirrors any economy, real life or not. IGN: Munkehboi
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" Eh not only that they might've thought it might be fake or that Qarl deleted it since he corrected himself. Anyhow 6 exalted orbs for such a thing is an awful lot of currency for 99.99% of the playerbase to just try it out. It's not about failure necesarrily, it is more about the availability through end game uniques and rares. Which are now hard to buy with chaos, a currency fairly easy to obtain for regular map players. Exalts are drop only, chaos can be obtained through recipes. GGG logically should do something otherwise it would halt progression for some players haha. It mostly is a standard problem though, hardcore players use chaos orbs a lot more frequently to reroll hard map mods that may cause deaths. |
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" I wouldn't worry about it too much. You have to remember, that sellers need to have buyers. If the sellers are going to keep their prices so high up then no one is going to buy the items. They'll be forced to lower the prices soon to accommodate the new buying power that most of the buyers have. The economy is changing, those who can adapt the fastest will make the most money, while the people who tries to stick to old traditions will be left in the dust. |
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" I personally would feel better, if they would stop to plainly lie as they used to do. What saddens me most in this "mirrorgate" is that it doesn't surprise me at all. It's just typical GGG behavior. I almost can see, that they are sitting in their new, shiny 2.0 office, are reading through those comments are are very, very, pleased with theirselves. Anticipation slowly dissipates...
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" Yup that's a sure thing. When no player left in the game it's hard to sell anything. Hf :)
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" for sure. All this Qarl bashing, way out of line imo. Qarl is a genuinely nice guy, if you watch the state of exiles hes been on, the PoE official twitch he did with Chris etc, hes a sound bloke. Qarl did what he felt was the right thing to do in the moment which was correct the misinformation because at heart he is a nice, helpful guy. He then quickly realised the actual right thing to do in the spirit of PoE was to withdraw the post and allow the player base to shape the situation. If you agree with the principal there or not that is not an issue to be put at the feet of Qarl as an individual, that is a core design philosophy that is consistent throughout the game. Wraeclast has its own morality and it is that of its player base, how they chose to interact with each other, to share information or withhold it, be charitable, be ruthless, thats in our hands. We shape the world, we are playing the roles, the devs just build the stage. If you dont believe in that way of working, or you believe in it in some instances but not others, thats a topic for a general discussion on the fundamental nature of the games design as set forth by GGG as a company. Im not saying theres no room for that discussion or those ideas are not valid, but that is not an issue for Qarl as an individual or this particular isolated incident. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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