Master Crafting Metamods

kreca73 wrote:
why do you people fail to see and talk about the most important part in all of this?.
it's not the recipe itself but the way those 1% had access to what people want, to the demand; the scanning of people inventories and character sheets.
that should be forbidden by GGG 'cause its like everyone getting a cavity search from TSA every few minutes or so.

I eluded to it in a previous post, and it's the last straw for me.

The devs cannot be trusted. The way the game is structured (economy sim) that means there's no point in playing now. No matter how much or how well you play or trade, you're getting scammed by players AND by the devs themselves.

And then the devs think you're dumb enough to buy their propaganda spin. That shows utter contempt for those who are giving them their hard-earned cash and playing time.

Yeah fuck that.
I am a casual self-found player who does the occasional trade. Even thou the whole drama "should" not affect me, it does severely impact from what I can do at endgame. Depending on what builds you play, you need to trade, even as a sf player, else you just cannot do the higher maps / endgame content.
I do NOT have the time (or even the necessary drops one needs to trade) to sit in a trade chat for hours on hours to amass enough currency to buy endgame gear. I cannot craft endgame gear as the orbs needed are so fkin rare that it boggles one's mind.

Effectively, any casual player wanting to have fun and play the game in endgame is now just shit out of luck with those prices in these ruined leagues.

Whats seriously disgusting is the stance of GGG and their lead honcho. You and you alone are the sole reason this game is and will remain a niche hardcore game for elitists and as we all have seen now, thats who you cater the game to.

Its a damn shame.
kreca73 wrote:
why do you people fail to see and talk about the most important part in all of this?.
it's not the recipe itself but the way those 1% had access to what people want, to the demand; the scanning of people inventories and character sheets.
that should be forbidden by GGG 'cause its like everyone getting a cavity search from TSA every few minutes or so.
I agree that this is bad, however I want to see the receipts first. There is no proof inventory and stash of every private profile can be scanned. I work as a software engineer, and i work with databases among other things. Db calls are expensive. Do you know why procurement takes a while to load stash tabs if you have like 100 ? Because poe limits the amount of api calls you can make to limit db load / avoid ddos. And that's when you're LOGGED in in your own account.

I believe VOC with most of his story besides this tidbit. Simply because you'd need a server farm with computing power to reliably mine bitcoins to scan thousands of peoples inventory in real time with timeout limit on Api calls. And you somehow need to access their stash. crawls forum posts, ie items that people made public and linked to stash. We are talking about a tool that can crawl databases in real time, making calls it should never have access to.

What's the last time a noon received a whisper who knew what the noob just picked up?

Now I'm not saying its impossible. maybe there's a hack on item id in a way that you can access others stash. Maybe there's a way to bypass api limit.maybe these guy have a farm to do these things. I'll need some proof first tho
Last edited by grepman on Aug 21, 2015, 3:39:58 AM
Last edited by tslt on Jul 14, 2018, 7:45:46 AM
I never understood how can game developers be ok with the majority of the player-base not knowing important things in their game / know how to play the game properly. I guess that only makes sense in an economy-centric game design.

This obfuscation and information hiding is only hurting the community and holding back the game.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
grepman wrote:
pabrt wrote:

As a direct result of deleting your post (omitting privileged information from the conversastion), anyone reading will think x = y.

This is the same as affirming it. Doubly so when you are speaking from a position of privileged knowledge over the other participants.

Regardless of this, I don't care what you call it; it is clear to both of us what GGG should have done, as well as the way they'veismanaged the situation since then.
if someone jumps to a conclusion that a deleted post = affirmation, then its their problem. They also would fail an intro course in discrete math and logic. A deleted post does not mean anything. Its amibguous. It can mean many things. Hence why IMO posts shouldn't ever be deleted in general.

Let me qualify my statement a bit - it is tacit affirmation.

It would only be truly ambiguous not to comment in the first place.
grepman wrote:
I agree that this is bad, however I want to see the receipts first. There is no proof inventory and stash of every private profile can be scanned. I work as a software engineer, and i work with databases among other things. Db calls are expensive. Do you know why procurement takes a while to load stash tabs if you have like 100 ? Because poe limits the amount of api calls you can make to limit db load / avoid ddos. And that's when you're LOGGED in in your own account.

I believe VOC with most of his story besides this tidbit. Simply because you'd need a server farm with computing power to reliably mine bitcoins to scan thousands of peoples inventory in real time with timeout limit on Api calls. And you somehow need to access their stash. crawls forum posts, ie items that people made public and linked to stash. We are talking about a tool that can crawl databases in real time, making calls it should never have access to.

What's the last time a noon received a whisper who knew what the noob just picked up?

Now I'm not saying its impossible. maybe there's a hack on item id in a way that you can access others stash. Maybe there's a way to bypass api limit.maybe these guy have a farm to do these things. I'll need some proof first tho

I've played WoW PvP extensively, and it's fairly well known that people will pay hundreds of real dollars for carries and pilots to the top scammers and botters just to get achievement and ranking titles. They use all kinds of tricks & exploits to win matches, and Blizz either looks the other way on it or indirectly supports it. Because they see those streamers as free advertising/publicity for WoW. Rated PvP in WoW, especially RBG, is a totally corrupt mess.

I've seen all I need to see from Chris and his lackeys. They can't be trusted and are fucking over the vast majority of their player base. Like I said, he'd fit right in at Blizz now.
Last edited by Arthikas on Aug 21, 2015, 4:00:59 AM
Just want to say as a longtime player, i have zero issues with "Mirrorgate". It was intended, people discovered it, people profited. All good.

It does remind me of one glaring issue i do have though: GGG secretly tweaking drop rates of currency, which Chris let out of the bag on a podcast. That is not cool. Let the economy go where it may, without interference.
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glad to know.
I'm participating very little in trading in PoE, therefore, I'm largely not interested in these tricks of trades and to an extent I'm also not affected by these economy shifts. However, I need to trade at times to acquire certain items or sell items to keep currency stream going. Warbands league is a first case where I can not afford to even mid-tier items because they are now all listed in Exalts and nobody is willing to trade in Chaos orbs.

I like the way PoE works from single-player perspective but the overall economic system is not to my liking. I'm more and more inclined to check back on Diablo 3 with its self-centered system without trading. D3 system is much closer to the way I play PoE and while I prefer PoE for its diversity and overall gameplay, if these economy imbalances continue diminish my enjoyment of the game I might try D3 to see if it better caters to my preferences.

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