=|PK|= [EU/USA] Peace Keepers - Closed! [Story]

- Character - ЗверьВаще
- Level - 30
- Where Do You live - Russia
- How Many Hours Do You Spend On PoE - 2 -3 hours a day
4-5 a day.
Last edited by litboy#3289 on Dec 20, 2016, 6:43:05 PM
- Name PandemicEmperor
- Character PriestessOfDamnation
- Level 85
- Where Do You live South Africa
- How Many Hours Do You Spend On PoE aprrox. 20 hours a week
- Name-ZodeRadz
- Character-Raider ranger
- Level-58
- Where Do You live-California
- How Many Hours Do You Spend On PoE- 2-6 hours a day
- Name -jusutin
- Character - REVERSE KNOCKBACK marauder
- Level- 81
- Where Do You live- Finland
- How Many Hours Do You Spend On PoE- 2-8 hours day
- Name: Martin
- Character: IzonoDFreezingOne
- Level: 74
- Where Do You live: Argentina
- How Many Hours Do You Spend On PoE: 2 - 6 depends on the day
Name: Lòrian
- Character: Ifrith_
- Level: 64
- Where Do You live: Norway
- How Many Hours Do You Spend On PoE: 3-7 ish hours daily, currently at college hence the big gap between 3 and 7
Name: 1Jakal1

-Character : MauraderJakal
-level: 89
-Where do you live: Miami, fl , United States
- How many hours do you spend on PoE: I just got back into the game so it depends, maybe 2-5 hours
* Name - Sean

* Character - Valeera_Ashworth

* Level - 71

* Country - Sweden

* How many hours? - Depends on the day, but i'd say that i spend everything from 2-6 hours on PoE every
day. But like i said, it depends on the day.

Last edited by Zingo987#5761 on Sep 6, 2017, 3:54:38 PM

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