2.0.2 Patch Notes

Increased the drop rate of end-game Maps to smoothen the curve into level 74-79 maps.

That's all about maps? Just slight number tweaking? How disappointing.

* unique monsters still can't drop any maps?
* garbage maps like Volcano remain garbage?
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Last edited by morbo#1824 on Aug 19, 2015, 1:37:24 AM
No love for Frost Blades? It does fine damage, but the fact that you need to bring a secondary aoe skill to deal with adjacent monsters is severely limiting.
Last edited by LeftyLucy#3046 on Aug 19, 2015, 1:44:31 AM
Thanks for map improvements, I can finally go back to playing this great game.
tomorrow we will see how you guys improved the map droprates.
Trading still sucks
GGG_Neon wrote:
Version 2.0.2
Fixed a bug where Discharge effects could play twice when repeated.

Does this mean Mjolner will lag slightly less?
Vigilant Strike, Heavy Strike, Viper Strike, Dominating Blow and Infernal Blow now only play their on-hit effects on the main targets when used with Melee Splash.

This is worded a little ambiguously, but I'm assuming that dominating blow can only dominate the main target of your attack? Melee splash already got a big nerf in 2.0, as did dominating blow, viper strike is maybe the worst attack in the game at the moment.

Was this really necessary? I'd love to see some rationale behind this.
"Temporal Chains' slowing effect now applies multiplicatively with Chill's slowing effect. This will result in less of an impact when both are used on the same target."

meh, just meh.

i will see how this turns out on one of my chars, but in theory i don´t like this nerf at all :-(
PatchNotes wrote:
Added 1 new Tempest Suffix: of Incursion - Adds 10 Invasion Bosses.

Very nice! I've wanted to get that feeling back.
Soo lets say you have 6 Charges of every type and use discharge, what exactly is the "dominant" version ?

Im assuming dominant means it plays the effect of the one with the most charges soo if you have an equal amount of charges what happens ?
Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!

Labyrinth salt farm miner.

"But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years.
Increased the drop rate of end-game Maps to smoothen the curve into level 74-79 maps.

Thank you.
Hf :)

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