POE vs Diablo 2 PvP

Namelocking is also different, in diablo 2 each teleport breaks the namelock, so you have to reclick again with another skill in order to keep the chainlock. In a caster vs caster pvp, where players can teleport and cast 3 times in a second, a lot of people frown upon the play style which the player just spams fireball in the general direction of the opponent without namelocking.

(you can also do chainlock with only teleport, it is a little different.)
pretty sure teleport doesn't break namelock, only if you use the teleport to run away from the attaker and u get far away enough
I still have access to some top LLDs in D2, if anyone still plays
Pillowapnts wrote:
I still have access to some top LLDs in D2, if anyone still plays

I wish i didn't let all my epic LLDs rot...
1235 wrote:
pretty sure teleport doesn't break namelock, only if you use the teleport to run away from the attaker and u get far away enough

Ya teleport never broke namelocks. You'd have to be veeeery far off the screen for that to happen, you could even hold a lock from off the screen waiting for the player to get back into your line of sight easily. The best PvP'rs could hold locks infinitely while cycling F key hotkeys back and forth resulting in relentless pressure. Most people were using auto aim or other mods to do this but real PvP'rs did it legitly.

While in PoE there's a lot of ways to break a lock plus most of the best ways to approach have cooldowns. Only select builds can hold a lock and keep chasing effectively.
IGN: MullaXul
How is poe pvp skill/build based when you need to grind forever, rmt or flip to even get close to decent gear ?

This is the hardest pay to win pvp I have ever seen. And calling it more balanced than d2 pvp ever was, is just plain delusional, sorry.

Also for someone who played d2 pvp so much you don't even know the first thing about mana pots which is that you can just let them lay around in Blood Moor and pick 'em up when needed, if you are really under the impression that the belt pots ain't enough. Which I seriously doubt, because even with the smallest belt you get 8 pots. So unless you turtle hard i.e. camping trap assa or hdin, you won't even need those.

Biggest joke is complaining about d2 hacks. I mean the game was released in 2000, that means the netcode is 15 years old. Of course it's not hack proof & of course people will use hacks, especially if they are bad players trying to even out the odds. But there were a lot of gm (good mannered) duel tournaments, pvp communities and ranked leagues, where hacks were never an issue.

Didn't bother to read on. Too much non sense in the first paragraphs already.
Last edited by Unt0uch#7845 on Sep 13, 2015, 9:55:25 AM
Why would I bother to write how people would scatter mana potions outside? Or leech monsters? Or run from Blood moor - Cold plains ++++ during duels? It just makes Diablo2 look more pathetic. Diablo2 was basically the foundation for the current RMT monopoly these games see now a days. Lastly PoE PvP is garbage too, it's just hack free and has a slightly better balance,itemization and build diversity. Plus even in your gm leagues people were often still using nightlight mod, left click mind blast and other minor yet game changing mods.

You sound like a scrub anyways.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Sep 13, 2015, 11:32:33 AM
pub duels with no rules were retarded when you hada scripts that namelock from offscreen and tp out when you're about to die or you used so much resist/absorb that you were immune to your opponent's damage

but on the european server there were "leagues" made by the players, euro-pvp, duelliga aow-pvp were the main ones, they were super fun and there was lot of room for skill in some matchups, the massive dsync actually made those duels so great, the only downside was when someone did nothing but run away, in some matchups you simply couldn't lose if all u did was run and they were pretty pathetic even though there was a lot of strategy there but it was just SUPER boring and any retard could do it

you had quite a lot of builds and although some match-ups were very one sided most were reasonably close to 50:50

i haven't seen any game that had anything like that, poe pvp is very different, no teleport, no dsync, huge regen, lots of camping followed by a slugfest
Last edited by 1235#4407 on Sep 13, 2015, 6:55:44 PM
Did Blizzard ever make any PvP balance changes in D2 aside from making a few adjustments to the PvP damage formula?
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
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