Life Leech

All Leech was reduced. What else is new.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Aug 11, 2015, 6:50:53 AM
I was poking around and found that coc builds were replacing life leech with warlords mark because its the same think for them only they get endurance charges now. '_'
"ran out of high teir maps to leave on the ground - people kept taking the higher teirs" - Da Pagionator
Should also leech es, or just make es leech gem instead.
If you want it to Leech ES, get Ghost Reaver - that's what it's for.
Vipermagi wrote:
If you want it to Leech ES, get Ghost Reaver - that's what it's for.

and walk across the whole skill tree, right... es users also should enjoy leech without extra skill tree rekts
No, they shouldn't.
(see how easy it is to make comments without any arguments)

Life is not ES, despite modern-day similarities. If you want to work with ES, traveling to the ES part of the tree is entirely reasonable. You could also use Essentia Sanguis, btw.
Can this gem also Leech ES without going ghost river? kind of unfair
Last edited by 6439759#1934 on May 3, 2016, 8:00:53 AM
i dont know if this is the right place to suggest about life leech gem.

what i think is that life leech gem should have a max life per sec to max life leech rate effects rather than inc life leech rate per sec.

Needs to have a more damage multiplier to be a viable gem. Energy leech got it but for some reason this gem was forgotten.
Please add this gem to do more damage and/or more damage when leeching like you did the Energy Leech Support to align the benefit with other often used support gems.
I never ever used this one in the current state and probably will not.
My builds:
3.8 75/75 block 7.5k HP Zombie/Skeleton build:

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