Mulla teaches PvP: Everything you need to know
This is a compiled list of scenarios you will face in PvP be it LLD or HLD and how to deal with them. Afterwards I'll outline a cost effective build, why it's viable, a sample tree and gear you should look for. There's a lot of shit here, It's all stuff I've found out on my own and used successfully. Also note, PvP is a joke in this game. It should only be done casually for many reasons. Including but not limited to troll builds that draw matches, poor balance between crit / RT and sheer stupidity like screen freezing discharge builds. The list can go on and on but you'll figure it out on your own. PvP is hardly about player skill in this game but the stuff listed below will help you along. So if I missed something you may know just add it into comments.
Diablo vs PoE Moving, yes you can!:
So basically people don't like to move around here. They prefer to act as if 1 end of their weapon is lodged in the ground and the other end is stuck up their ass so they can't move. Instead they are forced to stand there getting beat on by everything, in turn making it seem broken and PvP suck yet again.
Ways to move: - Mouse.....ya you have one of these and it moves you. - Lightning warp with supports such as, reduced duration,faster cast speed. Having movement speed on your gear or quick silver flasks also accelerates it so keep that in mind. - Leap slam, doesn't account for your base weapon speed. So is scaled off of % increases to attack speed in general. You can read about how this skill works here - Whirling blades, very fast movement skill that you can read more about here - Blink/Mirror arrows, 2 really good on hand bow movement skills you can use in conjunction with offhand ones i.e Leap slam,Whirling blades. They create confusion, deal minor damage and break name locks. - Smoke mines, increases your movement speed + blinds targets within its smoke cloud. Can quickly move you around the screen and create confusion. So don't stand there, you have ways to move and moving reduces damage you receive. It renders all melee attacks less effective. Allows you to move in other directions and not always toward an on coming attack. You can actually avoid it by moving....again reducing damage received. Check it out, its really a cool concept. Also with the removal of close range shotgun damage mechanics (attacks were buffed to compensate, making them effective far away and close range now) you have even more incentive to move. Chaos resists and YOU:
Chaos resists in PvP. The dreaded destroyer of PvM'ers that want to PvP. They show up with -60 Chaos, get beaten by some of the most trivial things i.e Viper Strike, Poison Arrow. Then bitch and moan that PvP is broken and it's the PvP'ers fault he/she was using Chaos damage to begin with.
Ways to obtain Chaos resists: You start with -60, you only need 60% to break even at 0 and not take 60% MORE damage per hit. It's really that simple, another 30-60% and you're now a bad ass weeeeeeeee. To top it off Chaos damage is calculated by the same formula physical damage has a stricter algorithm that makes it weaker then traditional elemental damage in PvP. - Ming's heart ring, you shouldn't need 2 of these. For most melee,bow,physical damage caster/trapper builds it benefits you 2 maybe even 3 fold with added damage, Chaos resists and if the opponent has also neglected Chaos resists you're now beating him easier and watching him cry about it. For the minor cost of 15% hp/es you're now surviving Chaos damage you otherwise wouldn't be. way? Yes way, 1 Ming's gives at worst 53% Chaos lose 15% of your hp/es but are now taking 53% less damage from the source. The ring is affordable and can actually max at 63% putting you 3% positive. - Atziri's flask, same as above but benefits elemental builds too with 0 drawbacks. While giving you 35% Chaos resists and leech as a bonus. - Amethyst flasks, a better alternative to Atizi's in my opinion because you can roll helpful mods onto them. Mods such as anti curse, anti bleed, anti shock, anti ignite, increased charges. They give 35% Chaos resists with a default 2 uses. These are a really good choice for non hp based builds because you should easily be able to fit at least 1 of these into your belt along with an assortment of other helpful flasks. If you need mana flasks, you probably fucked up your build in the first place...just saying. - On your items, you can get this on just a few pieces pretty cheaply. Depending on your build Devoto's devotion and other uniques have tons of it plus other beneficial mods. Rare pieces can be had cheaply on Poe.trades with 25+++++ Chaos resists along with again...other useful mods. There is a ring called the Amethyst ring that gets 13% implicit and any mods you want after that. It can be had on any piece of gear including your fucken way! - The passive tree, yep there's some here too and it's in arms reach for a lot of builds. If it isn't jewels can be crafted with it on them, I've seen up to 13% Chaos resist. Those same jewels can have 3 other mods on them!!!! No fuuuuuuuuuuuuucken way!!!!!!!!!!!! - Chaos Inoculation, completely makes you immune to Chaos damage. Plus has amazing synergy with build enabling uniques,jewels,key stones and support gems. Traps/Mines (all)
-Rain of arrows- Rain of arrows either as your main attack or offhand with a super affordable 1-4linked Quill Rain. This will kill all traps after their immunity expires fairly low maintenance approach here. To further add synergy and a more visual cue, it helps to have Herald of Ash or Ice. You can even go further here and 5-6link the bow with curse on hit and your curse of choice as well as aoe increases.
-Arc- Auto targets, equally low maintenance and can be effective in a simple 1 socket anywhere on your character. Cast speed could be an issue for non caster builds, thus the suggestion to use Quill above. Less synergy then Rain of Arrows + Quill as well but as stated above, 1 socket can be effective enough on a caster build. -Movement skills- Leap with a large aoe radius is an option, though not as good as either of the above unless you're sporting Herald of Ash and aiming to overkill the trap layer with it. Cyclone with big radius boosts same as the above and also loses to Bear traps, so its not the best option. Whirling blades is a fast, effective and basically immune to Bear trap option that shouldn't be overlooked plus can overkill with Herald. -Firestorm/Whispering ice - Basically spell variants of Rain of arrows that can clear traps/mines while still being your main skill. -Your own traps - Least effective approach imo but it can be done. There are more ways around this but the above are the most effective. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explosive arrow:
-Staying away from walls is key.
-Knowing that penetration gems have you capped south of 40% max resistance, meaning you do not need to over gear for 300+ resists. You should consider covering Flammability + Elemental Weakness and/or Elemental Equilibrium while still having at least 35-40% resists left. Realistically you should have warding flasks to mitigate a lot of the curse harassment but that's not always the case. If you don't know how Elemental Equilibrium works, search the wiki and account accordingly vs Fire resists. Simple math here and you will be fine, just don't go in unprepared. -You can get them away from walls by using: Spectral throw Explosive arrow yourself Frost blades Poison arrow Other ranged attacks/spells So don't ignore this option, its invaluable to be able to do this periodically. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poison Arrow:
- Make sure you are moving, stand in clouds as little as possible.
- Have positive Chaos resistance, do not go into PvP with -60 or 0 Chaos resists expecting to go far. Many match ups are using pocket Chaos conversions and/or Poison arrow. Ming's heart,Atziri's flask, Apeps rage and added Chaos are all things people use knowing Chaos is often neglected by those that aren't educated. - Life or ES regen, pretty important here and self explanatory. With the addition of Fragile Bloom jewels, Vitality aura,Zealots Oath and the option to still get Shavronne's Ring...there is no excuse to not have at least some. - Chaos Inoculation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Molten shell:
- Only triggers on physical based attacks. So look at all of your elemental based attacks + conversion supports/keystones here. There are many ways to have a strong main attack half physical half elemental then convert to full elemental. Or be fully elemental from the get go, totally nullifying this option.
- Range, you can out range it in most cases. - Stall, It does have a duration and requires recasting but does damage instantly on recast. So if this is your approach, be sure to at least chill+temporal chains your opponent slowing them down significantly leaving you time to capitalize. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyclone:
- Move, don't just stand there with your head up your ass. This skill does significantly less damage versus a moving target. It's laughable how bad it is when you are constantly chasing somebody. The damage of Cyclone is very weak per hit and only kills when you can land enough hits in a sequence versus a non moving or barely moving target. It also completely sucks balls when someone stands in a corner.
- Puncture/Bleed, accelerated heavily while moving i.e Cycloning. - Bear traps, can completely stop this skill in its tracks if not destroyed and remove the option to Cyclone for a set duration leaving the Cycloner without a main skill. - Chill/Chilled ground, slows the speed and movement...pretty self explanatory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crit Melee/Bow:
- Block/acrobatics/ondar's guile (don't take ondar's if you want to evade melee)
- Blind - Smoke mine, or any form of creating smoke clouds i.e unique quiver or gloves. - Enfeeble - Evasion and to a lesser extent crit reduction node,fortify,belt of the deceiver. Note: Applying any of these can be really fun because often times you're dead in 1-2 quick hits before you get the chance. So just understand how stupid crit is before you start thinking your character sucks or you need better gear, because it won't change anything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crit Caster:
- Spell block,phase acrobatics
- Enfeeble and to a lesser extent crit reduction node,fortify,belt of the deceiver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stun:
- Eye of Chayula is a no brainer for CI/Es builds. If this is a problem for you, this amulet though sucky at first glance can not be overlooked compared to a rare or other unique one. Even if you're giving up ES,damage,crit,cast're still not getting stunned and not getting perma stunned means you're still alive.
- Unwavering Stance, leaves you vulnerable to crit melee/bow because you can't evade attacks. It's a bad option imo and should only be taken if you're a blocker or have acrobatics as another layer of defense. - Heart of the Oak keystone, godlike...take it if you can. - Stun recovery, an overlooked stat on gear that people should start using. Think of it like a less effective faster hit recovery stat in Diablo2. - Leo can craft up to 35% avoidance to your helmet. - Stun recovery on flasks. - Kaom's roots, see Unwavering stance. - Cast on stun support set up to push people away from you amongst other things. - Stun recovery and Stun avoidance while casting passives. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bleed:
- of Staunching flasks
- Lightning warp does not accelerate bleed - Not moving when bleeding. - Not getting hit in the first place i.e block/dodge/evasion. - Regen, effective vs weaker non crit bleeds. - New Bloodgrip amulet, this amulet will allow you to freely move versus bleed users. You will no longer take accelerated bleed out damage and that is huge. The other stats are also very good for physical hp based melee or bow. It could be an item you'll never take off because its just that good. There isn't too much to note here, its a very strong ability. Even if its not outright killing you its taxing on your flasks and hinders your movement. Very abuse-able status effect you'll run into a lot. So keep appropriate flasks on hand or already in your belt. If you're Cyclone, consider a different skill. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chill/Freeze:
- Flasks that remove this, preferably Quicksilver because it has the longest duration and doesn't stop working til that duration is met.
- Dream fragment, decent option regardless of your build but is best suited for those that use mana because at least it has more benefits then. - Alpha's Howl, more of a melee/ranged option given it doesn't consume your ring slots. - New Mutewind Whispersteps, not readily available for everyone but these boots will become a staple in PvP. Also boots crafted with the unique warbands only mod "cannot be frozen". - Hrimmor's helmet - Avoidance passives on the EAST side of the tree. Yep they are only there...all the way over there. Where all the evasion, crit is and acrobatics...zzz. What can I say its the best side of the entire tree for hp based builds in PvP. I'm not mentioning Wanderlust because it has no place in HLD. It's a valid option for LLD though. Ice tomb is also a crap option versus chill but if you're really getting destroyed by it and you're 1h/shield or dual wield or ranged give it a try. Chill is just constantly abused in PvP via trigger gems, Arctic Armor and other sources. It's a crippling effect slowing you down 30%, it's just one of those things you need to expect 100% of the time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curses:
- Warding flasks
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flasks:
- Depending on your build and match up these will vary a lot. Health flasks only provide effects like "warding" while active, i.e if you're healing. If you are full life and use one it will dispel the curse but won't keep you immune to it. Unlike other flasks which will provide you a buff for their entire duration. This can be elaborated on a bit by comparing ES builds vs HP builds, crit vs non crit yada yada but I won't go into it.
Some things to consider though, if you're crit based "surgeons" mod is ridiculous and gives you a huge edge, It's a no brainer to take on all your flasks. While on the other end of the spectrum you have "avengers" mod which is situational and can be good or bad. If you're facing someone using crit,'s helpful. If you aren't its now 100% useless and you can't swap flasks out in favor of better ones because they'll start dry and you're now without flasks. For health flasks the "panicked" mod is your goal because of how much crit spike damage you'll take it's almost mandatory. The off chance you don't die 1shot you can at least instantly heal most of your life back. So try to find a nice balance so you're semi prepared for all situations. With that said, the flask system is one of the crappiest aspects of PvP because so much depends on it. It starts with management but ends with how fast you can kill someone before you're perma bleeding, perma cursed, perma chilled. Ultimately you're going to reach this point and if the other player is whoring dual curses, huge crit damage, chills,'ll see it. Ways to replenish flask charges while PvPing: - Poacher's mark curse - Magnate belt - Killing minions (totems etc.) / players - Taking crit's with Avenger mod - Dealing crit's with Surgeon mod - Stalling rounds ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block/Dodge:
- Sword specific passives
- Master crafting block penetration - Block and dodge reduction support gem - Bear trap/Poison Arrow/Explosive arrow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tempest shield/Aegis/Anvil:
- Harder hitting, slower attacks augmented by the above options to penetrate block are your best options here. Or the lower line that completely ignores block but the initial fuse of EA can be blocked/trigger Tempest.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minions + Minion Instability:
- Abyssal cry
- Herald of ash/ice - Any ranged skill - Chill+Temporal chains then pulling summons away from the summoner so they are exposed. - Anything with great aoe/splash that you can use without getting near the minions. - Once you've exposed the summoner, namelock them and down them as fast as possible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Punishing movement:
- Puncture / Puncture + Vulnerability
- Temporal chains - Cwdt Flame dash (will instantly teleport you on top of the target) - Chill - Bear traps - Knock back - Frost walls - Stun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other things to note, Frost wall is effective against non piercing projectiles and melee, even with a cool down don't ignore it. Some melee skills will pass through it i.e Cyclone/Flicker strike. Use your surroundings, there is shit all over the arena for a reason. Totems, Devouring and Rejuvenation totems are effective in the arena. If killed they do grant flask charges to the other player just like any other minion so keep that in mind. Also don't stand too close because if your opponent is using Herald of Ash it will ignite you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a cost effective build to give someone an idea what to shoot for. You do not need mirrored/legacy gear to compete in this game. Obviously the better your gear the better your odds but there are several tiers of gear in high level that can be made viable, you don't need to just look at the top end expecting to spend 1000's of exalts outfitting a character. You can be just as competitive with a good tree, good understanding of the game and item synergy for 10x less. Plus in APRGS's some builds just simply counter others. Though lets not overlook the fact top tier/legacy/mirrored gear edges out current available gear significantly and can carry bad PvP'rs further then they'd normally manage to go. Lioneye's glare crit bow build - Less then 50Exalts to make
-This build is immune to blind, nullifies evasion.
-Has high attacks per second, lots of skill utility and options. -Easy acrobatics and optional status avoidance passives -Ranged so it is immune to many of the things in PvP that will cause people issues i.e trigger gems/molten shell. -Naturally has options to clear traps and control space + abuse flask meta. -Lots of life (7k++++) / moderate regen that can be better with jewels/vitality. -Crit wakes up any item and even with Lioneye's low base crit its no exception. The fast aps+cannot be evaded are key elements to why this bow is so effective for its cost. Obviously you have other options the higher up in gear cost you go but this is a very forgiving item choice that removes a lot of guess work and still gets the job done. -Unique perks of Lioneye's let it hang with some of the best gear in the game if your tree and supporting gear is up to the task. Items to aim for: -Lioneye's Glare, new (implicit elemental damage) or old. 6links is preferred and can be hand for under 18Exalts, often times even cheaper. I picked one up the other day with 337DPS for 12Exalts. With proper gear synergy you can get upwards of 40% crit chance with 500%+ crit multiplier,solid base damage output and attack speed. -Kaom's Heart, new. Can be had for as low as 7Exalts at times and for 500life and fire damage you can't beat it. Obvious alternative is legacy Kaom's but if you have that many Exalts you're looking at the wrong build. -Alpha's howl,Rat's nest or a rare helmet with life/tri resists. This is your choice, if you feel you need more attack speed/crit and can sacrifice the life/resists then go for Rat's nest. If you would rather always be immune to freeze and have a chance to avoid chill instead of using flasks/Dream fragment then choose Alpha's. This is entirely up to the match up and other gear you can get. You can also just swap around as needed. -Rare boots with life/resists and 30% movement speed. Other option is Atziri's steps for more dodge and life. If your resists are accounted for then you can consider this option. -Maligaro's gloves or rares with life,resists and option attack speed (master crafted attack speed is very good and cheap). This is again, dependent on your helmet choice and/or boots. Resists/life versus damage. Don't build a glass cannon that has no survivability. -Rare belt, leather or rustic life,resists,flask charges,movement speed(master craft),weapon elemental damage (master craft or already on the belt). You don't need all of those things but any combination can be had rather cheaply on Poe.trades. You can pick up forgotten crafts or solid 4modded finds people are selling then master craft what you're missing for a few Exalts. Same for boots and helmet if you choose to go rare. -Rings, you're aiming for Diamond rings with life and resists naturally. You can master craft flat physical to any ring you can find with solid stats. Again can be had very cheaply and master crafted. -Amulet, you're aiming for life,resists,flat physical damage and crit/crit multiplier here. Base amulet depends on stats you may require. You can grab an amulet with tier 1-2 flat physical (9-12/19-22,11-15/22-26), 60+++ life,30-36% crit multiplier and other mods then master craft crit chance to it for very cheap. Under 5Exalts, I got one for 2. -Quiver, use a rare with base physical,crit,crit chance and life/resists. This bow doesn't have very high crit potential on its own so using a unique isn't the best option here. Drill neck+pierce,Rear guard are only good if you're willing to sacrifice crit for more base damage or survivability...not necessary imo. Again you can find one of these, craft the crit on it or purchase one pretty cheap. Quivers seem to drop all the time and along the way I'm sure you've found some decent ones. -Do not forget Chaos want to be at least in the positive. You can sacrifice a ring slot for Ming's heart and it will provide you a solid damage buff + resists in exchange. It's not a bad option just weigh its value versus your other gear. Sockets and tree: Rain of arrows/Puncture are the skills I'm going to give here. Rain covers a lot of things you'll come across, does solid damage and doesn't have a PvP penalty that I know of. Puncture, bleeds...fucks with people, their flasks and stops most movement + can be augmented by traps/mines. Rain of arrows: 6L Base damage set up: Blood magic, Rain of Arrows, Physical projectile damage, Concentrated effect, Weapon elemental damage or Added fire (WED likely does more damage while auras are on), Block chance reduction/Culling strike swapped depending on match up. 6L Crit based set up: Blood magic, Rain of arrows, Physical projectile, Concentrated, crit chance/crit damage, Block chance reduction/culling. A very low level Slower projectiles is an alternative to Concentrated effect but I wouldn't suggest it. Faster attacks can be used instead of Added fire or instead of Culling in matches where you don't need to penetrate block/dodge. Since you're using Hatred/Herald of ash auras its best to keep Weapon elemental if one was to be swapped. Puncture: 6L Puncture: Blood magic,Puncture, Physical projectile damage, crit damage, crit chance, block reduction/culling (dot can't cull but it adds damage/attack speed and initial arrow can cull) or curse on hit+vulnerability (less favorable option, you can curse in other ways). Use Vulnerability curse when you're in control of the match 100% of the time. Either after you've depleted their flasks or anytime you're not being overwhelmed. Abusing cursing and bleed for even 1 round can quickly drain someones flasks. Your Cwdt set up is there to slow/push people away from you so you can reset the situation. 4L Puncture: Puncture,Physical projectile damage,crit chance or damage + block reduction/culling swap 4L Puncture trap/mine: Puncture,Trap or Mine, crit chance or damage + block reduction. Or Puncture, Trap or Mine, Trap and Mine damage with either 4th link. Just gauge the value of block reduction on the match up in all of your links. Don't use it if it isn't needed, you're only gimping your potential. Other links and useful options: Hatred, Herald of ash are a must use, Vitality, Haste and Enlighten are optional Cast when damage taken, curse of your choice, frost wall/arctic breath, increased duration or enhance. Can be very low level, thus triggering often or higher level triggering less often at the cost of more damage for better returns on your links. The frost wall pushes people of of you and the arctic breath chills the ground slowing them. Other gems you should be using: Enduring cry, it provides a minor life regeneration amongst other things and paired with Immortal call + enhance + increased duration can create a long immunity to physical based damage. Important set up you can read more about anywhere. Mirror or blink arrow for movement and confusion also breaks namelocks if the opponent is namelocking you. Id opt to not use this since weapon swapping to leap is such a better option especially since it leaves you more sockets. Offhand: You can run leap slam or whirling blades if you feel you need more mobility. Bright beak + Prismatic eclipse are basically free items that provide a very fast leap attack. Leap,faster attacks,blood magic Any dagger set up with whirling blades is plenty fast when supported by faster attacks. Whirling blades,faster attacks,blood magic Obviously this isn't everything you can do but it gives you a general understanding of what and why. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A mock up tree for around level 90, just an idea and you'll have to take str/int nodes based on gear you take naturally. This build can be played Ranger,Shadow,Scion. Taking oak,skill,skill from bandits Master of the arena is worth taking for the str and life regen even as ranged. Ranger: This tree can be modified in a few different ways. Leading to more regen, more damage, less life more speed/crit. It's just something tossed together and would work right out of the gate if you wanted it to with minor tweaks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other cost effective (cheap) yet powerful builds are: - Whispering ice (10k + ES pools,high regen, chill/freeze/crit potential, ranged, cheap gear) - Bino's dagger, shield or dual wield hp based with acrobatics(Mirrored daggers are just so overkill its funny, but if you get one you're that much stronger) - Trapper (ignores lots of game mechanics, big damage, lots of options tree and gear wise) - Pure tank with many trigger set ups (mostly troll to just draw matches) still loses to crit. - Explosive arrow / Poison arrow (PA is hard counter-able but can beat most people on the cheap) There's more but that's a few off the top of my head that can do well in any match up. Build's that aren't cheap and do not fair great in every match up but are still viable: - 2h melee (all) - 1h melee (RT) - low life es caster Again there's more but no point getting into it. Also if there's one thing you take away from this gibberish it should be this. Crit is the best choice for PvP because it has many perks and the few weakness's are easily overcome with 1-2 gem swaps or by just 1-2shotting the person trying to reduce your accuracy. 9:10 times they'll be nothing countering you anyways. If you want to PvP, only a select few builds are even remotely competitive as RT. Crit is the answer and its also the problem with almost every balance aspect of PvP. Since this is a thread about getting into PvP, pointing out how Crit can cover even the weakest of players due to huge damage output should be noted. Don't let people bull shit you with "oh my Crit build is a glass cannon". When you're doing this much damage (1-2 shotting people) and are more often then not playing a ranged build it means nothing. GGG has also obviously forgotten how to balance melee range survivability and options properly seen as how casters/bow users are as tanky or tankier with more dps and options while being ranged to boot. Gone are the days of the "squishy" ranged build. If you're familiar with FPS games you have shotguns, generally 1shot kills anywhere on the body but lack range and fire rate...that's the trade off. Well traditionally melee and ranged builds were balanced this way in ARPGs. Not in this one, you're facing shotgun damage from sniper rifle/assault rifle ranges and speeds + they have as much or more survivability then you. So ignore the downplayers and the bull shitters, pick up a bow or spell gem + crit, theory craft a solid tree then outfit the rest of your item slots and profit. If you want to PvP but don't want to work really hard, a Crit build, Explosive arrow or Whispering ice are all very powerful options. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Nov 30, 2015, 4:59:25 PM
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Knowing that penetration gems have you capped south of 40% max resistence, meaning you do not need to over gear for 300+ resists. You should consider covering Flammability + Elemental Weakness and/or Elemental Equilibrium while still having at least 35-40% resists left
Examples Consider a player using a skill with Penetrates 50% Fire Resistance dealing 100 fire damage to an enemy: If the enemy has +0% Fire resistance The enemy's resistance will be treated at 50 lower than it is, which in this case will result in an effective -50% fire resistance. The enemy will take 150 fire damage. If the enemy has +25% Fire resistance This will result in an effective -25% fire resistance. The enemy will take 125 fire damage. The enemy has +150% Fire resistance, but is capped at their maximum fire resistance of 75% This will result in an effective 25% fire resistance. The enemy will take 75 fire damage. The enemy has +150% Fire resistance, but is capped at their maximum fire resistance of 75%. The enemy is cursed with Flammability before being attacked, which causes them to lose 30% Fire Resistance. The enemy first loses 30% resistance, bringing them down to +120% fire resistance. They are still well above their maximum, and their resistance value remains at 75%. The 50% penetration then results in an effective 25% fire resistance. The enemy will take 75 fire damage. The enemy has +10% Fire resistance. The enemy is cursed with Flammability before being attacked, which causes them to lose 30% Fire Resistance. The enemy first loses 30% resistance, bringing them down to -20% fire resistance. The 50% penetration then results in an effective -70% fire resistance. The enemy will take 170 fire damage. So, if u duel with ee+curse or 2x curse EA and u got only 76% fire res, enemy blow u in 1 sec, so i recommend to all be at least at 185% F,C,L res and if u really wanna good elemental def u need to have +-230% all res. Idea of this to have 75% res after 1/2 curse, and only then u lose ur resists to penetration gem, but if u got after curse only 30-40% res pen gem cut u to 0% . 100lvl mele pvp QUIT
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" Example of a very good post right here. Lets educate people, we don't need to share our builds we just need to help eliminate a lot of the ignorance surrounding PvP. So people don't immediately chalk it up as shit and worthless. If after we provide the facts, PvP is still dead and everyone still thinks it is shit....then the handful of us can just keep doing what we've been doing. IGN: MullaXul
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Sure Mulla, i w8ing this thread long time ago and u start it, every good pvper can post here his micro tips for new players , and you know, i am looking a new info all the time. Every time when i am thinking i am "guru" of my 2h build, POE tell me -NO you're still noob-
CONTINUE : About ur lvl- try to go as high as u can in ur lvl, 95+ is good for HLD , lvl = not only a bit hp , its +1 NOD. Whith high lvl u can get core nods and more hp/es, more dmg then low lvl enemy, some builds need to be at highest lvl, and this is normal for POE(dont forget, this game is about lvl grind and item grind, i think GGG forget about this too). U can lose fight only cos target got more stats. About defense stats- u got 2 types of real def stats in POE PVP: 1. HP/ES pool 2. BLOCK/DODGE 3. IN 2.0 we got i think a new strong stat- HP/ES REGEN So armor is nonfactor for pvp(and only niche for Aegis Aurora builds), and evasion too(we talk about HLD)cos of many RT/cant evade weapons. So, if u come from pve and wonder how this enemy crush ur 30k armor, read this pls. About Block Chance reduction gem- if u come to pvp, this gem is mandatore. Read about defense and u understand why. This gem can give u more dmg in fight then every supprot gem.(WHY? Read plz block/dodge poe mechanics) 100lvl mele pvp QUIT Last edited by Jedi_blr#7847 on Aug 4, 2015, 6:18:54 AM
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Playing Against Traps and Mines
When your playing against someone who likes to stack multiple traps like lightning trap, puncture trap, burning arrow trap ect make sure you have a CwDT setup on your character linked to a skill that can destroy multiple traps in 1 shot like arc or cold snap (depends on situation). If you approach a stack of multiple traps and set them off the order of operations is. 1. the first trap will go off and hit you triggering your CwDT gem assuming enough damage was dealt. 2. The skill linked to CwDt will destroy the remaining traps before they have a chance to go off. Enfeeble When you enfeeble a trapper the curse applies to all future and existing traps while active. Meaning any trap dropped before the trapper was cursed will receive the reduction to damage and accuracy. IGN:Dethklok
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762 Old:870532 |
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" Consolidated all 3 threads into this one. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Aug 6, 2015, 12:29:02 PM
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I see you're still playing Mulla - has the PvP improved at all? I've come back and quit quite a few times over the years, still endless queue times?
IGN Nellz
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" Same old same old man. It's something to do along side PvM and the fact we can do it at all is fine. If you have other games/things to do getting on PoE to burn a few maps/duel a few people is enough to pass time enjoyably. -------------------------------------------------- Updated the beginner bow build after seeing someone fumble with it as mana based. It's now a more efficient easier to player blood magic gem build with a new tree. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Aug 13, 2015, 7:19:51 PM
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What is your opinion about Cast on crit, totem and summoner builds? They are great PvE builds, but I heard that they won't do well in PvP.
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CoC is very viable in PvP. It's received quite a few nerfs but it's still pretty good. The biggest nerf would be to shotgun damage (lack of shotgunning all together).
Summoners require too much time to set up and you'll likely be rushed and killed before you reach that point. SrS is the strongest summon option and it's still imo very much a Sarn Arena only build. You want to join Sarn, conjure up as much stuff as you can without being noticed and then try to dominate. In 1v1 arena's its pretty bad, in 3v3's it could add a lot of synergy to a team. Very anti melee but still very suicidal versus anyone else especially Herald users that are ranged. You could get your entire team wiped quickly. Totems are the weakest PvP build imo. On the surface you'd expect them to be pretty good but it just isn't the case. Maybe we just need someone to really make them competitive. IGN: MullaXul
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