Rain of Arrows

The new sound for rain of arrows is really bad
If the animation could be simpler (same way as split arrows is) it would be perfect, the yellow ground makes it difficult to check for auras for inexperienced players
As far i read from this topic and my own experience with the skill, it can't miss,therefor i think it would be very good if the DPS calculation on RoA would have 100% chance to hit.

GGG plz <3
so is the 100% chance to hit a bug?

because i can also confirm that this skill does not miss with 69% chance to hit in the dps sheet
Damn I also want to know. I don't remember where but there is a thread where Mark_GGG says explictly "ROA can and does miss".

But everyone who make some tests ends up with the same conclusion : it never miss.

So I see only 3 options :

- It does not work as intended -> will be fixed -> ROA users will go RT

- There is a hidden mechanic, because for what I know when you fire multiple projectiles (like ROA) the hit and crit chances are rolled ONCE, ALL will hit/crit or not. So it cannot be something like ROA is considered as firing X projectiles and you feel 100% hit as always a portion of the X shoots will hit.

- The third option

Can someone enlighten me ?

Thanks in advance
4phex wrote:
But everyone who make some tests ends up with the same conclusion : it never miss.

I didn't.

4phex wrote:
for what I know when you fire multiple projectiles (like ROA)

Rain of Arrows is a single projectile, and one hit only. So no, that's definitely not what's happening :)
So to be sure that i understand you, when you have ONE gear with some ele-dmg, u never miss your ROA ?
That is the conclusion I drew from my testing, yes.
If I had the resources I'd repeat the test with higher damage values, but alas.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Apr 29, 2013, 11:22:44 AM
Check on page 10 of this thread GGG confirms this skill does miss

Mark_GGG wrote:
sakuranoto wrote:
and the tool tip is wrong its require no accu always hit :)
It does check evasion, like all attacks (other than shield charge). Rain of Arrows can and does miss.
There's a reason I actually went in-game to try this shit out you know. :/

What I saw was Rain of Arrows landing each and every hit once Elemental damage was involved. The King can say RoA's accuracy check works fine for all I care, doesn't change the fact it's not actually functional.
Last edited by Vipermagi on May 6, 2013, 6:03:08 PM
Probably should have added a few more words to my post. I agree from my experience it doesn't miss, just pointing out that GGG says it's intended to miss, while everyone who has used it says it doesn't, meaning it might be a bug. So those of us who build around rain of arrows not missing might get jacked if they ever decide to fix it.

They should just leave it as is since it makes Rain of Arrows actually a good AOE alternative skill compared to LA

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