Caustic Arrow

While I still prefer the name Poison Arrow over Caustic Arrow, it's time you edit the name of this thread ;-)

"Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee"
PoE 2013-2018
Last edited by Wazz72 on Jun 20, 2016, 8:41:41 PM
Buff the DoT Damage -

I am using an occultist -

My Bow and Gems are top quality, creme de la creme -

And I reach only 24k DoT.

Ever since the nerf to Pierces multiplicative bonus, the DoT has taken a huge dip, no matter how GG your items/tree is.

On the flip side, things like Vortex, Burn Damage, and Essence Drain leave CA in the dust. CA with my level of investment should be at 30-40k DoT. Something respectable, not barely working.
I love pie.

look at the dot....this is a joke...they nerf old skills so nobody can play them.
their balance team is just ....oh well
Last edited by nemero on Dec 7, 2016, 8:06:43 AM
Reduced mana gem like it is now, Should be boosted and fixed ASAP.
This gem needs a buff. It got nerfed when Patch 2.1 came out. Now you need to invest more to get less.

This one should be (at least) brought in line with Essence Drain. CA should be a Shaper variable build with top gear (+3 bow, lvl4 empower, high ES/Life pool, fair enough investment compared to other Shaper variable build like Essence Drain).

I know you guys are busy working with a lot rebalance for Patch 3.0, so it's a good time to make this skill great again!

Also, if this skill gets buffed, more CA alternative microtransactions would be sold :)
GGG how about finally fix this gem? Non using it anymore....
Its alright to level and play with if you have access to +1, +2 and +3 bows available to switch as you as you can. That said the damage even with conc is meh and you probably still are going to use essence drain to help with single targets.
Is that correct that running 6L bow with double 5L CA + ED is best setup for mapping , since you would have additional dot for single target?

So 4L Wither Totem
6L Bow for CA / ED

then body armor is not required to be linked?

Or ED on 4L/5L in chest to have max potential of CA?
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
This gem, one of my overall favourite skills in the game since the start, seriously needs at least the 2.1 nerf reverted (-42% damage at level 20) and preferably buffed even more. It's nowhere near as good as it needs to be. Like others said before me, Essence Drain / Contagion provides so much more damage it's not even funny - and nobody seriously says ED is OP, do they?

I also think it should be stronger at lower levels, so it can be used to level efficiently with. Right now it's pretty much unusable until you can get your hands on a +2 bow.

Right now, you need to boost CA to at least level 27 or even 28, to somewhat successfully tackle mid-tier maps. Past tier 10/11 things get really slow, and very dangerous because there's no way to leech. Red maps and other high end stuff? Forget it.

That's just not good enough, not even close.
I generally agree with the sentiment that Caustic Arrow, while a fun skill to use, just doesn't deal enough damage. Not even close.
I love the scoot and shoot play style, and Tentacle Caustic Arrow is one of the best looking effects in the game, but this skill is just horridly bad.

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