Leap Slam

As I said on the previous page:
Mark_GGG wrote:
It is important in some cases to land a specific point. Targeting an action at a location should perform it at that location if at all possible, including moving into range first if necessary. This is intuitive and consistent with how all actions in the game work.
If you specifically want to avoid walking to get into range, and perform the action as best you can from your current location, you can hold shift (or your preferred keybind) which does exactly that for any action.
Mark_GGG wrote:
The DPS of leap slam didn't change, the character screen calculation was corrected so it displays correct DPS.

Previously all attacks calculated attacks per second, and therefore DPS, assuming that the attack took the duration specified by the weapon (which most attacks do).
Leap Slam (and a select few other attacks) instead have their own base attack time, which overrides the one from the weapon - this is now correctly accounted for in the character sheet.

The actual DPS did not change other than the reduction in speed already mentioned in this thread, to my knowledge (although it's possible there was a separate change made to that as well that I'm not aware of, that would almost certainly have been specifically called out in patch notes).
We fixed an issue a while back where the first AoE attack against a group of monsters who hadn't been attacked for some time would synchronise their evasion, due to a quirk of the system that prevents stretchiness for evasion. I can't guarantee that said fix has yet made it to beta, but if it hasn't yet, it'll be in 0.9.13, and is probably responsible for the majority of the reports of leap slam and other multi-target attacks missing all mods together.
Reikobi wrote:
Having a max radius for the leap is perfectly reasonable, but I think that instead of trying to walk closer, it should just assume I want the maximum radius and do the leap, thus preventing the deaths above (and maybe some of the others in this thread).
The base case of clicking to target this (or any other) skill at a location is to say you want to target the skill on that location. If you explicitly don't want to move to get into range to do that, you can hold shift, which does exactly that. But being able to target a leap to go to a specific location is important, and the base case should remain that you leap to the location you target, moving into range to do so if you have to.
Deen1983 wrote:
Mark, can you please tell us the radius of the leap slam area? Is it the same as the sweep area - radius of 20 around the player?
The base radius is 15
EFBBBF wrote:
Prior to 2.0 it was possible to leap further than 70 units while holding shift.
That's not the case. Shift-attack still obeyed (and obeys) the range limit, it just meant you jumped up to the max range from where you were, rather than moving into range where you could jump to the targeted location.
Wiesl_1404 wrote:

Can we please buff the maximum range from Leapslam back up to 70

TreeOfDead wrote:
Wiesl_1404 wrote:

Can we please buff the maximum range from Leapslam back up to 100

I see what you did there.

The answer to the first question is that we (I) totally can, but the descision about whether this should be done isn't up to me.

The answer to the second question is no, because you can't buff something "back up" to nearly 50% better than it's ever been.

Wiesl_1404 wrote:
and make it so when you click it that your character jumps the maximum range in the direction you point your curser without holding shift?

This would be a huge QoL upgrade for the skill and would make it a good movement skill for 2 handed and blunt weapon users again (damage could be lowered if it is to powerfull for a movement skill)
That would ruin it's use in other cases. Leap Slam is still an attack skill, and clicking on an enemy or place is used to indicate you want to attack that enemy or place. You absolutely should walk up to the range you can do that, rather than jumping where you are, landing harmlessly in front of what you were trying to hit, and then being attacked by it.

This is literally the reason the "shift" functionality exists in these games, so that people using it to actually target things can, and people who just want to jump in a direction can. You're asking us to force everyone to use the skill the way you want to, so you don't have to use a modifier key that allows people to chose what they're doing.

Not all PoE players are spending all their time in high-level maps and caring about the extremes of speed. The feel of the skill to the new player who clicks "Leap Slam" on a goatman shaman and expects to land on it and bash it's skull in instead of in front of it in range of it's shock nova is also important.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Feb 2, 2016, 6:12:39 PM
Commoble wrote:
Please don't make Flame Dash and Leap Slam target the point at maximum range when targeted out of range, as asked in this reddit thread. Keep it as-is, so the player walks forward and then jumps to the targeted point.

I mostly use Flame Dash and Leap Slam to jump to specific points. If I cast out of range, I don't want to jump to the next-best point; I want to jump to that exact point, even if I have to walk a bit to do it.

The functionality asked for in that reddit thread already exists; the player can do it by holding shift, currently giving Flame Dash and Leap Slam two functions (warp to exact point, and warp to furthest point in range). Making them work that way all the time will reduce them to having one function, removing the one that I mainly use them for.
We're well aware that we have a subset of players who want the standard, non-shift behaviour, as well as subset of players who want to always have the shift attack behaviour but don't want to use the key. I'm hopeful that we can eventually have a solution that satisfies both groups, without removing basic, useful functionality from such skills.

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