Freezing Pulse

I understand that FP fades and does less & lesser damage as it gets to mid to long range.

Does faster projectile which increase FP's range also technically increase your mid-range damage as it has a longer range.
Can someone tell me, what best support gems I should use for FP skill? I use this skill as my main skill, play in hardcore, and dont require any other magic, so building this skill with support gems will allow me to do the job more quickly.

And other thing, i have FP in 8lvl i think, and still want to try FP with 12+ quality, but with 1lvl. well, i took me some time, to get to 8lvl, but it will be good to have 12quality instead 8lvl with no quality?
FP really shines with LMP. It becomes both a better aoe spell and a better single target damage dealer
This is my main spell but I have a lot of trouble using it in doorways or hitting targets through doorways.

Not sure if this is intended but it's really the only negative to this amazing spell.

I use it in a 5-link with Added Lightning, Faster Casting, Iron Will and LMP.

Make it a little easier to use in doorways.

zeels90 wrote:
This is my main spell but I have a lot of trouble using it in doorways or hitting targets through doorways.

Not sure if this is intended but it's really the only negative to this amazing spell.

I use it in a 5-link with Added Lightning, Faster Casting, Iron Will and LMP.

Make it a little easier to use in doorways.


yeah i noticed the same behaviour. sometimes you aim it straight through a doorway and the projectiles just disappear.

i think this happens because the game thinks i hit a wall, even if only the outer edges of freezing pulse barely scratched the doorway.

hope this gets fixed.
I love my fp, but totally agree about the door thing. Especially annoying because quite often mobs dont even come after you.

My support gems are LMP, Faster Casting, Life Leech(with CI&Ghost Reaver) & Mana Leech.
I have around 90% faster projectiles from gear.

And i really like the concept and the mechanics of this spell, the way it goes from from full dmg to no dmg over a set amount of time and how that interacts with faster projectiles.
I´d only like to know more details about how excactly it dissipates, i.e. how long does it take before it doesnt do 100% dmg anymore. Right now, theres a lot of guessing involved.

Finally, it would be awesome if Point Blank would work with freezing pulse.
ign: ggtyfutoo
jojo777 wrote:

Finally, it would be awesome if Point Blank would work with freezing pulse.

When shotgunning alone isn't awesome enough anymore.
Point blank is for attacks, so I doubt it will ever work witch spells. FP is over the top as it is anyway.
IGN: Iski
Wondering, why does this skill costs significantly less mana than every other spell in the game(offensive spells). At lvl 50 for example it costs 20% less than Fireball and Spark which would be direct comparison spells I guess(lvl 1 spells, low profile). Yet it outperforms both in terms of damage/coverage due to its properties(piercing projectile, cold damage, higher chance to freeze/chill) and its only downside(range) is compensated with quality. I mean I just don't find how the mana cost can be justified at all on this spell compared to all other spells. Even a 5 base mana difference(in my lvl 50 example) is a huge deal when it's amplified by several multipliers. And that's only comparing to Fireball and Spark, the comparison is ridiculous compared to "aoe" spells like Ice Nova, Arc, Firestorm, EK.

I don't necessarily think it should be nerfed, but the mana cost of other spells need to be looked at I feel. Fireball and Spark should be the same cost as FP at least.
Last edited by PyrosEien on Feb 12, 2013, 2:11:48 PM
i love freezing pulse without it i would have to actually try to play :D
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Mechanics question:

With lesser or greater multiple projectiles, will the projectiles from a single cast hit an enemy at different times, and will that allow the first projectile impact to produce a shock stack on the enemy before the rest of the projectiles hit?

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