
Torinir wrote:
Actually Forked Fireballs do AOE on initial impact AND on forked projectile impact. Small clusters drop fast with forked fireball for just that reason.
that goes against what devs have said about fireball vs specific other skills (like lightning arrow). so... bug or the AoE happened to be large enough from the final hits to also hit the first target.
Double totem, fireball with gmp + chain makes the game LAG incredible. You really need to fix that.
Uhm, so there's no aoe on fireball with initial fork hit but it is on lightning arrow? Is there a good reason for this cuz both do aoe with lightning arrow actually having a much bigger aoe making it even more better.
Also, someone here mentioned it didn't work with chain either, is that true? Cuz that would make no sense...
IGN Hardcore: Muppman
IGN Beyond: TheTrueAuraBitch or BlixtarOchDunder
While LA has a larger AoE, it also has a limit to the amount of targets it can hit.
When a Projectile Pierces, Chains or Forks, it is thematically still the same Projectile. Fireball only explodes when it 'ends'.
Vipermagi wrote:
While LA has a larger AoE, it also has a limit to the amount of targets it can hit.
When a Projectile Pierces, Chains or Forks, it is thematically still the same Projectile. Fireball only explodes when it 'ends'.

The fireball is pretty limited in the amount of targets it can hit as well since the aoe is so small. You basically have to take every increased aoe node+gem there is to hit anything that isn't directly next to the original target and if you do that you probably should be awarded with dealing actual good damage to a pack of mobs. I mean, if you have a decent bow you pretty much 1-shot every normal pack with LA+chain so...
IGN Hardcore: Muppman
IGN Beyond: TheTrueAuraBitch or BlixtarOchDunder
Last edited by keyarchan on Feb 19, 2013, 9:00:43 PM
I feel that's more a problem with Elemental Bow damage than with Fireball, personally.
Renor wrote:
However, fireball can be build pretty effectivly, imagine this:

-Fireball(20% quality to save "chance to ignite")
-Elemental proliferation (insane AOE)
-Firepenetration (makes "critical weakness" the better choice over flamability giving insane damage potential)
-increased critchance (for more ignite chance)
-added lighting damage (for shockstacks)
-concentrated effect (assuming that it works only with fireball AOE but not EP aoe)

+Searing touch with 6 links and critbuild

I've always thought about something like this. Fireball's damage seems to be pretty low in comparison to other spells but it does have the ignite chance and the explosion on impact. Concentrated Effect would make the explosion a fuckton better and Elemental Proliferation would eliminate the need to invest in AoE nodes.

On another note, something like this could work for Taryn's Shiver + Rime Gaze and Arctic Breath, since AB seems to be the cold equivalent of Fireball.

Cloak of Flames wouldn't be too bad of an option for melee mobs. Sure, the base stats are low, but you're effectively getting 20% damage reduction against melee and with 75% fire res or higher, it seems like it'd negate a lot more damage than just pure armor

I'm interested to see how far you've gone with that idea and what your damage output is like.
If you're reading this, I'm probably on another year-long ban.
Thanks GGG.
So I just noticed that linking concentrated effects with my fireball gem doesnt change the tooltip DPS at all.... It does work with fireball, right?
IGN: Iolar
BRavich wrote:
So I just noticed that linking concentrated effects with my fireball gem doesnt change the tooltip DPS at all.... It does work with fireball, right?

The tooltip is the single target dmg, which is used in some particular conditions(like if it pierces/fork/chain). Once the fireball explodes into an aoe, all appropriate aoe modifiers are applied to it. So yes it works, when the fireball is doing aoe damage, which is when it doesn't have a pierce/fork/chain property currently, meaning for example if it already has forked then the 2 forked fireballs will explode in aoes and benefit from conc effect.
Hrm. So does the extra damage only benefit the secondary targets hit by AoE, or does the initial target take the bonus damage as well?
IGN: Iolar

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