Enduring Cry

GGG, plz reade, i have 2 important points.

1) Bug? If you do enduring cry while walking, its not procced, but it goes on cd, as if you had made an enduring cry.

I dont know if thats a bug or wanted by the devs, in both cases: plz remove this bug. Its annyoing and unnecessary.

2) I can only repeat other ppl, increase duration of charges. I understand you GGG, dont want it to be a buff for like 3 minutes, that would be pointless, but hey. 10-12 seconds are just WAY TOO LOW, I think 30 seconds would be a good duration. With 30 seconds, charges wouldn expire every time you are running to find the next mob (-.-).

Its such an easy change, ti increase the duration of the charges, but no, better implement stuff like light radius.

You guys, ggg have to do that duration buff so or so, you cant keep it at these stupid 10 seconds forever, so you could do it very close in next time!!!..
Last edited by byrrrrr on Apr 25, 2013, 2:30:51 PM
byrrrrr wrote:

2) I can only repeat other ppl, increase duration of charges.

going to add my name to the list. As already suggested a couple of times, the charges could also expire one at a time. I.e. after 10s you lose one, instead of all.
"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map"
Last edited by qwertz on May 15, 2013, 8:01:48 AM
byrrrrr wrote:
With 30 seconds, charges wouldn expire every time you are running to find the next mob
Charges are explicitly supposed to expire while moving form one pack to another. It's fairly fundamental to their design that they're supposed to be something you build up in a fight and use for that fight, but can't take with you to the next fight without significant build investment in doing so.
Mark_GGG wrote:
byrrrrr wrote:
With 30 seconds, charges wouldn expire every time you are running to find the next mob
Charges are explicitly supposed to expire while moving form one pack to another. It's fairly fundamental to their design that they're supposed to be something you build up in a fight and use for that fight, but can't take with you to the next fight without significant build investment in doing so.

I think this post clearly emphasizes why posting in this section is a waste of time. But in case you want to prove me wrong let me summarize what the majoroty of people don't like about this skill.

1. Endurance charges are completely mandatory for anyone who doesn't have 30 exalts worth of gear and wants to survive in melee

2. Building endurance charges is annoying. Frenzy charges can be built through Frenzy skill (LMB attack) or Blood Rage (duration refreshes on kill). Power charges can be acquired via Power Syphon (LMB) or PCoC (passive support on main skill) or Voll's Protector (passive). Endurance charges requires boring repetitive click every 10 seconds.

This doesn't require skill. It doesnt require thinking. It's mandatory and repetitive. It screams of poor design.

If by any chance you revise defense enough for people to get buy without Endurance this skill will disappear into obscurity because it adds no fun to the game, only chore.

I dare you to prove me wrong.
Last edited by azmodael on May 16, 2013, 7:06:40 AM
you forgot warlord's mark can give endurance charges on kill (among other benefits) for slightly expensive cost.
soul4hdwn wrote:
you forgot warlord's mark can give endurance charges on kill (among other benefits) for slightly expensive cost.

This. I run a 13% quality Warlord's on my melee, and I'm usually not short on charges w/ a 50% charge on kill chance.
IGN = Dellusions_Duelist
Make endurance charges flash or blink, pulse 3 seconds before they expire. This way you don't have to look away from your char if you think about recasting it.
azmodael wrote:
1. Endurance charges are completely mandatory for anyone who doesn't have 30 exalts worth of gear and wants to survive in melee
This part is the problem (as is a lack of things to use endurance charges on at the moment). The gameplay of building up and using charges is not appealing to everyone, and thus charges are not intended to be mandatory. Work is ongoing on balancing defences, but I can't comment on specifics as I'm not directly involved in that.

azmodael wrote:
If by any chance you revise defense enough for people to get buy without Endurance this skill will disappear into obscurity because it adds no fun to the game, only chore.
Some people find that kind of play fun, others don't - that's whyt charges are not meant to be mandatory. the fix is therefore to make them not, not to change them into something completely different such that they no longer server the purpose they were intended for.
I have been tanking with my GS-Templar for some time now, and I have to say that it is not that difficult to keep your charges up by only using Enduring Cry. I took one 18%-duration-node because it was conveniently located on my way to increased attack speed and life regen.

There are only 2 things to keep in mind while using Enduring cry:

1. Cast it repeatedly. Whenever I meet a group of mobs, I cast Enduring Cry, then my 2 curses. Before dispatching of a mob completely, I recast Enduring cry again. This makes sure you have about 9 seconds left to get to the next mob, wich should not prove difficult if you follow the next tip.

2. s=v*t (distance traveled equals charge-time times velocity of your toon)
If you get the feeling the way to the next mob is too long for your Endurance-charge timer, and you did get both Duration nodes, then make sure you increase your travel-speed. There are three ways to do that:
a) remove movement-penalty by speccing into the "Leather and Steel"-notable located in the very attractive Duelist starting area.
b) get fast boots. Speaking of 25% to 30% faster movement mod.
c) get a xx Quicksilver flask of Adrenaline. This adds a tremendous amount of movement to your toon. Use that flask when needed.

I needed some time to get used to the frequent recasting of enduring cry, but once you get used to it, it really pays off!
Last edited by Harpel on May 21, 2013, 9:48:45 AM
Enduring cry takes no time to cast and gives a huge boost to survivabilty.

The new unique has chance to grant endurance charge on block which is really cool. But since enduring cry is so ridiculously strong (o.1 sec to cast and no down side) the stat is pretty much worthless.

Enduring cry is in a very weird spot right now, where it only takes 1 gem slot and is super stong, effectively making all other ways of gaining endurance charges worthless.

My $0.02
Boulder bros

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