Dominating Blow

Never mind, I'm a moron. A color blind moron.
I've been doing a bit of theory crafting around dominating blow and have a couple of questions? I'm without Internet at home for the next month so I can't check myself.

1 - if you kill a blinded enemy with db will you're minion be blinded throughout their duration?

2 - would db linked with cast on death cast a linked spell when you're minions die?

3 - could you link db to cast on crit and get your minions to cast a linked spell with their crits? Do they crit often?

Thanks in advance
If no one has answered by the time I start playing again I'll test and let you know.
Going to try to answer a few questions that were asked here:

I am running a cold/summoner witch with a skelly totem and an Ice spear totem my question is this, if I were to link dominating blow onto my skelly totem would the skellys then use the skill dominating blow


Sorry if this has been asked but I couldn't see it anywhere in the thread.
If you DB a carrion queen will the little minions it spawns be buffed by any support gems linked to DB?

No, because they are not dominated. Intrestingly enough, they are normal minions, but forever on your side. They have no duration, no buffs from your support gems, and no buffs from minion passives/gear. They are literally normal monsters working for you. That said, they follow the queen that birthed them, not you, so when the queen dies, they will stay where the corpse is.

all in all an intresting quirk, but not really useful.

Will dominated mobs cast spells if Dominating Blow is linked with Cast on Crit and a spell?

No, see below.

Do dominated mobs with auras have their auras buffed by my Increased Effect of Aura passives?

No. They are not your auras. Inner force and other buff effect nodes will however increase the effect the auras have ON YOU.

The tool-tip has a bug where it applies the "More Minion Damage" to your damage read-out.

Actually, it is the other way around. The tooltip is correct. The "more minion damage" Dominating blow gives also applies to the dominating blow attack itself. The gem just fails to state that correctly.

I've been doing a bit of theory crafting around dominating blow and have a couple of questions? I'm without Internet at home for the next month so I can't check myself.

1 - if you kill a blinded enemy with db will you're minion be blinded throughout their duration?

2 - would db linked with cast on death cast a linked spell when you're minions die?

3 - could you link db to cast on crit and get your minions to cast a linked spell with their crits? Do they crit often?

Thanks in advance
If no one has answered by the time I start playing again I'll test and let you know.

1. It will be blind only for the normal blind duration.

2. No.

3. Also no. Trigger gems were disabled on minions as of the last patch. They may have worked that way before the last patch, but not now.

I hope that all helped.
Last edited by BrownKnight on Jan 22, 2014, 9:12:37 AM
Thanks for the answers Brown Knight
They are mostly what I expected but I thought the minions would be permanently blinded, I'm happy to be wrong and now I just need a BoR
So is dominating blow ruined now in 1.06 with the duration nerf or no?
IGN: TapYourIt
So is dominating blow ruined now in 1.06 with the duration nerf or no?
its still extremely long duration at high levels of both gems. don't forget your passives too and quality.
Do skill effect duration OR/AND buff duration nodes (gem) affect the duration of the debuff applied by DB hitting that converts mob on death?

I was thinking of the duration-based build where 2 totems spam raging spirits and you "tap" mobs to be converted when spirits/zombos/specters kill em. Theoretically that couls be 210% incr duration with chaber.

And yeah, 0.5 sec base time is way too short, 1-1.5 secs would be great
Lichalfred wrote:
Do skill effect duration OR/AND buff duration nodes (gem) affect the duration of the debuff applied by DB hitting that converts mob on death?

I was thinking of the duration-based build where 2 totems spam raging spirits and you "tap" mobs to be converted when spirits/zombos/specters kill em. Theoretically that couls be 210% incr duration with chaber.

And yeah, 0.5 sec base time is way too short, 1-1.5 secs would be great
last i checked, yes but don't hold that to me.

and no, dominating blow lasts minimum of 14 seconds. i believe you are referring to the secondary effect such as from power siphon or infernal blow, same deal but there's no actual duration, more like a forgiveness period.
The "I will be Converted on death" 'debuff' duration is entirely fixed.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Feb 7, 2014, 8:32:57 AM
Can spectres (such as undying evangelists) use dominating blow to convert monsters to minions?
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