Detonate Dead

Sorry for the triple post, but I have some feedback.

Level 41 with my DD character at the moment. Only thing I really have to worry about is my 1v1 skill to start the chain.

I almost have every single AoE passive, quite a bit of Fire passives/Ele Passives, and I'm really enjoying it. So far, by blowing up a white mob, I can deal 50% (Or so) of the blown up mobs HP. At the moment, I have DD linked with Increase AoE & Fire Penetration. Can't wait for a 6L ;)

I was originally going to level this skill up to max so I could use the Added Fire + Hatred combo while going Eldritch Battery. But the physical scaling of this skill is horrendous. I may level it to max anyway EVENTUALLY, even if the physical portion is low. (Every little bit helps)

This is my first character that doesnt rely on spamming one skill; Im constantly moving, changing tactics. The gameplay is very fun, I am really enjoying this skill.


Im planning on saving up all my currency so I can buy that new AoE Unique Chest. Gaah, it'd be so sweet with my build.

Consider remote mine. It will drastically increase the damage, and you can lay a mine before you kill the first mob.

On another note, can anyone tell me what the radius of this skill is?
IGN: Iolar
BRavich wrote:
Consider remote mine. It will drastically increase the damage, and you can lay a mine before you kill the first mob.

On another note, can anyone tell me what the radius of this skill is?
16 for detonate dead (infernal blow's version is 15 radius) if i remember reading semi recent dev posts (just before open beta, and nothing changed to the skills).
will hatred + cold to fire boost the damage of this skill? or its better to use added fire instead?
IGN: flaxburn
crunchz87 wrote:
will hatred + cold to fire boost the damage of this skill? or its better to use added fire instead?
just focus on fire damage, AoE damage, and AoE size. the physical part is too small to use hatred, added fire, and cold to fire.
soul4hdwn wrote:
crunchz87 wrote:
will hatred + cold to fire boost the damage of this skill? or its better to use added fire instead?
just focus on fire damage, AoE damage, and AoE size. the physical part is too small to use hatred, added fire, and cold to fire.

ook i see thanks. but I im currently EK type so i run hatred, just wanna try and mess with DD using searing staff
IGN: flaxburn
in that case, go ahead then. you're already getting a benefit for EK and this will get "some" benefit if but tiny.
soul4hdwn wrote:
in that case, go ahead then. you're already getting a benefit for EK and this will get "some" benefit if but tiny.

yeah thanks anyways, hope they do some buffing on per lvl gained of this gem, pretty crappy atm
IGN: flaxburn
XCodes wrote:
Also, Concentrated Effect is a terrible support for this spell. The AoE matters at least as much as the damage. The goal with this gem is to set off a series of explosions that eventually clears the screen, but that becomes a lot harder to do with Concentrated Effect.

what ? thats makes zero sense

you want

aoe nodes from the tree
fire and elemental dmg nodes

your links
detonate high % castspeed is everything
culling strike the % dmg increases the % life mod
concentrated its a huge dmg amplifier
increase aoe to balance concentrated
chance to ignite
ele prof / burning dmg / firepen teh aoe is huge with all aoe nodes and a 20% increase aoe

i used to play this setup in closed beta in default you can spam it like mad takes ~30 mana in hc on the other hand its so fucking scary one reflect and you are dead the amount of dmg is extreme

goal is to chaindetonate and you can only reach that goal if you have always a corpse and how do you get one need dmg

it makes a big difference if you close to oneshot a mob with detonate or need to spam it 3-4 times

question would be if 2 perfect le heups would affect the life % mod of detonate Join the fun.
SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53
Last edited by ventiman on Apr 27, 2013, 6:12:49 AM
You don't want to use conc effect unless you have a 6L carcass jack. The aoe is too small and you need life leech in there to not die to reflect. You also dont want to use culling strike because it is absolutely useless with detonate dead... There is way better supports than that.
I've been using this lately in a Fire Trap build. Fire Trap is a great skill, but sometimes you all your traps are thrown and you are effectively on cooldown... but normally with at least a few corpses from earlier traps, which is where DD shines. It's amazingly easy to spec both at once -- fire damage, elemental damage, area size and damage, spell critical, and burning damage are all relevant, so the only thing that doesn't apply to both is spell damage. If you're thinking about a DD build and looking for an initiator to get the first course, give Fire Trap some serious thought.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.

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