
ksjav wrote:
The AOE effect of cleave seems to affect creatures that reside on Z levels other than the "caster's", e.g. killed a skeleton archer who was on a platform above the character (shift+attacking), which is, I assume, not intended behavior.
This has been added to the list of issues to fix at some point. Thanks.
That's not a bug, it's how cleave works. Cleave always swings both weapons when you're dual wielding, and thus requires both weapons be weapons that can cleave - daggers can't, so you can't cleave while holding a dagger in either hand.
ongZ wrote:
Hey, I am playing with my dual wielding duelist atm, and I found 2x claws. I am wondering: Why doesn't they work with cleave? It would make sense from a graphical view, as it would be like scratching 2 claws in the face of the enemies.
Claws are not long enough weapons to actually cleave a person.
SerBasterd wrote:
Most of the community seems to feel that Ground Slam is far and away the best melee attack in this game (especially considering that most of the damage you deal in this game will probably be some form of AoE damage). I think Cleave, along with other skills, need to be relatively more competitive.

One of the ways that I think the developers could achieve this is perhaps by increasing the radius of Cleave. I am under the impression that many would like this change.
I believe you're overestimating the number of people who feel this way. Cleave has always been considered a powerful skill as well, and for much for the beta was considered generally superior to ground slam.
From what I've gathered, many people have taken a liking to ground slam from watching Kripp use it, but people are still using and enjoying Cleave, and it's still good at what it does. It has shorter range, but wider spread, making it much better than ground slam when you're surrounded.

Weapon restrictions don't distinguish between regular and thrusting swords. They're all swords. Otherwise thrusting swords would probably not work with Cleave.
No. We do have the capability to have skills distinguish between them, we actively choose not to. The general feeling is that having some things apply to only certain kinds of swords would be confusing, ad many players just think of all of them as 'swords' and don't mentally separate the two groups.
Minor nitpick: Cleave is not melee range.
Cleave's range is longer than melee range by the same amount that ground slam's range is longer than cleave.
JoesGetNDown wrote:
I seem to keep missing some mobs that I should be hitting. I read somewhere from a GGG member, that accuracy and crit is rolled ONE TIME for each aoe attack. Which means if I hit one mob, I should hit all of them (unless they block).
This is true for crit, not for accuracy.
Singakiwi wrote:
Edit: Found out the hard way that the range of Cleave is equal or shorter than the blast radius of Molten Shell. RIP.
Actually, it's not. If you can remember the exact situation I'll look into whether there might have been incr AoE in play or something.
Singakiwi wrote:
Normal, Rocky Climb. I was using a Longsword, no AoE bonuses. Cleaved a Molten-shelled Goatman Shaman from about 2 "squares" away. (I don't have a screenshot, hope you understand).
Sorry, but I have no idea what you consider to be "squares" - it's clearly different from the location measure used internally (in which Cleave's range is 20, and melee range is 4-6).

I have looked into it a bit more, and it turns out Goatmen have 50% increased area of effect on their molten shell, which explains the discrepancy.
Ixar wrote:
When Cleaving while Dual Wielding, I know that you strike with both weapons at once, and that both can hit, both miss, or one can miss and one hits. Does this mean a single Cleave counts as two hits for +life on hit modifiers?
No. Both weapons calculate damage (if they hit), and one hit is applied combining both sets of damage if both hit, same as dual strike. You hit once, but that hit deals both weapon's damage.
Ixar wrote:
Similarly, does this mean +elemental dmg modifiers (like from Wrath or Anger auras) stack twice?
Each weapon will have the added damage, so if both hit, then you'll get that added damage twice in the combined damage.

Ixar wrote:
Is it also correct to assume crits on DW Cleave are calculated twice per swing, or does it work like Double Strike where if the first hit crits, the second hit also crits?
Crits are always rolled once per skill use, for all skills.

Ixar wrote:
Last, Cleave has a physical dmg penalty when Dual Wielding, but this penalty does not apply to +flat elemental damage (such as those gained through auras and equipment). Is this working as intended?
Currently it's intended. This gives Cleave a significant extra bonus for elemental damage when dual wielding.

Ixar wrote:
Is it also correct to assume then that both the physical and elemental portion of converted elemental dmg is penalized while Dual Wielding with Cleave?
Converted damage is always affected by modifiers to either the type converted to or the type converted from.

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