[Races] Lets discuss races and the ideas behind it.

Races are supposed to be fun, and not stressful. I am going to leave an open discussion and not rage or complain about.

What do you guys think about extra damage being in races?
First they initially buffed monster damage and then in the sig race gave the monster 30% extra fire damage and 30% movement speed making it a deadly combo to getting surrounded and perma stunned if you don't move fast enough. Leave your opinion below please.

Hopefully GGG sees this and then make decision on their next season based off what the racing community speaks about.
Tolerancece wrote:
Races are supposed to be fun, and not stressful. I am going to leave an open discussion and not rage or complain about.

What do you guys think about extra damage being in races?
First they initially buffed monster damage and then in the sig race gave the monster 30% extra fire damage and 30% movement speed making it a deadly combo to getting surrounded and perma stunned if you don't move fast enough. Leave your opinion below please.

Hopefully GGG sees this and then make decision on their next season based off what the racing community speaks about.

I Agree With TempoTune, And I Also Must Point Out The Silliness Of Making Coral Rings Not Purchable Until Level Three. Pre-Level-Three Perma Stun And Brutus Are Hardest Part Of The Current Signature Race, Rest Is Faceroll. I Don't Even Wanna Imagine Racing As Melee Who Has To Deal With This Race Using Nerfed Weapons As Well As No Life From Any Piece Of Equipment.
Last edited by janimauk#6808 on Jul 25, 2015, 10:38:58 PM
I enjoy racing too.

Mainly for the thrill of it.
On some classes the first 10 or so levels are just unbearable. The early game in POE has really never quite felt this awful.

But what do you expect, I pointed this out during the beta but the beta was a publicity stunt and most beta testers were part of the GGG fanclub anyway.

"Can't criticise the game man it's still in Beta", 2 months later, game comes out and racing is garb just as expected.

Cause and effect, cause and effect. Tide goes in, tide goes out. cant explain that

im going insane
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Racing is by definition to be as fast as possible, which is considered being stressful. If you don't enjoy it, don't play it.

If you don't stress you won't do good in the race, end of story.
Sorry if I wasn't specific enough but I was mainly talking about the signature race, Emberwake race where you are trying to break a record and one or two rares with retarded mods say Haste + Sub Physical could end your record and possibly your life? and also screw you out on exp? Up until season 10 where they started to buff monsters, I enjoyed the sigs and actually wanted to play them, but now its like "Lets make signature races a thing where records die based on Mob RNG." and I am speaking about certain classes that have problems with that.
all my signature tries ends in the coast
when it's so abrupt I don't even feel that I spared myself the roll of the dice for signature record
SlixSC wrote:
But what do you expect, I pointed this out during the beta but the beta was a publicity stunt and most beta testers were part of the GGG fanclub anyway.

Chris stated in the podcast today that he had 5 people working full time going thru beta feedback.
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unsane wrote:
SlixSC wrote:
But what do you expect, I pointed this out during the beta but the beta was a publicity stunt and most beta testers were part of the GGG fanclub anyway.

Chris stated in the podcast today that he had 5 people working full time going thru beta feedback.

And you believe that?

Who thought making RoA a level 12 gem was a good idea? I want some names.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.

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