
Personally I really do think, this skill should add an % chance to cause bleeding and have it dmg modifier to bleeding enemies slightly reduced to reflect first change.

This way the skill would become a viable support option for phys/poison/bleed builds and not just a gimmick skill that one put on the totem
YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions

Lab still sucks balls.

I miss Zana already.
Trying to make a build around this atm (don't look lol), really tho, char isn't even started.

But as I'm leveling I had a thought.

I know "more" multipliers are multiplicative, but I don't think that's the case if you're using two in the same category.

Both bloodlust & melee physical support provide "more melee physical damage"

So assuming you're already using the melee physical damage support gem which provides a 49% increase

Bloodlust would be additive and only provide a 39.6% effective increase... is that right?
They're both in the category of "Damage", even.

They're also separate multipliers.
I assume this skill is for totem builds where you/the totem inflict the bleed but do little/no damage and the totem/you gets the bonus.Or you know its just so anti meta as to be seen as useless/un-usable.
"Blue warrior shot the food"
Last edited by maxor#5545 on Mar 9, 2017, 9:00:23 PM
please rework this gem for 3.0 im tired of playing rt builds with half or more % elemental damage
I am level 46 at the moment with a Sunder Marauder. Most of the build guides I have looked at for this build recommend Bloodlust Support for Ancestral Warchief, but unless I am missing something I see nothing on my gear or in the passive skill tree where I would make enemies bleed. So, why use this gem as opposed to something like Maim Support which seems more straightforward?
Well, those build guides would then include a method of applying Bleed, no :p
Maim is a perfectly fine alternative though; instead of boosting the Warchief way up, it gets a smaller boost but you also get something :)
Well, if you compare a lvl 20 Bloodlust vs a lvl 20 Maim gem it looks like a 15% drop in the Warchief damage. Not exactly a night and day difference IMO, but I guess for high level players looking to squeak out every possible trick, then Bloodlust would be the winner.
Metropolis_Man wrote:
Well, if you compare a lvl 20 Bloodlust vs a lvl 20 Maim gem it looks like a 15% drop in the Warchief damage. Not exactly a night and day difference IMO, but I guess for high level players looking to squeak out every possible trick, then Bloodlust would be the winner.

Maim is 30/14 multiplicative:
100 * 1.3 * 1.14 = 148.2% of Damage

Bloodlust is 59%, which is 159 / 148.2 = 1.072 -> 7.2% higher than Maim. This means ~Path of Building~ will always say Bloodlust is the better choice, because it only cares about theoretical output of a single Skill (doesn't care that Maim applies 14% Inc Damage Taken to your Damage).

Maim doesn't give full benefit until the Maim triggers, Bloodlust doesn't give any benefit until you apply Bleed. It's generally faster to get the Bleed applied, but the Warchief applies its own Maim rather than relying on your Bleed.

I suppose the larger factor is whether you Convert a lot. Maim's 14% only applies to Physical Damage, and is a defender-side modifier. Regardless, I'd say it's a toss-up between the two. Can't imagine that it makes a real difference.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Sep 21, 2017, 9:52:52 AM
I really don't know what the justification is to limit this support to MELEE. Rangers caught the plague or what?

It's 3.5 already and pure phys archer still didn't receive any love.
- no real hard hitting ability. The closes being Puncture an Frenzy, which are both single-target and GMP cripples them VERY hard.
- no access to Bloodlust (why?)
- no access to Ruthless (again, why the heck not?)

It's enough that the only pure phys Herald is more of a minion skill than actual buff. It's hard enough that players are REQUIRED to stack attack speed to unrealistic (read ABSURD) effect, you are also forcing players to use elemental damage, because physical damage just doesn't scale well enough. ESPECIALLY ranged. Melee phys at least has hard hitting AoEs (Earthquake, Sunder, Ground Slam, etc), ranged are forced to further cripple their already derpy dmg skills by GMP and such, resulting in some 70% less dmg for a very marginal and very questionable advantage of range (which is literally nullified in endgame as nearly anything can sit in your face more or less instantly)


MTX Wishlist:
- Mirage Archer (elemental variants + blood red or ebony for physical/bleed)
- Barrage/Puncture (and whatever other skills that have no effect and hard to spot arrows - Demonic, Ebony, elemental variants)

New Gem Wishlist:
- Herald of Cruelty (15% chance to Impale, 5-40% inscreased damage done to bleeing targets, 0.5% increased global phys dmg per quality)
- Might (aura, 15-40% Phys Dmg multiplier, converts 40% elemental damage to Physical damage, disables elemental damage)

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