Magma Orb

No longer appears to cause migraines, still feels crippled by any terrain feature and singled out to not overlap.
"If they actually showed gameplay with it zoomed out and then zoomed it in for the real one I think there would be actual riots in the street. I think that people would burn the building down."
Would be really cool if it was like the Diablo 2 Molten boulder spell, a big magma rolling ball with chance to knockback on hit and creates burning ground.
Do Faster/Slow Projectiles support this skill? If it does, must be bug that its not appearing to in-game
Did this skill get nerfed at some point? Lots of raving about it in the thread, but it feels very lackluster. Lack of ability to shotgun, terrain issues, tricky physics, accidentally lobbing over enemies' heads, fairly slow projectiles(that can't be sped up), all sort of undermine a spell that just doesn't seem to pour out enough damage to make the limitations worth it. As a multi-target pack clearer with LMP, it's very, very weak to firestorm, as a single target it loses to flame surge. It may beat out fireball in the early game, but late-game it becomes utterly useless.

Feels like it needs some sort of buff to be worth playing past whenever firestorm becomes available. Which is sad because I personally enjoy the play-feel of it. But at 1/2-2/3 the damage of firestorm even -before- LMP damage loss, I just can't bring myself to use it any more.
Last edited by Saleet on Jun 29, 2016, 12:32:55 AM
Regarding the inability to be supported by Slower/Faster Projectiles, seven months ago Rory said:

We're going to be making a change to the skill soon that will let it both be supported by it, and be affected by it, so it also means you have more overlapping. I'm not sure why it was disabled, but I'll take a look. Potentially because it's a damage boost without a functioning downside, it was disabled?
(bolding mine)
Another QOL I'd like to see happen to magma orbs is it being able to chain when it hits a wall at least.
Just another Forum Signature in a Sea of Signatures.
5 levels lvl up gem. never saw any End-Game builds that using it. Should be Boost ASAP.
Sound effect is very special. Probably it fits 'fire spell' theme, probably it match some internal quality standards. It's definitely 'fine' if played once a while. But that is Active skill it meant to be used in rapid succession. Had anyone tested it in that conditions? Please make someone to listen to that sound effect at 0.2 cast time during 2 hours. It's even more annoying than d2 6fpa zeal with a mace.

2nd disappointment - skill can't be thrown on highground. Even first 'non chained' stage can't reach elevation

I'd suggest to change the skill mechanic to one used by Glacial Cascade i.e. "shit on logic, physics, common sense and hit everything everywhere on the travel line"
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last edited by a_z0_9 on Apr 7, 2017, 9:56:16 AM
projectile become invisible once a certain point with big AOE like for fireball. This should be fixed
Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less on Apr 11, 2017, 11:07:58 AM
Can you please give us the base radius of the explosion? Does the radius improve as the skill level up?
It seems like faster projectile and concentrated effects would leave lots of mobs untouched between the chains. I really need more info to decide on what support gems to use (faster/slower projectiles, inc/con effects) and what passives to pick
Last edited by g2g on Jul 22, 2017, 11:36:50 AM

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