Three-day Exiles Everywhere (Hardcore)

Rank 501 was #200 still alive, doesn't account for those in top 200 who already have a key though.
mythicpunk wrote:
Visukka wrote:
what was the cutoff to get into the beta ?

I got an invite via message/e-mail after finishing 554th - so either the top end beta rate was really really high or they awarded it to living chars.

I finished 280th and got nothing :(

Have we got any confirmation that dead players in top 200 wil recieve a key?
I died at lvl 62 and finished 127 overall based on experience, I haven't received an invite. Would be extremely disappointing to now learn that death excludes me (would have done things a bit differently).
I can confirm that death excluded you from the prize.
I was a bit salty as I was told by ggg during the event that death didn't exclude you.

But I've contacted support and they've confirmed that it was the top live characters.

Ohwell! See you on july 10! *cough cough* :D
Last edited by Pronko#1916 on Jun 22, 2015, 11:28:17 PM
Pronko wrote:
I can confirm that death excluded you from the prize.
I was a bit salty as I was told by ggg during the event that death didn't exclude you.

But I've contacted support and they've confirmed that it was the top live characters.

Ohwell! See you on july 10! *cough cough* :D

Well thats super disapointing, that was never even mentioned during the league, and if it was then i never saw it. What a waste of a weekend i coudlv spent on other games =/. PjSalt
The description said top 200 based on experience (a requirement that I fulfilled) what a jip!!

It was a fun league though, would love to play it again. But for crying out loud, state the reward requirements more clearly when there's something on the line. There are people that played the softcore league, died 50 times, ended up with less total experience than I did, and got a beta invite. What's wrong with this picture?
Hehe yeah!
Ohwell... I guess it was a poor decision for me to play in the HC league.

It was great fun indeed though!

Thanks again for making the events like these to keep us busy!
Feels like we had some missing information there, could v made a hell of a lot of different decisions and very very easily made top 200 alive but seems like GGG is against me playing beta =S
i was lv60, 175th on the ladder when i died, but i didnt worrie coz GGG SAID top 200 based on exp... that was all... so... was this a waste of time?

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