Three-day Exiles Everywhere (Hardcore)
The "standard rules apply" was there, no arguing that. But, this was not a typical race situation (one hc race as a lone option), as there was a SC equivalent occurring simultaneously. This scenario would lead one to assume that death would not exclude a player that decided to risk playing hc. Additionally, the exact same description was used to define the reward protocol in both leagues (top 200 based on experience), which further solidified this assumption. Before choosing hc I read the rules on each page with the intention of determining if death would exclude me. Based on what I read, I concluded that it would not.
The league was a blast, I would have played it regardless. Obtaining a beta invite was not my sole intention for playing, but it was a motivating factor. I was happy to have played well enough to put myself solidly into the top 200, and was looking forward to fiddling around in beta. It is a real kick in the nads to realize that, even though I had done my due diligence, I had been mislead. I don't know if the rules were mis-written, or if the person sending out the beta invites made a mistake, but a mistake was definitely made. 127 ExilesAintShizzy (Dead) lvl62 If only I woulda known :( |
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" What's funny to me is that i foresaw this entire issue, and still got bit in the ass (so far). I read the rules, knew that there would be confusion, so i emailed GGG to be 100% sure how to play. They told me death doesn't matter. And so i made T200, then played aggressively and died. And now i have no beta key. Not sure how much more due diligence i could have done. Ask to speak to their superior to be even more sure? :P |
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" when the next race league starts, you should do that before you create a character... :) |
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" That's what i did. |
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so what did we learn? GGG is RNG :P New Company name: RNGGG |
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The wording was ambiguous indeed.
The thing that bothered me a bit is. During the event I sent an email to support to get clarification if dead characters were eligible or not. And the reply I got, from GGG, was that dead characters WERE supposed to be eligible. I really wouldn't be surprised that the mistake was done when they awarded the prizes. I bet the intention was to be: the top 200 by experience, like they said. But a mistake was made. I'm super forgiving though. I totally understand that it's easy to make a mistake. I was pretty upset about this for like an hour. I came back to my senses pretty quick. I mean they're doing stuff like this to make us happy. It's only good intentions. It's like if a friend cooked you a birthday cake and tripped while bringing it to you. Why'd you be mad at him? TLDR: Don't be upset. Shit happens. Forgive. Love GGG. |
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" Not really. It's more like "Spent 44 hours in two days trying your hardest to bake a cake, then your friend takes it and gives it to someone who wasn't bothered". I'm not just pissed that I didn't win. I'm not just pissed that someone else won, who was a lower level than me. I'm not just pissed that they made false claims, and didn't follow through. I'm pissed that I tried my absolute hardest to win this, because the stars aligned and I finally had the time and energy to put into a really fun race with a reward I could conceivably win, that I really wanted. And that this is how it turns out. Put all those things together, and I'm really disappointed in GGG. I'd expect at least an announcement, or apology, or acknowledgement... |
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Apparently they've "fixed" the dead characters not getting beta or at least i got it just now lol.
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" Yeah I also just got access even though I died. Either they read my salt post and had pity on me, the people who said they got it alive at #500 were trolling, or they just sent out the emails really late. Either way sorry for my salt post. |
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Everyone that is complaining about the top 200 if you have a problem with it and your deaths you should have just played Standard, no one forced you to choose Hardcore. Stop sulking.
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