[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

Serleth wrote:
chimurestaurat wrote:
Chris said it in the Lioneye's Watch Podcast, the episode with massive flask changes announced for 3.0. He said it not just about skills, but uniques and other things as well.

Nice memory. Thanks for sourcing it. I thought it was less recent than that.

The post explaining the design of Shrapnel Shot talked about how the skill was specifically designed for a specific level range of characters, and races.
ChronoExile wrote:
The post explaining the design of Shrapnel Shot talked about how the skill was specifically designed for a specific level range of characters, and races.

Ah yeah, that might've been what I was thinking of.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
in the current meta, once you got the amount of c you set up to earn with this how would you change it (forgetting mf) to make it perform better in high tier maps? seems a shame to drop the char for build nr 2..
have finally gotten used to the lab... I dont hate it anymore.:)
Xirgu wrote:
in the current meta, once you got the amount of c you set up to earn with this how would you change it (forgetting mf) to make it perform better in high tier maps? seems a shame to drop the char for build nr 2..

Run it with Hidden Potential, swap IIR for Slower Projectiles.

As much of your gear as possible, except bow and Drillneck, will be magic.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Feb 12, 2017, 4:02:19 PM
Looks like HoWA will stay unnerfed in 2.6.0, along with DoT and double-dipping, until balance changed in 3.0.0 (dev manifesto about breaches).
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
Jadran wrote:
Looks like HoWA will stay unnerfed in 2.6.0, along with DoT and double-dipping, until balance changed in 3.0.0 (dev manifesto about breaches).

I found the manifesto interesting... looks like I will probably be playing HoWA again in 2.6...

On the speculation front, I no longer am on the Flashback bandwagon... I think they've found a new way to showcase old mechanics... after reading/playing/watching some races this weekend, I wonder if whatever they are planning might be similar to Medallion in some way... where each zone has a random old league mechanic at full effect... altho I think it would lead to a lot of instance reloading to force mechanics you want without some sort of deterrent...

This mostly stems from how they think whatever they have planned for 2.6 and Breaches might be reusable in 3.0 onwards...
Jadran wrote:
Looks like HoWA will stay unnerfed in 2.6.0, along with DoT and double-dipping, until balance changed in 3.0.0 (dev manifesto about breaches).

It will be interesting to see how viable HoWA builds will be given a reasonable budget especially if ES undergoes significant rework (it sounds like devs want HoWA builds to be on par with damage-over-time double-dipping builds next patch so I'd guess that overall DPS will be 10-20% less).

I think you'd want about 9K ES minimum and preferably 10K with leech comparable to the way it is now - one possibility, ES nodes are nerfed.

In this scenario, HoWA remains very powerful, but much better gear and/or higher investment in ES will be needed - so, instead of. for example, spending 6 points to grab 2 jewels and say 5-10% increase in DPS, you'd need to spend those same 6 points investing in ES nodes.
Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Feb 14, 2017, 10:01:06 AM

I haven't seen anything really good done with Blight.

I've seen an insane BIS build (6-link, +1 gems Wrappings, Level 4 Empower, all gems corrupted for +1 or quality, etc. - literally, a BiS build) kill Shaper with about the same speed and efficiency as 4-link HoWA. This insane gear build would suffer a big penalty against HoWA for clear speed.

The stack limit (20) makes scaling Blight DPS very hard after a certain point - that's why the BiS Shaper kill was so slow.

I've seen Blight used as a channeling crutch to trigger other spells - any other channeled spell could be used in place of Blight.

I've seen a clever build by Phox with OK DPS using Abyssal Cry to bail out AOE/Single Target weaknesses.
In the absence of clear-speed meta, Blight is problematic to play but workable.

Trouble is, AOE is terrible and single target is merely OK.

So you'd likely use Blight for single target and go with something that synergizes with the damage nodes you're taking to fix clear speed. Phox's approach seems best.

Re Blight in PVP - Doesn't CI completely counter Blight? And can't other builds equip some chaos resist gear?
Anyhow, Blight for me remains a build with really fun mechanics. It needs a bit more DPS and I'd like to see another chaos skill emerge with good AOE to address clear speed. If Contagion spread Blight stacks in some fashion, and stack limit were increased to 30, that would be enough to get me to play Blight next league.

As-is, the gem will see little use.
Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Feb 14, 2017, 7:59:22 AM
Off topic.
lol Who cares about 2.6? The new Torment is coming out at about the same time, and not even all the PC nonsense we've seen so far can ruin it.

As for 3.0, finally, GGG says that the problems are specifically ES and Vaal Pact. For some ungodly reason many people are instead complaining about CI and Vinktar (and not Berserker; a temporary 20% is too much but full time 100% is fine, I guess). Granted, CI is actually OP, but not in the sense that 15% more ES is too strong, it's just retarded that it gives chaos immunity in PvP.

Hank off topic.
How much faster than Pohx' build can skilled players on meta builds realistically clear while guaranteeing never dying to trash? Apparently even 15k ES is no guarantee when intentionally eating volatiles to gain clear speed.

My EA PF has great potential for movement speed and damage, but I just refuse to move much faster than Pohx' Blight anymore because a volatile can mean death if I fire a single volley before I'm 100% sure there is no orange glow on screen, especially if it's a fast moving mob or a devourer. Hell, volatile devourers killed me when I hit and ignited them off screen without even knowing they're around. The orange glow is also hard to spot on cinders, some skeles and any mobs in deep water which rise out of the ground or are short like dogs and crabs.

Now, I am a shitty player (just ask Chrono!) so this should still improve over time, but I've played a LOT this league and focused on clear speed and I just couldn't make it work with those types of volatiles. I wouldn't dare touch HC again moving any faster than a good Blight build already does.

Volatiles have been my only deaths for a long time now, and Blight's non-instant damage combined with slowing mobs is the perfect cure. You have to get close. By the time you do, you're sure to already be aware of what you're getting close to. Spray and run and the debuffed volatile can't follow you. Seems like the best exping skill in the game to me.

In PvP, Blight/SR/BF haven't been tuned at all yet. CI aside, legit capped chaos res does not save you from a skill that has no damage penalty whatsoever. I don't think their current state is unfair in any way, though. It's hard to get close to ranged builds. They should actually make old close range skills this strong.

As for the slow Shaper kill, if someone tries to do hard content like that with Blight alone, or Caustic arrow alone, I think that shit is on them. Those 2 are just begging to be combined with ED for single target, or with each other.

Perhaps we're getting so off topic that we should move this to a mail discussion :-)

Anyhow, it sounds as if you enjoy the Blight mechanics as much as I do.

For Blight to be viable, you ought to be able to play the Blight skill as much as possible.

Like it or not clear speed *and* single target DPS - both - are going to be important going forward.

Contagion spreading Blight DOT's might make Blight really viable - either implement this mechanic or a similar substitute... or why play Blight?

Abyssal Cry is not quite as good IMO, but is OK - why - because Abyssal Cry does not necessarily buff Blight - it relies on the presence of other mobs - not necessarily present in boss encounters - and, doesn't really promote the Blight play-style - in other words, just pick some other random skill an then augment that skill with Abyssal Cry - would'd you be any worse off.. maybe often times (somewhat) but maybe not in the best case(s).
Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Feb 17, 2017, 9:02:23 AM

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