[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
Speed Mapping
A common theme among the recent reddit posts about map funneling is that posters do not pick up very many drops. Random rares are generally skipped. Posters seem to pick up currency, divination cards, splinters, jewelry and belts, good uniques, maps, 6-links, 6-sockets,... and that's it - to be fair, there's a bit of variability about what's picked up - some pick up even less than this. Nevertheless the theme is consistent - few drops are collected. I pick up way too much stuff; as a consequence I spend much more time than necessary carting stuff back to the vendor, identifying stuff, organizing drops into my stash tab, etc. I'm going to hack my loot filter even more to target just the above items but will augment this with expensive bases (crystal belts, steel rings, opal rings) and a few rares that could potentially provide upgrades for my HoWA toon and/or prove otherwise profitable (Vaal Regalia, Hubris Circlet, Sorcerer Boots/Gloves). Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 21, 2017, 11:37:26 PM
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A Little POE Humor
"Superior" Blight
Back for another week folks!
Try the Duck with Red Sauce. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 22, 2017, 2:08:42 AM
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You owe me 2c for using that many spoilers in one post ;)
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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" Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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lol Seeing the "superior" on various gem drops always gets me philosophical.
My thoughts on the xbox release.
Just made this. Subtitles are off by default for some reason. Anyhow, just dinged 98 and more importantly, Zana 8 with a grand total of 0 laggy rotas with people on the opposite side of the damn planet. Thanks a bunch for pointing out the Strand cheese thing. I don't follow reddit. This stuff is awesome, especially if you have a bunch of friends whose builds are more meta than yours. 100 seems like much less of a huge project now. " I didn't even do that. Yesterday I tried just alcs, scouring only reflect mods and going for a minimum of 1 pack size mod on all Strands. No chisels or sextants this time and they dropped enough that it -still- took us a whole day to use up a starting pool of 52 maps. The 100 Coves guy was most interesting to me. It's a concrete example of the advantage you spoke about before that meta builds farming higher endgame have over chaos recipe spam MFers. MFing still wins for me because it's safe enough that I can turn the game into popcorn and still get things done in it while focusing on an audiobook or podcast. I'd just be wasting a shitload of exp if I tried that in T14+. |
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Grats on 98! I'm trying hard not to lose my mind on the way to 95, lol. ==== Edit - Dimitri seems to have trouble staying on topic. He keeps discussing dance music. :-) Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 22, 2017, 9:20:50 AM
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Godsknife - Rhymes in the Halls of Bael
===================== This is another "Electric" tale (Electric is my HoWA Raider) - this time, not based on actual game play. Enjoy! :-) ---------------------- Ancient are the Gods of Wraeclast. Far older than men, or dwarves or elves. And this, perhaps, explains their vagaries. For example, why do the Gods so value rhyme? A novel rhyme curries immediate favor with the Gods - as anyone knows. But why? Perhaps it is because over eons and eons of existence, life has become stale. Meaningless. Boring. But a novel rhyme? What could be more exciting? Lyrical juxtaposition of words, which, when combined, form a new and pleasant whole. And having heard one verse... what is the next? Yes! This must be the reason for the Law of Rhymes. =========================== The Law of Rhymes Death by Combat is Sublime And Gruesome Death is Most Divine But Kill Not the Orator Silence Not the Rhyme The Gods Shall Judge a Poet's Time ======================== ======================== Whatever had possessed her to wander into the Halls of Bael, thought Electric. A most dreadful place. Damp, dimly lit by torchlight and stretching out seemingly forever. Oh yes! Treasure! Treasure!, thought Electric. That's what her Nanny claimed. Treasure beyond telling lies within the Halls of Bael. And with that cheerful thought, Electric trod on. ============== And on... And on... Hours passed. Eventually Electric became bored. To pass the time, Electric thought of rhymes her Nanny used to tell. "Fee Fi Fo Fum," said Electric, under her breath. "I SMELL THE BLOOD..." thundered back from somewhere deeper within the Halls. Too late, Electric recalled what else her Nanny said about the Halls. "The Halls are guarded by the evil giant Bael who thankfully sleeps after ages of inaction. But should you find yourself within the Halls, under no circumstance utter a rhyme. For this invokes the Law of Rhymes, which must surely wake the giant." - belatedly, this is what Electric recalled her Nanny saying. ================ Shivering at the thought of meeting Bael, but utterly lost within the Halls and unsure where she had been, Electric wandered further on. Perhaps it was magic - or perhaps it was sheer chance - but every turn Electric took, brought her deeper and deeper into the Halls. And closer and closer to Bael. ================ After what seemed to be nearly a day of travel, Electric saw light in the distance. The dimly lit Halls were more brightly revealed just up ahead! And so, Electric traveled towards the light. ================= In the light stood a hulking giant. A soft purple glow encircled the brute - the glow was evidence of a divine gift - an invulnerability shield. ================== "... OF AN ENGLISHMAN!," thundered the giant, laughing all the while; "Prepare for your death, little girl!" "Wait... wait!," stammered Electric. Electric was so scared she could hardly think. Rhyme... what was it about rhyme? "Twinkle," mumbled Electric. "What's this?," shouted Bael?" "Twinkle," said Electric once more, perhaps motivated by the torches, flickering in their sconces, along the walls of the Hall. Bael moved in for the kill. "Twinkle, twinkle," said Electric once more. Bael readied a blow from his mighty axe, sure to cleave Electric's head clean off. But as he prepared to swing, he found, to his puzzlement, that he was unable to do so. ====================== "TWINKLE," said the God of Light. "TWINKLE?" "YES," replied the God of Battle. "TWINKLE!" "BUT I'VE HEARD THIS ONE," said the God of Honor. "LET HER DIE. THIS IS MOST UNORIGINAL." "SUSH!," said the divine assemblage in unison. "LET THE GIRL SPEAK!" ==================== Bael, constrained by the Law of Rhymes, simply looked at Electric and said, "Twinkle, twinkle?" "Yes," continued Electric, sensing at once that the the Law was in play. But how should she continue? How could she please the Gods? Bael grinned malevolently. He could sense the restraining force lessening. Soon this man-flesh would be dead! On the point of panic, Electric looked desperately around for inspiration. Nervously she fumbled with her knives. "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Knife!," squeaked Electric. Bael laughed uproariously. "Twinkle, twinkle, little knife?," howled Bael. That's ridiculous!" ==================== The God of Honor was intrigued. "I'VE NOT HEARD THIS ONE, AFTER ALL!," said the God. "LET THE GIRL PROCEED!" ==================== Once again, Bael prepared a killing blow. And yet, as before, Bael's axe was restrained. "Yes!," cried Electric, gaining confidence. "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Knife." ===================== "Observe!," continued Electric. And with this, Electric threw her knife high into the air. It traversed end over end as it traveled ever higher, at first catching the surrounding torchlight, and then not. Twinkling in its ascent. "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Knife. Distract Bael. Then Take His Life!" ======================== "YES!," cried the Gods in unison. "HOW CLEVER!," they shouted. And with this, the Gods withdrew their favor from Bael. ========================= Bael tracked the knife with a puzzled look on his face. Meanwhile, the pale glow which had surrounded and protected Bael for ages dimmed and then disappeared entirely. The knife, thrown high into the air ascended to zenith; and then tumbled back towards ground, gathering speed on its descent, glittering all the while in the torchlight, passing in and out of view. Was it misfortune that Bael, staring upwards, striving to spot the knife, did in fact, see the knife just before it came to rest? Or was it the work of the Gods? For the knife appeared once more to Bael seconds before it plunged into his right eye and from there, deep into his brain. Death quickly overtook Bael. Death by combat. A death... most gruesome. A death... most divine. ======================== The Godsknife Twinkle, Twinkle Little Knife. Distract Bael Then Take His Life! ======================= And so the scared little girl did prevail over the mighty Bael. ======================= Or was the girl, in fact, scared at all? In the dim torchlight, Electric could just barely be seen; a cunning grin began to grow on her face. And from her pockets she withdrew... a leather case she used to carry her knives. Carefully, Electric carved another notch into the case. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 22, 2017, 9:56:43 PM
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Hey guys,
first off: thanks for the tips Ser, Hank and Chrono. The 5 to 1 recipe in particular was something I never actually cared to do, but is quite helpful when looking for rarity jewellery. So, thanks for that! I could squeeze in 2 long sessions this weekend and here is what came from that: I respec'ed some passive nodes to get the 3 18% resist nodes close to scion and the 24% evasion / 12% all res in the duelist area to change my items for more rarity. This is my current setup:
I'm particularly happy about the helm find. Sadly, I still haven't found boots that were decent enough to change. I am currently lacking quite a bit of life and sitting at around 4.3k. So far, that ok for me, since I only started doing low yellow maps. The biggest chore was 5-linking my bow. As I said, I had a +2 maraketh lying around that I wanted to 6socket and 5 link. Although it felt painfully slow, I got lucky with only about 80 jeweller orbs to 6 socket and about 40 fuse to 5link (that was yesterday night). Surprisingly, the moment I equipped the bow, I found a 6 socket Decimation bow with +2 on it. Tried my LAST fuse on it and...
Didnt believe my eyes at first. I then decided to use the Decimation bow instead and regal the Maraketh, since it had +2 and a suffix.
I hit a second suffix with it and am now leveling catarina to 8 in order to craft the +3. I have 2 exalts that I found ages ago, so I just need to find one more, or wait for breach league to end, where I also found one. I also leveled one of the 3 empowers to 2 yesterday. Would you guys recommend vaaling all lvl 2 empowers in hopes of lvl 3 or should I continue to level them? I am a casual player, but maybe I should at least level one and vaal the other 2....not sure. Sadly, still no luck on alching Gold Amulets and chancing Gold rings. The latter being extremely rare drops in my experience. Before the 5link I was running T5 max, but with the 5link +2 bow I am now sitting at around 11.5k cloud damage with frenzy charges and have tested my first tier 7 yesterday. It was easily doable. I also hit lvl 86 yesterday. So long, Ben Edit: Well, seems like GGG decided to introduce SSF leagues in 2.6. Well, I may have to start all over if they actually also differentiate Standard and SSF standard. Oh well, haha Last edited by ben_hure#6467 on Jan 23, 2017, 4:12:33 AM
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Sounds like you're making good progress. It's nice that GGG is making a SSF league. It'll be interesting to see what challenges/rewards GGG sets for the league. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 23, 2017, 6:58:22 AM
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