[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

Ah. I apologize for spreading bullshit. Well, that's a bit worse than I thought.

S'all good buddy, I'd rather you have posted and learned something than have continued on playing misinformed. =)
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Jan 15, 2017, 1:51:24 PM
chimurestaurat wrote:
Serleth wrote:

This is not true. Drop restriction on the mob takes precedence.

Ah. I apologize for spreading bullshit. Well, that's a bit worse than I thought.

More on topic of farming efficiency, I switched to using the quad tab as my only tab while mapping and after a short period of adjustment to constantly clicking with the the item size change, it's working out great. Having id/unid recipes in front of me all at once really helped with remembering what to prioritize picking up and still leaves me 2/3 of the tab to dump everything else conveniently.
Quad tab makes map organization awesome. :)
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
In case anyone is interested in my map organization...
map quad tab

3 columns, 8 cells wide each. Each map tier gets 4 rows in one column. Atziri sets, Council sets, etc, etc, all get sorted into the last portion of the 3rd column.

Whenever I get 4 of the same map, I either run one or sell 3 for the next tier up.

Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
eso259 wrote:

Q: how to direct linking to individual posts?

Click on the 'Posted by' before the account name on the post you want to grab the direct link.

While there is no formatting specific to 'Posted by' it will still change colors when you mouse over it.
M effing G

Just who is that "Mull Gubbin" guy anyhow, LOL?
In the HoG, he's a max block + tempest shield cwdt build.

To beat him, you will at LEAST need the Block Chance Reduction gem, maybe Frost Bomb as well as his regen is kinda nuts.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Serleth wrote:
In the HoG, he's a max block + tempest shield cwdt build.

To beat him, you will at LEAST need the Block Chance Reduction gem, maybe Frost Bomb as well as his regen is kinda nuts.

Yup, had BCR. Zero damage to him when I died (unless he has crazy regen).
If someone has problems with breaches just use abyssal cry, wait for more mobs spawn and explode them with chain reaction :D
hankinsohl wrote:
Serleth wrote:
In the HoG, he's a max block + tempest shield cwdt build.

To beat him, you will at LEAST need the Block Chance Reduction gem, maybe Frost Bomb as well as his regen is kinda nuts.

Yup, had BCR. Zero damage to him when I died (unless he has crazy regen).

You swap to SP?
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.

I'm going to give Strand funneling a go. I'll be following Norseman21's strategy as outlined in his reddit posts. Namely:

Take white Strand, chisel to 20q, alch and go unless unrunnable mods. Do not reroll. Probably just sell unrunable maps.

Use 3 Journeyman Sextants and 1 Apprentice Sextants on map. Reroll if necessary until added mobs, quantity, strongboxes and barrels obtained.

Apply Bloodlines to map (I'm going to try skipping this and apply Perandus instead. Norseman21 states in his posts that Bloodlines isn't necessary for sustainability).
Unfortunately, I'd been aiming for very high Atlas bonus. Consequently, all T11's/T12's were completed before I began this project.

There are 7 Tier 11 maps other than Shaped Strands and 8 Tier 12 maps, plus I have T12 Shaped Mud Geyser.

In all, I'll need 19 Master Cartographer's Seals (each seal takes 3 Master Cartographer's Sextants and an Orb of Souring).

19x3 = 57 Master Cartographer's Sextants @ 7c each = 399c
19 Orbs of Scouring @ 0.5c each = 10c
Total cost to reconfigure Atlas = 410c.
Which reminds me:

Q. How to you make a small fortune running maps in Breach League?

A. Start with a large fortune.

I'm here all week folks.


Try the Roast Beef and Potatoes.

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