[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
" Clad is going largely defensive, so full Acro branch, Arrow Dancing (for Uber) or AoE for mapping (to compensate for not having Carcass Jack), more life, etc. He then compensates for the missing damage nodes off the tree by utilizing power-heavy jewels and Rallying Cry (hence the skill effect duration nodes). You'll also notice a couple of those jewels have +attributes, which is mostly to cover off intelligence deficits. Conversely, we're pigeon-holing three gear slots with Goldwyrm and -40% resistances with Andvarius x2. That means we can't take as much damage on the jewels, because we're instead focusing on resistances. Similarly, resistances and attribute affixes both are suffix rolls. So in order to compensate for having less damage off jewels, we instead invest in Method and Corruption, the latter of which conveniently gives us a total +40 intelligence (after you also invest in that Shadow jewel) in order to make gearing easier to keep our int gems levelled. Without Corruption, you would need GG res jewels in order to free up suffixes for intelligence on gear. Since it's easier to cover off resistances with gear than jewels... Corruption it is. Gives us the best combination of gear balance and opportunity to roll damage affixes on jewels instead of needing both int and resistance suffixes. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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Very cool, thanks for that explanation!
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Before anybody asks, I'll address this right now.
We don't know yet what damage scaling either Rapid Decay or Void Manipulation are going to have, nor what the quality on the gem will be. Just like Slower Projectiles, all three gems start at 20% more damage. As it stands, Slower Projectiles climbs up to 29% more damage and 10% increased damage off quality. There's only one reason to take Decay if the damage scaling is the same as Slower Proj. Same colour, possibly the same 20-29% more damage. The only difference is SP has 140% multiplier compared to the 125% for Rapid Decay. We'd need to see what the quality is in order to switch over, but otherwise (assuming the scaling is identicaly) we're losing skill effect duration for no reason by choosing Rapid Decay over Slower Projectiles, given that the mana multiplier difference doesn't really affect us anyway except for reduced recovery maps. Which Soul Siphon largely takes care of anyway. The same logic applies to Void Manipulation although the change-over would be pretty much identical (again, assuming identical scaling for both quality and base increases). The difference being that we'd recover projectile speed, allowing our arrows to reach the target area faster. So insofar as the damage scaling is identical, including the quality bonus on the gem, we'll probably switch to VM just for the minor benefit of the recovered projectile speed. For those that are interested in scaling more damage at the cost of AoE (and to make colouring easier), you could drop Increased AoE for RD instead. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Nov 13, 2015, 4:39:29 PM
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Hi Serleth
I have question about gem order. On your Gems & Links section you right down: In a +3 Bow, we use Poison Arrow - AoE - Conc Effect - Empower - Slower Projectiles - IIR (in that order). Why this order? I thought order is not important/no matter Last edited by Slimak1980#6366 on Nov 14, 2015, 7:57:15 AM
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" Not as in "clockwise" order, but as in "as you gain more links, add these gems" order. So in a 4L you'd use PA, AoE, CE, Empower. When you get a 5L you add SP. When you get a 6L you add IIR. EDIT: It's not a question I get often, but I get it often enough to warrant having edited the OP to make it more clear. =) Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Nov 14, 2015, 12:36:21 PM
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Hi, first let me say i love your PA build, next season i play it again.
But i am on a point i dont know what item brings me the biggest step forward. My cloud Dps with 5 Frenzy charges is 7,3k. I Dont know how to post my items in the forum :-) but you can check my profile and tree. (Poisiny- Darkshrine league) Thanks! Last edited by gorasul6#5869 on Nov 14, 2015, 3:51:16 PM
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" Hi Poisiny: Your characters are currently hidden. To help you, can you please set your character settings to public? To do this, on the menus for this forum select: HOME-->My Account On the page that next appears, uncheck these boxes: Set profile as private (this box is probably already unchecked - leave it this way) Hide Characters tab Note - once you do this, everyone will be able to inspect your characters. If you'd rather not do this, reply and I'll let you know how to link your gear/tree. Thanks. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Nov 14, 2015, 5:05:17 PM
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I googled it^^
On second weapon slot i leveld a empower an Pa gems. My current gear.
My skilltree Last edited by gorasul6#5869 on Nov 14, 2015, 5:51:36 PM
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To link your gear, first click on the "SPOILER" box at the top of the post edit box.
Next, click on the picture of your character at the top left of the screen. This will take you to a page which shows your character. While on that page, single click on each item in your inventory that you want to post to the forums. When you are done, hit the "Esc" (escape) key on your keyboard - this will return you to your post. Next, click in the post edit box somewhere below the two spoiler tags so that you can post your tree. To post your tree, click the "SPOILER" box and then click the "URL" box. Then, click on the large picture of your character once more. Once on the page which displays your character, click on the "PASSIVE TREE" tab to show your passive tree. Scroll down to the bottom of that page and click inside the "Link to this build" box. This will highlight the link to your build. Hit "control-C" to copy the link. Next, hit the back button on your browser. This will take you back to the post. Finally, hit "control-V" to paste the URL for your tree inside the url tags you created above. When done, hit "SUBMIT" at the bottom of the post box. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Nov 14, 2015, 5:45:13 PM
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Much of this build, or any build in POE, is a matter of personal taste. At first blush, it looks like you've made a good start. My personal preference is to include a DPS gem in my 5-link setup and cull with flame totem. Use of the flame totem increases survivability and the 5th DPS gem increases DPS somewhat. So I'd drop Item Rarity and replace it with Iron Grip in my bow (will need to recolor bow to do this) and then I'd set up these links somewhere: Flame Totem - Faster Projectiles - Culling Strike - Item Rarity Your flame totem will be quite squishy until it levels a bit, but once leveled it's very tanky. But some people don't like the flame totem setup and it's not a huge deal either way. Other than that, I'd save up for an Andvarius for my next purchase and then either a second Andvarius or drillneck. Don't worry too much about DPS - DPS will pick up a ton once your PA levels all the way up and it will really shine in a 6-link alongside Empower. Edit: I prefer the Goldwyrm Nubuck boots as a source of quantity in lieu of the rather crappy quantity gloves/belt (crappy because of lack of stats). But the boots are really expensive. I'd probably get an Andvarius first and then the boots. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Nov 14, 2015, 6:10:01 PM
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