Map Drops in The Awakening

I would love if it were possible to, even temporarily, remove the economy default mindset that affects every one of Chris's thoughts.
Just so he could see how detrimental they are in aRPG design and how fucking stupid some his reasons (excuses) sound.
Casually casual.

Last edited by TheAnuhart on Jun 10, 2015, 4:15:51 AM
We used to exalt level 77 maps and like it! You had to consider it if you got a large maze. Get your alch, chisel, and chaos spam ready boys! We are heading back to closed beta mapping.

This thread was my bible for months. I wish the old version was around:

Mapping will still be much easier than it used to be. The mods are more favorable, the maps are bigger, they are higher level, and Zana exists.

"GGG used a vaal orb on itself and became Blizzard. Worst corruption outcome ever."
Last edited by Elua on Jun 10, 2015, 4:28:18 AM
Please do not forget the solo player that has to sustain also and is not in a mapping group.

I have nothing against grouping but for some it's just not possible and sustaining a higher level maps has become hard sometimes.

There loads of people that play solo and should be able to sustain also instead of being forced to play path of trade.
Elua wrote:
"GGG used a vaal orb on itself and became Blizzard. Worst corruption outcome ever."

At least D3 lets you have challenging content most of the time. Considering going back tbh. :/
Daxidol wrote:
Elua wrote:
"GGG used a vaal orb on itself and became Blizzard. Worst corruption outcome ever."

At least D3 lets you have challenging content most of the time. Considering going back tbh. :/

Challenging content in diablo 3 LOL best joke of the year!!!
Dazoul wrote:
Daxidol wrote:
Elua wrote:
"GGG used a vaal orb on itself and became Blizzard. Worst corruption outcome ever."

At least D3 lets you have challenging content most of the time. Considering going back tbh. :/

Challenging content in diablo 3 LOL best joke of the year!!!
Somebody tell that guy challenging content =/= mobs with ridiculous amounts of life.
[2.4] Riff Raff - under 1ex Reave RT DoT Gladiator:
Last time someone said challenging contant in diablo 3 it was the 1st April Xd
Last edited by Dazoul on Jun 10, 2015, 5:29:04 AM

I cannot believe people who play this game want RNG to gate them from doing content their character can handle no problem, you guys are ******* *****!

The "+2 map might be too dangerous" statement is honestly pretty much false given what maps are. A plus two white map will always be easier than a minus two map with minus max, lmp, vuln, etc

With that said, a lot of people still don't seem to understand why maps have to be gated. From logical perspective, of course, not from the "girls just wanna have fun" one. It's precisely because highest level map ran white will be easier than a hard 66 map, yet there's no reason to run a hard 66 over an easy 78 ever, unless you're havoc and are trying to go from 99 to 100. If maps aren't gated, there is zero point of map system besides the very highest level.

There is no, I repeat No way to not gate maps with the current assumptions about maps being a full fledged item in poe sense. Meaning, it can be ran normal/magic/rare and traded

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