Upcoming changes to Leech

It seems like this will make Vaal Pact even more popular. Maybe even mandatory for most builds.

Unless these leech nodes are well put around the passive tree and possibly merged with some life nodes and such, I seriously see no reason to waste any points in Leech or Leech rate, when you can just take Vaal Pact and be done with it.
Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
GGG_Neon wrote:

All existing values of leech will be substantially reduced, including values on existing items.

Does this mean that you guys will be retroactively changing a numerical modifier (with a value roll) on items? I recall that previously you guys did not do such things in past patches, leading to legacy items. Have you changed the way that you store item data on the server?
quite absurd amount of whining in here, considering the fact that none of us tested the changes yet. but i guess people would prefer to play the same OP build for the next 2 years instead of adapting.
Last edited by Mephisto_n on May 18, 2015, 3:51:01 AM
I play selfcast strom call, i use mana leech support, and this changes looks really bad for me

Mana leech is already pretty hard to get on spells : either through pretty niche unique items (berek's grip) or the support. The support eats one slot of your five link, reducing your damage by a lot and thus your mapping effectiveness (sorry, i'm not rich enough to 6l my chest). Add that to the fact that storm call needs reduced duration and spell echo to be fast-paced (without them, gameplay is pretty boring), i only have one offensive support slot.

And now you guys are putting more restrictions on leech. Guess i'll have to invest a ton of passives into reduced mana reserved and get myself a level 4 enlighten for 100ex so i can run clarity and still have enough mana to actually cast.
Pyromancer4 wrote:

And now you guys are putting more restrictions on leech. Guess i'll have to invest a ton of passives into reduced mana reserved and get myself a level 4 enlighten for 100ex so i can run clarity and still have enough mana to actually cast.

With the mana reservation changes I think they're aiming for players to not reserve all their mana in Heralds/auras. From there it might be possible to use mana flasks, for example. We don't really know about all the mana changes yet.
There is no problem with Paks
They are oneshot for most builds.
Their damage is low, and conter with Armor and Eva\Dodge.

In other hand
Boss can oneshot you
DS can oneshot you
Armour\Eva\Dodge don't help against oneshot, or other big damage.

And now there will be not a choise to leech live back before next BIG BASH from boss...
"Отрастил скилл - имеешь право ногибать" СерБ
Last edited by Radonegskyprotiv on May 18, 2015, 4:07:29 AM
leech is the current end game make it or break it mechanic:

early game:
do more damage, get more defense etc use flasks for hp

mid game:
stabilize mana (go bloodmagic for melee) usage, get rid of mana flask, get more defense/damage

pre end game:
maximize damage and defense, lean more towards damage for clear speed

end game:
leech to sustain battles as players might get in situations where their potions are used up it becomes a "outlast the enemy battle" for boss fights (especially for melee, especially for the map boss which shoots a persistant lazer beam - how the F is a melee user gonna avoid that?).

get enough leech + defenses to counteract reflect (very hard to balance).
avoid reflect packs/maps (I know I've been avoiding reflect maps)

thanks to reflect mob on a reflect map.

Beating reflect normally? get less damage, kill things slower, attacking the enemy hurts less but you take longer to kill the enemy which the enemy uses to try and damage you more.

GGG pls, i need more effective leech! mana leech on a multistrike/faster attack 6L but being leech capped makes players forced to go blood magic. bloodmagic = more HP loss on top of reflects. dead dead dead dead exile
[Removed by Support]
Sounds promising, but please keep in mind 2h weapons' slower hit speeds when factoring in leech rate stuff on the tree. Fewer hits = fewer leech stacks, and 2h definitely doesn't need any unintentional nerfs.
Pyromancer4 wrote:
I play selfcast strom call, i use mana leech support, and this changes looks really bad for me

Mana leech is already pretty hard to get on spells : either through pretty niche unique items (berek's grip) or the support. The support eats one slot of your five link, reducing your damage by a lot and thus your mapping effectiveness (sorry, i'm not rich enough to 6l my chest). Add that to the fact that storm call needs reduced duration and spell echo to be fast-paced (without them, gameplay is pretty boring), i only have one offensive support slot.

Wait for it to go live on Beta and be tested. I am quite sure this will end up being a
much needed buff to mana leech.
IGN: Devnull

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