Aura Reservation and Reduced Mana Support Gem Change

IIRC, GGG never intended for reduced mana to affect aura reservation in the first place not to mention you used to be able to use more than one reduced mana on a singular aura .

I think the change is just fine so long as enlighten is made more available.

The only clear exception on this is for mirrored items where socket colours are locked and will be a severe change (for some people in the 1%) which really puts everyone else's issue with this change into perspective.
Make Things For Smile!
Last edited by AdzPoE on May 8, 2015, 4:57:52 AM
909474673/1439190228..almost there
The enlighten was an embarrassing change on GGG's part.
Dynamic Environment - Day/Night, Rain/Lightning -

GGG's design philosophy in three words:
Quantity over Quality.
Alternalo wrote:
Also i would change the aura gem quality from increased radius to reduced mana reservation, and changing the base aura radius to the amount that 20% gives you now. Personally i've never ever felt to use gcps on my aura gems, this would give me a reason.

That can't work either. A socket for a support gem is something any build can spare, getting a quality gem is something anyone can do too, and for the same reason jewels won't work either. You need a cost, that's why Alpha helm is ok, not every build can spare the gem slot easily and it has crappy stats.

To be perfectly clear, a gem socket can't work as a 'cost' because RM has no competition. Socket pressure doesn't really work in scenarios where you support multiple active gems with one or two supports, there's nothing preventing you to split them on multiple items.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on May 8, 2015, 4:53:12 AM
So i get home from work to see this...

TBH I'm very excited to see the changes. Cheers GGG for actually making changes to the game that can be tested in a beta.

Legit HC/SC Trades: /view-thread/545463
ahcos wrote:

Leave him alone. I admire your passion going into a thread like that and trying to be reasonable, But you won't get into these people's heads with reason or common sense. As you've rightfully pointed out, they're here to cry and make a scene, let them do so and come back with reason once the dust has settled and only those who really care stay to (hopefully) discuss this in a more civilized manner. Right now, the crybabies fear the thought of getting their candy taken away, and even the most concrete vision of a chocolate bar that might come along with that won't shut them up.

Personally, i LOVE this thread. All those tears, just glorious.

Talking about logic and sense, explain the logic behind this change?

The logic seems quite illogical to me when ggg takes away our "candy" just to give it back in the next sentence, only this time covered in shit.
"Axe bad! Fix please!"
ScottyM wrote:
So i get home from work to see this...

TBH I'm very excited to see the changes. Cheers GGG for actually making changes to the game that can be tested in a beta.

This is the best attitude i've seen so far in this thread. Well done for being awesome, sir!
Make Things For Smile!
Stop treating the new "reduced mana" as mandatory in mind~ QQs~
The game wants you to choose 1 buff + 1 aura now instead of 3~
ONE less buff and your build is dead? c'mon guys~ how lame is your build?
Adapt~ choose~ try it out~ then you feedback~
Changes isn't even final yet for this amount of cry~
Strimlaren wrote:
ahcos wrote:

Leave him alone. I admire your passion going into a thread like that and trying to be reasonable, But you won't get into these people's heads with reason or common sense. As you've rightfully pointed out, they're here to cry and make a scene, let them do so and come back with reason once the dust has settled and only those who really care stay to (hopefully) discuss this in a more civilized manner. Right now, the crybabies fear the thought of getting their candy taken away, and even the most concrete vision of a chocolate bar that might come along with that won't shut them up.

Personally, i LOVE this thread. All those tears, just glorious.

Talking about logic and sense, explain the logic behind this change?

The logic seems quite illogical to me when ggg takes away our "candy" just to give it back in the next sentence, only this time covered in shit.

Look at the top of page 18.
AdzPoE wrote:

I haven't once antagonized anybody on this matter, please don't misquote me.

I did not write that and i don't think i ever misquoted you.

One should live by his own preachings.
"Axe bad! Fix please!"

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