The Wizard's Tower

Hello, I am an active Prophecy player and I would like to join.

I have a level 83 from Parandus (now SC) and a level 70 in Prophecy. I tend to run non-meta builds. (last season was tri-ancestral protector facebreaker, this season I'm trying to make a detonate dead mine build work.). I have been a member for over 2 years, and I generally play ~5 hours a week.

Hope to see you in game,

current ign is Naasthamal

I am a former member of The Wizards Tower, and left due to joining a guild of friends. However as time has past, more and more of them dont play regularly anymore.

I miss the daily chat and banter taking place in guild chats, and i remember The Wizards Tower fondly.

Hope to hear from you, and that you will consider letting me back into the circle,

IGN to hit me up if need be: DysfunctionalSlayer
If you're still recruiting I wouldn't mind having a group to play with. Been since Perandus league but now that AIT is almost over I have a little more time to play on weekends. IGN is Zakernthra.
Last edited by Skarwind on Dec 17, 2016, 4:36:45 PM
This is exactly the kind of guild im looking for and would really like to sign up, Im a very casual player with average skill at the game. I've played this game solo since the beginning but lately have been craving a bit of community to play and chat with. I hope you send me an invite and thanks for the consideration.
I'd like to join your guild. Please add me. IGN: Dzzzzzz Thanks.
I'd like to join your guild, as well.

IGN: Lilly_Summons
I am emotionally & mentally drained through the sharking waters.
Was an officer in my previous guild but GL became inactive and didn't get along with one of the other active officers so I'm looking for a new place to kill stuff with people. Pretty chill individual.

IGN: Obliv_Flicker (should be the only char I'm on for the next couple of days since I'm fresh leveling/gearing a flicker-striker to see if I wanna run it as a league starter next league)
If you are still recruiting active players please invite me as well :)
IGN FragezeichenChief
Please invite me Gweyenne
I would like to join. Please add me IGN ArchGeneral

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