NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

friend used this script for his loot filter and a day later his account was hacked what the hell any1 else had this problem?
Heli0nix wrote:
Hey there i'm not familiar with item filters i was wondering if you could give me some help i just want to highlight iron rings ( white ) in the same way than currencies in this filter.

That's very easy! Open the filter in a text editor and scroll down to line 188 just below "This is the spot to add your own rules, that would override the color/sound/font size of all other rules". Use the search function (Ctrl F) of your text editor if you can't find it.

Now in the empty line add the following:

BaseType "Iron Ring"
Rarity Normal
SetTextColor 190 178 135 255
SetBorderColor 190 178 135 255
SetFontSize 37

xpo0ntx wrote:
friend used this script for his loot filter and a day later his account was hacked what the hell any1 else had this problem?

Haha, what an unlikely coincidence! ;)
Was his password on this list?
Last edited by Skasski#7416 on Aug 29, 2015, 4:32:12 AM
I'm trying to get white/magic champion kite shields to show up and it's just not cooperating.


#Hide # Armour: Show Champion Kite Shield AR/ES CRAFTING
#BaseType "Champion Kite Shield"
#SetFontSize 32
#Rarity <= Magic

This is what I added, since I assumed it'd be the same as Titanium Spirit Shields but it's not happening. Am I missing something here?

Never mind figured it out. I'm guessing the additional rules for shields somehow conflicted with it. for various games, generally laid back
Last edited by North2#2026 on Aug 29, 2015, 4:03:52 PM
North2 wrote:
#Hide # Armour: Show Champion Kite Shield AR/ES CRAFTING
#BaseType "Champion Kite Shield"
#SetFontSize 32
#Rarity <= Magic

Is that the exact code you are using? If yes then there's at least two problems:

1) The # symbol is used for comments. Comments are used to document software or disable lines of code. That means anything written after a # is ignored and not parsed by the filter script. Remove the #s at the start of your lines.
2) Hide means the items this filter applies to are hidden until you hold the Alt key (or whichever key you rebound "show items" to). Change it to Show.

At the end your code should look like this:
Show # Armour: Show Champion Kite Shield AR/ES CRAFTING
BaseType "Champion Kite Shield"
SetFontSize 32
Rarity <= Magic

Make sure to place it before other code that might overwrite this rule. The item filter is parsed top-to-bottom, meaning any filters at the top of the file are applied first.

For more informations on filters you might want to look at the PoE Wiki's Item filter article.
Last edited by Skasski#7416 on Aug 31, 2015, 5:02:24 AM
Latest patch borked it!

line 286; something to do with labyrinth
Airtaz wrote:
Latest patch borked it!

line 286; something to do with labyrinth

just remove labyrinth and maze
Last edited by drizuid#5419 on Sep 2, 2015, 8:01:01 PM
drizuid wrote:
Airtaz wrote:
Latest patch borked it!

line 286; something to do with labyrinth

just remove labyrinth and maze

Easy enough. Thanks.

edit: on the errored lineds:

change "labyrinth" to "terrace"

next error...

change "maze" to "conservatory"
Last edited by Airtaz#3353 on Sep 2, 2015, 8:08:19 PM
Needs Update, Loot-Filter doesnt load, please update it kindly :)
Thanks for your effort!

To fix the filter. open up notepad, drag drop the filter into the note pad. Click "Edit" then "Find Next", Type in Labyrinth, change it to Terrace

Then type in Maze, change it to Conservatory


Open game and reload filter. Problem solved.
I can't get your filter to work, the notepad won't find the words labyrinth nor Maze. But it won't load because the error with Labyrinth. But the notepad won't find it.
Rampage IGN: RIP_Stannis_Baratheon

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