NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

Hey man,
I really like your lootfilter (as well as your TS guide, but that's another topic xD) and I use it since I got into beta.

But I have a question regarding the latest version. screenshot:


I dont really get what's the deal with both the Satin Gloves and the Bronzescale Boots.
They are hidden per default, but when pressing ALT so show all items, they are even some kind of highlighted with a green/blue border. Can't be only the links, since the 3L Fiend Dagger doesn't get any love.

Why? =D
Last edited by ToxDwarf#3054 on Jul 27, 2015, 6:27:11 AM
Those borders are to identify the warbands from the league you're in. It is indicating that those items have a chance to roll the unique mods for the league and differentiating them on type (with the different colored borders). This may not be useful to most players, so the items are hidden by default but worth checking for if you're keeping an eye out for those mods.
Hmm i gotta be honest, I dont really understand your explanation.. what might be, because I've only played Tempest so far. I thought these unique warband mods can only roll on items which Warbands drop?
As I said in private, filter is good, I only modified a few things to my liking.

One thing I dislike is the sounds you're using - Ultra-rare items have the same sound as everyday currency drops. I edited the filter to have 3 distinctive 'value' levels with sound: "5" as the most valuable (mirror/rod/ultra-rare-uniques), "6" as very valuable (exalteds, divines, 6 links, probably a few more) and the rest of the valuables-worth-picking-up with "1". Maps use "9" for low-tier, "8" for medium tier and "7" for top-tier, although I might change the last one to a "6" or a "4" because it's a lot more noticeable.
Thanks for the continued support. Really appreciate the newest visibility tweaks.
Thanks for the great item filter Neversink! I've been trying out various filters and this one is top notch.

I was wondering if you had an ETA on the colorblind version? The only thing stopping me from using the filter at the moment is that I cannot tell the difference between the red and green backgrounds of the rare items letting me know which is good and which is bad.

I have spent time looking at the filter itself, but can't really discern where and which lines of color I would need to change.

Thanks for the great filter and keep up the great work!
im confused on what this means
Looking at the color chart, it says warband items are highlight and border with a certain color. This seems to happen to items even if I have not fought a warband fighter.

Example, Stealth magic boots. When I press alt I see this, larger fonts and borderd in breen.

Steel magic circlet shows larger fonts and bordered in red.

Again, I fought no warband member.
Xandin wrote:
Thanks for the great item filter Neversink! I've been trying out various filters and this one is top notch.

I was wondering if you had an ETA on the colorblind version? The only thing stopping me from using the filter at the moment is that I cannot tell the difference between the red and green backgrounds of the rare items letting me know which is good and which is bad.

I have spent time looking at the filter itself, but can't really discern where and which lines of color I would need to change.

Thanks for the great filter and keep up the great work!

It's honestly rather easy to implement and I can do it in 10 minutes tommorow, but I'll need to know:

What colors look the same to you:

If you could mark em on the wheel, that'd help a lot.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Jul 27, 2015, 5:38:25 PM
Just wanted to say thanks for making and sharing this awesome filter! It really makes the game more enjoyable. Kudos!

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