NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

Anyone else have the problem that the chest in delve dont have name tags to see them easily and also azurite doenst show up with name tags so you almost dont see if you collected all?
reqqq1 wrote:
Is it only me getting an error
Line 4897: Unable to parse parameter for BaseType rule: No base types found matching "Blood Magic Support"
with 8.2.0 version?

P.S. I see, that there is "Blood Magic Support" in Class Gems BaseType list in leveling filter. Other filters does not have it.

P.P.S. Thank you for the filter updates.

That's an outdated version.

Anyone else have the problem that the chest in delve dont have name tags to see them easily and also azurite doenst show up with name tags so you almost dont see if you collected all?

Click Z
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
The page explains some color meanings (what they indicate).

But it is not fully clear for me that (for example at the strict version)

- Which items to identify (which are worth to identify) (Are the unidentified items shown at all? For example the rares. What percent?)

- (After identifying, should I place the item on the floor? To see the possibly new colors and evaluation by the filter.)

- Which items to equip immediately (on the current character)

- Which items to sell to NPC vendors (and if so, sell it immediately or cache (buffer) in the stash for a while, until complete set or quality sum 40 or 3 flasks or something) (if selling, sell it identified or unidentified)

- Which items to store in my stash for later equip (by this or by other character) (hoarding...) (what to do if my stash is full - as almost always the case)

- Which items to price-check (on trade website, or trade macro) (and place it on a public stash tab, to offer with some fixed price -- or keep it in my stash (for example if I do not have that item yet))

- Which items to not even pick up (...unless thisandthat) (Only the pick-up-worth items are shown? All of them?)

Last edited by Jhssutrx#1064 on Sep 16, 2021, 2:21:19 PM
Jhssutrx wrote:
The page explains some color meanings (what they indicate).

But it is not fully clear for me that (for example at the strict version)

- Which items to identify (which are worth to identify) (Are the unidentified items shown at all? For example the rares. What percent?)

- (After identifying, should I place the item on the floor? To see the possibly new colors and evaluation by the filter.)

- Which items to equip immediately (on the current character)

- Which items to sell to NPC vendors (and if so, sell it immediately or cache (buffer) in the stash for a while, until complete set or quality sum 40 or 3 flasks or something) (if selling, sell it identified or unidentified)

- Which items to store in my stash for later equip (by this or by other character) (hoarding...) (what to do if my stash is full - as almost always the case)

- Which items to price-check (on trade website, or trade macro) (and place it on a public stash tab, to offer with some fixed price -- or keep it in my stash (for example if I do not have that item yet))

- Which items to not even pick up (...unless thisandthat) (Only the pick-up-worth items are shown? All of them?)

- The filter has no knowledge of the stats of unidentified items

- The filter has no knowledge of your items, stash or gear

- The filter recommends rares with the likely most valuable basetypes in the current meta/economy (in the endgame) and does a lot of filter based on the current economy and does the cut-off depending on the chosen strictness

- The filter is a tool to HELP you make these decisions, but it won't make strategic decisions for you.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Hi, it would be nice if we get just 1 standard league version that is base on standard economy "as if there is any". But Standard still quite diff from temp league.

Doesnt need to be update every 4 hours, every once a while will do.

Last edited by Darkkrows#6635 on Oct 3, 2021, 8:42:52 PM
у меня выдаёт ошибку
и так на все версии

Строка 1605: Не удался парсинг параметра для правила HasExplicitMod: Не найдено свойств, совпадающих с "of Reflexes"
[b][span color="#ff0000"] GGG Плевать на RU комьюнити
GGG spitting RU comunity [/span][/b]
i get the error: Line 1605 Unable to parse parameter for HasExplicitMod. No mods found with "of reflexes".

i play the german version
MrPaf wrote:
у меня выдаёт ошибку
и так на все версии

Строка 1605: Не удался парсинг параметра для правила HasExplicitMod: Не найдено свойств, совпадающих с "of Reflexes"

Да, тоже самое.
Если открыть файл фильтра отсюда Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\OnlineFilters, то можно увидеть, что ставится версия 8.2.0

Самое интересное, что если запустить английскую версию игры, то версия устанавливается правильная - 8.3.0

Where can I download sounds pack?
I downloaded and installed the auto sync version after years of updating it manually. But I am unable to select and change the version in use: regular through strict etc. How can i change to the more restrictive versions as I progress? Do I have to go back to manual? Thanks.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone

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