The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

Currently lvl 92
IGN: SoulRender__
IGN: AngryFaceMcHAmmer
Currently Lvl 84
IGN: BeondegiSynth
Looking for a guild
Currently lvl 80
account name:boostedupi
character name: iHitWomen
Is this guild active all the way through the end of each league? Also, is the guild leader active?


I'm not very active towards the end of the league, but im very active in the discord.

Helping people with their builds, its somewhat a hobby, and a passion of mine, so don't be shy! <--- Build help forums thread thingy.
LvL: 77
Ign: Dienasty

Lvl 86 RF
looking for a guild

IGN: Paintbomb
lv 94 noobie :)
ign: xPoweRxRangerx

lvl noob but active trying to learn the game and would like to play with a group. hope to see yall in game
IGN: ThaiYellowCurry

Would love to be a part of a guild and grow with it. Playing in the new league atm.

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