The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

I(m quite new but i like the idea of the challenges you do could be fun and helps me a lot to understands the game :D

IGN : Elushi
Now that I've upgraded my PC I'm looking to play in a group again.... I had to look back to when I started playing, and thought I had a few challenges in Anarchy/Onslaught... Domination was probably my first full league, which is fitting.

You folks sound like the kind of guild I'm looking for... I'd love an invite if you'll have me.

account name: FUNgasaur
Right now I'm playing as: NerfHearderTheScruffy

I'd love to join, being in a guild come this new league on Dec 7 would be great. I've been in a guild before but it wasn't that good. This one sounds great though. I have many hours in this game but still learning.

AU realm
IGN: Eirenana
Hello. Looking for a guild. New to POE only played since delve. Play bout 30 hrs a week. Played D4 for yrs. KONKIE
Hey, I haven't been playing as much since this league has been slowing down. I booted PoE back up yesterday and I got booted from DOMI, no clue why. I'd love to rejoin if possible.

IGN: BowelTowel
Current Char: InstaLeechYaBeech
I am interested
Name : DemonFire7
Character: Demoness_Fire
Last edited by DemonFire7 on Nov 24, 2018, 4:00:39 PM
after a short break back and looking for playing again and join a nice community.
Name : PMWDope
Character: Woltranger
Hi hi!

I played PoE during Beta and only recently (been...7 days or so)that actually got to play it "for real".

Really enjoying the game and its complexity/variability that it has these days.

Using the few days of Delve left to learn the game, mechanics, items, builds an whatnot so that I can rush at the start of Betrayal with more ground.

Still finishing to get my second char ready for Maps and so, more people to play and chat with would be awesome.

Name: Twink
Char: TK_Scion (first is Diablowned)
Sounds like a cool laidback guild.

IGN: Wankersheim
HEELO. I played the beta. But stuck with D3 for a long while. Just started to get into the game during delve. Still learning a lot. Like I just learned about the death penalty on experience. Which is why I’ve been stuck at 88 for a month. Lol. Well looking for a good place to hang out and possibly work together. Thanks for the consideration.

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