The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

IGN: Buring_Desire
Looking to do content with others and make new in game friends.
Last edited by Cosmoses1 on Sep 30, 2018, 9:19:01 PM
Looking for a new guild; IGN - SaImoneIIaFitzgeraId
Hi your guild/family as you put it sounds interesting and I'd like to try it out if you'd allow? :)
I'm a returning playing, I think I left just before the ascendancy patch so a lot has changed and I feel like a bit of a new player again :P

Discord: Viper#0184

Think my account name is dark_viper but not one hundred percent sure as I play through steam. My current char im playing is Hanni_Khann
Hi, i'm just looking for a active and relaxed guild to play with on daily basis

IGN: JuggernautMarauderBuild
new player to the game, like the sound of your community/guild
look forward to hearing from you

Hello, I'd be interested in joining up.

I'd say I was a newish but returning player if that makes sense. I've played before but one thing or the other came up (deployments, completing my service and starting new career that kind of life thing mostly) and I never got fully into it. But the past league and some change I have gotten into it. Just finished act 10 for the first time to give some indication of my experience.

IGN- Morfaen
On and Off player, got really into the Poe lately, was looking into a fun guild to join and chat to instead of just global watching all the time. Sounds like joining would be a good time.

IGN: IDontGotTrapsButIArcTho
Hey, I'd love to join.

Totally addicted to POE, and would love to hang out with others that play poe as well. Tried real hard to get my friends into it, but they couldn't stick to it.

Anyways, thank you for the consideration, looking forward to making some new friends!

IGN: bakasursa

Discord: bakasursa#3458
Heyo I would really love to join this guild it sounds amazing.
Ign: ArceroniMacaroni

playing mostly STD.
want to map with other people and see cool builds.

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