The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

Hi, I'm still a kind of new player (ish) and just want to learn more about the game. :D

IGN: SporkyFHG
IGN: Kajjirr

Looking for some fun ppls to play this game with.
Sry it spammed on me :)
Last edited by kajjirr on May 21, 2017, 1:40:47 PM
I need some help from more knowledgeable people:

IGN: IscariotsOfFire
IGN; LovesToSmoosh do y'all use discord?
Casual pleb looking for a guild.

IGN: Moopsiedoodlefoof
IGN: IDKhowtoPOEhelp (first league, but I'm not clueless anymore haha)

Do you guys use discord at all? Would be interested in that
IGN: aarosa_ek

Looking for a guild for a fairly casual player.
IGN: Hilgard

Jimmym0079 wrote:
IGN: IDKhowtoPOEhelp (first league, but I'm not clueless anymore haha)

Do you guys use discord at all? Would be interested in that

I made a mistake, it's IDKhowtoplayPOEhelp

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