The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

IGN ExiledToSolidarity
Would like an invite, please! :)
IGN God_of_Totem
Legacy MF BM Dual FT Chieftain
Abaxoth for map boss!!!
IGN KobaKaba

crit flameblast dual totem inquisitor
ING: Sparkleboi

i have been looking for an active guild with friendly and helpful members.Im very active.

Tornado shot build and crit spark build coming up
Last edited by nyancookie#4915 on Dec 8, 2016, 3:38:35 PM
The guild description sold me! I would enjoy being a part of your group of exiles! Please invite me!


IGN: Manny_Fasthands
ING: _Trickster__
tornado shot and crit spark. looking for friendly and helpful guild.
IGN: Elelelel

Looking for a fun guild that is active :)
hey, may I join your guild. just looking for someone to play alongside with. Thanks beforehand!

IGN: Junesx
Hey, I'm looking for a guild.
IGN: ScarFlurry

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