The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

hello i'm kinda new player wishing to join your guild!

ign: Pipoy
league: warband

Just got back to playing POE. LV 47 witch casual player looking to go merciless and farm.

IGN = Iridenia
League = Warbands
Account: Rexxarhunter
Last edited by Rexxarhunter on Sep 8, 2015, 1:33:44 PM
IGN: DarkSymbol
League: Warbands (Shadow, currently around lvl 42)
Account: Aizexa
New-ish player looking for a group to chill out/ask questions with.
I'd definitely be interested in joining :)
Last edited by Aizexa on Sep 9, 2015, 10:53:24 PM
Hi !
I would like to join your guild. I'm truely a newbie, just start to play for 2w !
My first character is lvl 69 and still not finish the Merciless in WB yet.Would like to play in a friendly social environment instead of just playing alone. Hopeful that everyone can help me in game if i'm accepted !
My IGN is Socresser
IGN: WhirlZerk
League: Warbands lvl 78
Trying to play with people in groups, have fun, get drops.
IGN: HappyZappyZombiePappy
I like playing summoner cause it makes me feel popular. #SoLonely
In Warbands!
Last edited by Puffin97 on Sep 12, 2015, 3:56:56 PM

i'm looking for an active guild to join! I've been playing poe from the first week it got out of closed beta, so i have a bit of experience.
If you are still recruting, I'd like to join your guild and give it a try (never joined a guild before).

IGN: Foxurius
league: standard

Thank you!
Hi there
Been playing POE for about a year and im totally hooked.
Had a cool guild that has died due to memeber inactivity so i am looking for a cool new guild

Send me an invite if you're still recruiting!

I'd really like to join, my current guild is dead :(

Yours seem like a nice guild!

IGN: SerasuVikutoria
Last edited by ThaKeeper on Sep 19, 2015, 9:10:39 AM
Ign: Grag_Hack

lvl 57 marauder
league: standard

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