[ LLD ] Ice shot 's broken mechanics exposed.

I decided to test ice shot a bit to see why it's mechanics are game breaking in LLD after doing many test 3v3s with good pvpers and everytime the team with an iceshotter wins no matter the match ups.

Ice shot currently has very high damage when combined with cold pen, asphyxias quiver, hrimsorrow and hatred cold damage boosters. I really think amongs all the utilitys it gives it really is too efficient in LLD, it's an aoe with light travel speed which provides chill, freeze and ground ice when exploding. We all know chill and freeze is hard to manage in LLD with how slow we move, combined with a projectile that travels that fast and explodes in a cone uppon landing is far too efficient, the damage it does is really unjustified.

I tried to test out it's mechanics a bit and when you actually take the time to analyze how it works you can really see how broken it is, it really goes around walls even after the arrow gets destroyed when shot directly towards the wall, let me explain this via pictures.

If you take a look at picture 1,2 and 3 you can really see the arrows being blocked by the wall but the cone still goes around the wall even tho the person is standing in a position where no other skill in this game would even hit him, in reality he should be pretty much safe from anything since it would get blocked by the obstacle. This is not the case with ice shot and i really dont know why this skill has the possibility to do this and especially has arrow travelling at light speed providing such efficient CC ( chill, freeze ).

Now amongs all the buggy wall bypass this skill provides it also works when shooting players, take a look at picture 4. I'm shooting my buddy and you can see the cone behind him doing its AOE. If you look at the picture where i put the X's is an exemple of players standing behind him, they would get instantly hit by the cone and i really cant see another skill being able to do this, not even fireball inc aoe can even reach this amount of hit space even linked to 20/20 inc aoe.

You really cant be standing in any corners to try to hide from the shots because the cone will just go around it and hit you, the picture 1 in my opinion really efficiently shows that it really goes around the wall and that is for sure not how it should be, arent walls suposed to be blocking the aoe ? why would the aoe bypass the wall i dont understand this. I cant even think of any other skill that can bypass walls like this.

Another thing i should mention is people saying ice shot becomes invisble sometimes, i found out why. When you shoot ice shot from far range, the arrow becomes invisble for the opponent after exiting your screen and only the cone becomes visible uppon landing, this is abused a lot in small maps where u can shoot ur enemy from the spawn ( take the exemple of solaris ).

I mentioned in another post about a bug with temporal chain applying for 2 seconds when a new round starts, it is because of the asphyxias quiver. If you look at the mods of the quiver the last one says ; Curses on Slain enemies are transferred to a nearby enemy. let's take the exemple of a 1v1 with an iceshotter using temporal chains on hit with this quiver, as soon as he kills you another round starts and since it applies to nearby enemies it will get applied on you when you respawn for the next round and this last for 2 seconds, clearly a bug that needs to be fixed, ( not that this does not work all time and i dont exactly know why ).

If you are uncertain of the exactitude of the player actually being hit by the cone wall bypass i can confirm that it does hit the target. Just look at the pictures and you will see green bubbles around my buddy which is in fact the on hit effect my acid weapon MTX provides.

In my opinion this really exposes how ice shot's mechanics are currently bypassing obstacles and the reason behind why it is so overpowered right now, something clearly needs to be done towards this.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Mar 14, 2015, 8:27:21 PM
GGG: "Let's wait until every single bow build switches to Ice Shot before we look at it. After a cursory glance, we will deem its current damage and mechanics appropriate. In fact, let's go ahead and buff it for shits and giggles."
hissnail wrote:
GGG: "Let's wait until every single bow build switches to Ice Shot before we look at it. After a cursory glance, we will deem its current damage and mechanics appropriate. In fact, let's go ahead and buff it for shits and giggles."

Please let's keep this thread on coherant feedback for the next posts... there's really no point in trolling, we have seen this enough already.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Mar 14, 2015, 8:53:14 PM
hauntworld1 wrote:
hissnail wrote:
GGG: "Let's wait until every single bow build switches to Ice Shot before we look at it. After a cursory glance, we will deem its current damage and mechanics appropriate. In fact, let's go ahead and buff it for shits and giggles."

Please let's keep this thread on coherant feedback for the next posts... there's really no point in trolling, we have seen this enough already.

Nah all I did was speak for GGG. They aren't my views.
hauntworld1 wrote:
I decided to test ice shot a bit to see why it's mechanics are game breaking in LLD after doing many test 3v3s with good pvpers and everytime the team with an iceshotter wins no matter the match ups.

Ice shot currently has very high damage when combined with cold pen, asphyxias quiver, hrimsorrow and hatred cold damage boosters. I really think amongs all the utilitys it gives it really is too efficient in LLD, it's an aoe with light travel speed which provides chill, freeze and ground ice when exploding. We all know chill and freeze is hard to manage in LLD with how slow we move, combined with a projectile that travels that fast and explodes in a cone uppon landing is far too efficient, the damage it does is really unjustified.

I tried to test out it's mechanics a bit and when you actually take the time to analyze how it works you can really see how broken it is, it really goes around walls even after the arrow gets destroyed when shot directly towards the wall, let me explain this via pictures.

If you take a look at picture 1,2 and 3 you can really see the arrows being blocked by the wall but the cone still goes around the wall even tho the person is standing in a position where no other skill in this game would even hit him, in reality he should be pretty much safe from anything since it would get blocked by the obstacle. This is not the case with ice shot and i really dont know why this skill has the possibility to do this and especially has arrow travelling at light speed providing such efficient CC ( chill, freeze ).

Now amongs all the buggy wall bypass this skill provides it also works when shooting players, take a look at picture 4. I'm shooting my buddy and you can see the cone behind him doing its AOE. If you look at the picture where i put the X's is an exemple of players standing behind him, they would get instantly hit by the cone and i really cant see another skill being able to do this, not even fireball inc aoe can even reach this amount of hit space even linked to 20/20 inc aoe.

You really cant be standing in any corners to try to hide from the shots because the cone will just go around it and hit you, the picture 1 in my opinion really efficiently shows that it really goes around the wall and that is for sure not how it should be, arent walls suposed to be blocking the aoe ? why would the aoe bypass the wall i dont understand this. I cant even think of any other skill that can bypass walls like this.

Another thing i should mention is people saying ice shot becomes invisble sometimes, i found out why. When you shoot ice shot from far range, the arrow becomes invisble for the opponent after exiting your screen and only the cone becomes visible uppon landing, this is abused a lot in small maps where u can shoot ur enemy from the spawn ( take the exemple of solaris ).

I mentioned in another post about a bug with temporal chain applying for 2 seconds when a new round starts, it is because of the asphyxias quiver. If you look at the mods of the quiver the last one says ; Curses on Slain enemies are transferred to a nearby enemy. let's take the exemple of a 1v1 with an iceshotter using temporal chains on hit with this quiver, as soon as he kills you another round starts and since it applies to nearby enemies it will get applied on you when you respawn for the next round and this last for 2 seconds, clearly a bug that needs to be fixed, ( not that this does not work all time and i dont exactly know why ).

If you are uncertain of the exactitude of the player actually being hit by the cone wall bypass i can confirm that it does hit the target. Just look at the pictures and you will see green bubbles around my buddy which is in fact the on hit effect my acid weapon MTX provides.

In my opinion this really exposes how ice shot's mechanics are currently bypassing obstacles and the reason behind why it is so overpowered right now, something clearly needs to be done towards this.

Great post. in time this will get more and more exposed. This skill has OP dmg and far too OP utility.. There are also several maps where the arrow is 100% broken. meaning the AOE procs half of the map because of glitched objects in map. Ice shot makes fighting a bower who uses traps (especially CC) virtually impossible.
hauntworld1 wrote:
I decided to test ice shot a bit to see why it's mechanics are game breaking in LLD after doing many test 3v3s with good pvpers and everytime the team with an iceshotter wins no matter the match ups.

This is not a true at all, confirmed by the lack of about 20 other demis that I havent won in 3v3's.

hauntworld1 wrote:
Ice shot currently has very high damage when combined with cold pen, asphyxias quiver, hrimsorrow and hatred cold damage boosters. I really think amongs all the utilitys it gives it really is too efficient in LLD, it's an aoe with light travel speed which provides chill, freeze and ground ice when exploding. We all know chill and freeze is hard to manage in LLD with how slow we move, combined with a projectile that travels that fast and explodes in a cone uppon landing is far too efficient, the damage it does is really unjustified.

Congrats you have realized what everyone else in LLD has known for quite some time. Penetration gems are broken and vastly overpower any other gem damage source in an all elemental build. It is not ice shot that is overpowered it is the penetration gems.

hauntworld1 wrote:
If you take a look at picture 1,2 and 3 you can really see the arrows being blocked by the wall but the cone still goes around the wall even tho the person is standing in a position where no other skill in this game would even hit him, in reality he should be pretty much safe from anything since it would get blocked by the obstacle. This is not the case with ice shot and i really dont know why this skill has the possibility to do this and especially has arrow travelling at light speed providing such efficient CC ( chill, freeze ).

Spark, tornado shot, rain of arrows, poison arrow, and sometimes molten strike all have the capability to hit within the range of the cone beyond a wall. Other skills such as arc, firestorm, and flameblast are able to hit that opponent as well, though they do not actually hit a barrier.

hauntworld1 wrote:
Now amongs all the buggy wall bypass this skill provides it also works when shooting players, take a look at picture 4. I'm shooting my buddy and you can see the cone behind him doing its AOE. If you look at the picture where i put the X's is an exemple of players standing behind him, they would get instantly hit by the cone and i really cant see another skill being able to do this, not even fireball inc aoe can even reach this amount of hit space even linked to 20/20 inc aoe.

From poe wiki - "Explosion: On hitting a target, Ice Shot creates a cone-shaped explosion that damages enemies and creates ground ice. This triggers on every hit, so with increased chance to pierce, multiple explosions can occur with one cast of Ice Shot. These can overlap." This is simply what the skill is designed to do. The cone doing aoe damage to multiple players/mobs is working exactly how it is described.

hauntworld1 wrote:
Another thing i should mention is people saying ice shot becomes invisble sometimes, i found out why. When you shoot ice shot from far range, the arrow becomes invisble for the opponent after exiting your screen and only the cone becomes visible uppon landing, this is abused a lot in small maps where u can shoot ur enemy from the spawn ( take the exemple of solaris ).

This problably varies depending on the user, game display settings etc, but in the amount of time I have been using ice shot (since event number 1 of s2) I have only ever seen this occur once and that was on the battlefront tileset. This is also something that occurs with several other skills when casted offscreen, for example ice spear and fireball. This is a graphical error that should be fixed, I agree.

ign: TsunaFishSandwich
King Cone ~ You can't stop the cone!
For the next 3.50 Patch, we will reduce the damage of Ice Shot by 0.45%
I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
Skyforth wrote:
For the next 3.50 Patch, we will reduce the damage of Ice Shot by 0.45%

Skyforth wrote:
Last post in PvP feedback/discussion for me.

Have you thought about the combination of the 2 events making 1 character useless regardless of the system change? Because before we had HC and SC seperate, meaning you could participate in both with 2 characters. Now it's one or the other.

Why are you back? Don't you have some other forums to troll with useless post?


Regarding ice shot. I think the most OP part is the interaction between freeze/chill and temp chains and how relatively easy it is to apply it since you dont need a direct hit as is with most other skills.
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
Last edited by andkamen#5405 on Mar 15, 2015, 4:09:38 AM
Interesting, i thought it was only me not seeing the arrows from ice shot. Got killed a couple of times from offscreen without knowing what actually happened.

On a related note, I always thought it was odd that ice shot has a damage effectivness (120%) similar to burning arrow (130%), although it is mechanically much closer to lightning arrow, which has only a damage effectiveness of 70%.
Xorim wrote:
Interesting, i thought it was only me not seeing the arrows from ice shot. Got killed a couple of times from offscreen without knowing what actually happened.

On a related note, I always thought it was odd that ice shot has a damage effectivness (120%) similar to burning arrow (130%), although it is mechanically much closer to lightning arrow, which has only a damage effectiveness of 70%.

And it has the added bonus of chill and freeze chance. It's definitely the strongest of the three due to utility and damage.

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