hauntworld1 wrote:
While talking about Point blank, i want i add up another build that i find is too strong. Point blank molten strike critical dagger build is a build played by lapiz and surprisingly i dont see many people doing that build. I can however tell that this might become a problem in the future wether it is in temp or base leagues with better gear considering this really is the reflection of a 1 shot mechanic build. As a base molten strike is an attack with projectiles in itself, generally the balls dont do so much damage with no multipliers. However when you add up criticals and % More damage by getting crit on the tree and items combined with point blank gem you can achieve insane amounts of fire damage directly to your projectile balls. I have often seen my 1.8k hp get instagib by the molten balls when they crited and it is easy to achieve a crit with a diamond flask and enough from the gear and tree.
What did I just read..? Point blank with crit dagger?! The level of ignorance is simply astounding I have to say.
hauntworld1 wrote:
I think any 1 shot mechanic settup is definatly not balanced to provide good metagames and lasting matches, no one really likes to die in 1 shot and with tanky builds you start to see at what level certain skills deal too much damage, it's hard to judge when playing a cookiecutter build with 1-1.3k hp.
As if your RT sword mara with 2k hp isn't the most cookiecutter build there is -.-
You do realise almost all the best LLD builds with literally bis items have a hp value somewhere between 1k-1,2k?
Heavy strike is still perhaps the only skill that actually needs adjusting the most. I would say a sword heavy striker is the ultimate best LLD character at the moment. It can be built in a way it beats literally everything else there is. No one has made a character like that in the temp leagues.
Posted bylapiz#7973on Mar 15, 2015, 9:48:45 AM
lapiz wrote:
hauntworld1 wrote:
While talking about Point blank, i want i add up another build that i find is too strong. Point blank molten strike critical dagger build is a build played by lapiz and surprisingly i dont see many people doing that build. I can however tell that this might become a problem in the future wether it is in temp or base leagues with better gear considering this really is the reflection of a 1 shot mechanic build. As a base molten strike is an attack with projectiles in itself, generally the balls dont do so much damage with no multipliers. However when you add up criticals and % More damage by getting crit on the tree and items combined with point blank gem you can achieve insane amounts of fire damage directly to your projectile balls. I have often seen my 1.8k hp get instagib by the molten balls when they crited and it is easy to achieve a crit with a diamond flask and enough from the gear and tree.
What did I just read..? Point blank with crit dagger?! The level of ignorance is simply astounding I have to say.
hauntworld1 wrote:
I think any 1 shot mechanic settup is definatly not balanced to provide good metagames and lasting matches, no one really likes to die in 1 shot and with tanky builds you start to see at what level certain skills deal too much damage, it's hard to judge when playing a cookiecutter build with 1-1.3k hp.
As if your RT sword mara with 2k hp isn't the most cookiecutter build there is -.-
You do realise almost all the best LLD builds with literally bis items have a hp value somewhere between 1k-1,2k?
Heavy strike is still perhaps the only skill that actually needs adjusting the most. I would say a sword heavy striker is the ultimate best LLD character at the moment. It can be built in a way it beats literally everything else there is. No one has made a character like that in the temp leagues.
You do realize point blank works with molten strike ?
You do realize a cookiecutter build means low hp high dps ?
You do realize im losing to most top tier invitational builds with heavy strike ?
YOUR level of ignorance is more astounding to be honest.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Posted byhauntworld1#6496on Mar 15, 2015, 12:54:23 PM
hauntworld1 wrote:
You do realize point blank works with molten strike ?
You do realize a cookiecutter build means low hp high dps ?
You do realize im losing to most top tier invitational builds with heavy strike ?
YOUR level of ignorance is more astounding to be honest.
Point blank works with it but is almost useless which is why I'm astounded you actually thought crit daggers use it.
You most likely lose to other builds because your passive tree, item and gem choices are not optimal. Not because heavy strike is bad..
And you should look up the definition of cookiecutter.
Last edited by lapiz#7973 on Mar 15, 2015, 1:32:28 PM
Posted bylapiz#7973on Mar 15, 2015, 1:30:22 PM
Cookie cutter means run of the mill, easy, connect the dots, typical, not unique, expected, flowchart, copy and pasted etc..etc.. It has nothing to do with dps vs hp ratios.
IGN: MullaXul
Posted byMullaXul#2277on Mar 15, 2015, 1:30:53 PM
hauntworld1 wrote:
lapiz wrote:
hauntworld1 wrote:
While talking about Point blank, i want i add up another build that i find is too strong. Point blank molten strike critical dagger build is a build played by lapiz and surprisingly i dont see many people doing that build.
What did I just read..? Point blank with crit dagger?! The level of ignorance is simply astounding I have to say.
You do realize point blank works with molten strike ?
You do realize a cookiecutter build means low hp high dps ?
You do realize im losing to most top tier invitational builds with heavy strike ?
YOUR level of ignorance is more astounding to be honest.
I'm going to take a wild guess here and say lapiz doesn't actually use point blank like you claim.
Posted bySakazaki#7306on Mar 15, 2015, 2:14:10 PM
As far as i know i'm not the one 1 shotting over 1k hp with a melee attack, the fact that you are trying to defend a 1 shot mechanic build by saying heavy strike is op is just sad.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Posted byhauntworld1#6496on Mar 15, 2015, 2:33:31 PM
heavy strike is mostly OP because of the stun, not so much because of the damage. It takes a number of multistriked HS's to bring a char down where as it can only take 1-2 molten strikes or barrage shots
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
Posted byandkamen#5405on Mar 15, 2015, 3:04:15 PM
ddub3987 wrote:
Point Blank(both)
Elemental equilibrium(both)
Cold snap (LLD)
Molten shell(HLD)
Bear traps(both)
Remote mines(HLD)
Tempest shield (HLD)
Flame blast (HLD)
Freeze pulse(HLD)
Anything that can 1 shot 10k hit points with formidable defenses needs to be looked at also. The most common complaint I hear from pvp is one shot mechanics. The ironic thing is how the majority of the events this season were blitz events which guide you to acquire your maximum damage possible to succeed in the event. So this season GGG basically sponsored 1 second kills which newer players get frustrated the most from. I am not saying I don't like blitz, but if we are to target a wider audience there should be game modes that do not favor just one second kill squishy builds. Capture the flag is a great example. A main build for a good CTF team is a tank runner. Any alternate strategy games that can be implemented into pvp can help broaden the build pool away from one second kills, and get newer players more interested.
odd that you didnt mention burning arrow, wich i hope you yourself know is a oneshot mechanic with insane dot applied on top if the hit didnt already kill you, i just cannot wait for someone to spec into puncuture+burning arrow to double dot
edit: also heavy strike / knockback mechanic needs to be revisited not becouse its op how it works, i would be fine seeing taht im being knocked back, but to teleport back vs every heavy striker isnt fun and corrupting million pair of boots just to be able to fight few guys shouldnt be like that. Atleast give us a swap of some sort that prevents knockback
adding to your list
molten shell and molten strike should be nerfed in lld (this can be also achieved by just adding less blitz events so you cant run million diamond flasks), removing from your list, i feel like bear trap is fine in lld, i wont touch hld since i havent played it enough
pvp loooooooool Last edited by eMbbuZomg#7098 on Mar 15, 2015, 3:21:46 PM
Posted byeMbbuZomg#7098on Mar 15, 2015, 3:17:04 PM
hauntworld1 wrote:
As far as i know i'm not the one 1 shotting over 1k hp with a melee attack, the fact that you are trying to defend a 1 shot mechanic build by saying heavy strike is op is just sad.
My heavy striker on standard is better than my daggerdude on standard although my heavy strike sword is worse than the dagger.
A well built heavy striker does beat and "one shot" everything just the same way a dagger does but it also stuns and knockbacks on top of everything.
There are still quite a few simple things people on temp leagues haven't realised yet regarding melee characters in general and melee vs melee duels.
Posted bylapiz#7973on Mar 15, 2015, 4:09:24 PM
You realize knockback is a con to HS. If you get cannot be knocked back HS has potential to do far more damage. The knockback is a saving grace for those that actually move instead of just standing there holding attack duuuuuuuuh why am I getting kb duuuuuuuuuuh. It allows you to create space between you and the HS'er so you can walk out of range/leap/whirling...etc..etc.. IF you have cannot be stunned or stun avoidance % and actually avoid it. Multistrike or not, I hope they remove KB from HS so I can smack bitches around that much easier.
IGN: MullaXul
Posted byMullaXul#2277on Mar 15, 2015, 4:09:35 PM