Poe Price Check – Check Single Item and Stash Tab Items with Ease

Request and response:
"added": {
"browserUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Delve&i=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&w=1",
"encodedData": "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",
"league": "Delve",
"requestUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Delve&i=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"
"data": {},
"error": 2,
"pred_explanation": [],
"status": 200
DistDroid3r wrote:
Request and response:
"added": {
"browserUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Delve&i=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&w=1",
"encodedData": "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",
"league": "Delve",
"requestUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Delve&i=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"
"data": {},
"error": 2,
"pred_explanation": [],
"status": 200

The URL actually returned with normal results:


{"status": 200, "min": 1.1199999999999999, "max": 1.68, "currency": "chaos", "error": 0, "pred_explanation": [["Adds # to # Cold Damage", 0.05731331543063232], ["(pseudo) (total) +#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier", 0.006036024791623049], ["#% increased Physical Damage", -0.008013243082631275], ["crit", -0.023893988796797955], ["edps", -0.04577137614289405], ["aps", -0.056077876905360084], ["dps", -0.3875952569101873], ["pdps", -0.41529891793987395]], "data": {}}

Maybe give it a try another time? Feel free to post here if you see any more. Thanks!
Happens every time I try a price check on rares. Tried deleting all setings in documents and other files still doesn't work.

Request and response:
"added": {
"browserUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Delve&i=&w=1",
"encodedData": "",
"league": "Delve",
"requestUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Delve&i="
"data": {},
"error": 2,
"status": 200
Last edited by Nefex#7226 on Sep 4, 2018, 8:57:47 AM
Nefex wrote:
Happens every time I try a price check on rares. Tried deleting all setings in documents and other files still doesn't work.

Request and response:
"added": {
"browserUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Delve&i=&w=1",
"encodedData": "",
"league": "Delve",
"requestUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Delve&i="
"data": {},
"error": 2,
"status": 200

Hey, thanks for reporting this. Actually, there was a similar problem reported yesterday. This is still an open issue on the TradeMacro github, but the dev provided some recommendations to solve it. In the mean time, welcome to use the website before the issue is resolved. Here are the recommendations from TradeMacro dev:

The log tells that the item text was captured as empty. I will ask the TradeMacro dev about it, since I recall this has happened in the past.

TradeMacro dev responded very fast:


The issue is caused when using certutil to base64 encode the item data.
Or if some program like certutil itself is missing.

Here is what the dev recommended: https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/issues/637#issuecomment-357330503

A quick test would be opening a console and executing: certutil
If the command wasn't found it may the issue described here, else it is some other issue.

This issue is still open, which needs more test from there end: https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/issues/786

An answer was newly added. Kudos to TradeMacro dev.

If this does not concludes with a solution for you, maybe try out our website in the mean time.

Hey, could you explain to me why this item:
Rarity: Rare
Hate Wreck
Colossus Mallet
Two Handed Mace
Physical Damage: 57-118
Elemental Damage: 63-102 (augmented), 65-115 (augmented)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.56 (augmented)
Weapon Range: 11
Level: 60
Str: 154 (augmented)
Sockets: B-G-R-G-B B
Item Level: 75
30% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
Adds 63 to 102 Fire Damage
Adds 65 to 115 Cold Damage
25% increased Attack Speed
+19% to Chaos Resistance
0.65% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
18% reduced Attribute Requirements

Only gets 5 matches if I uncheck everything?
It shouldn't only end up with 5 results, yet it for some reason does.
I'm not sure if it's an error or bug because I didn't play for quite a while, maybe you changed some things since then on how it fundamentally works.
Last edited by World_Destructor#4649 on Sep 5, 2018, 1:52:54 PM
World_Destructor wrote:
Hey, could you explain to me why this item:
Rarity: Rare
Hate Wreck
Colossus Mallet
Two Handed Mace
Physical Damage: 57-118
Elemental Damage: 63-102 (augmented), 65-115 (augmented)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.56 (augmented)
Weapon Range: 11
Level: 60
Str: 154 (augmented)
Sockets: B-G-R-G-B B
Item Level: 75
30% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
Adds 63 to 102 Fire Damage
Adds 65 to 115 Cold Damage
25% increased Attack Speed
+19% to Chaos Resistance
0.65% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
18% reduced Attribute Requirements

Only gets 5 matches if I uncheck everything?
It shouldn't only end up with 5 results, yet it for some reason does.
I'm not sure if it's an error or bug because I didn't play for quite a while, maybe you changed some things since then on how it fundamentally works.

Hey, welcome back! Hope you enjoy the league. I suppose that you were querying this item in Delve league. I tried to uncheck every mod and got 50 similar matches. Here is a screen shot of the result:


By any chance, did you uncheck the pseudo mod (
(pseudo) (total) +19% to Chaos Resistance) on the right side?
Thanks, yeah Delve is quite a lot of fun.
I tried again and it still persists because it seems to match items based on the off sockets.
Last edited by World_Destructor#4649 on Sep 6, 2018, 2:02:34 AM
World_Destructor wrote:
Thanks, yeah Delve is quite a lot of fun.
I tried again and it still persists because it seems to match items based on the off sockets.

Yes, the 5 off-color is an implicit search criterion. Good that you caught that. Do you think it is helpful to make it an option to be able to check/uncheck?
SlugPranker wrote:
World_Destructor wrote:
Thanks, yeah Delve is quite a lot of fun.
I tried again and it still persists because it seems to match items based on the off sockets.

Yes, the 5 off-color is an implicit search criterion. Good that you caught that. Do you think it is helpful to make it an option to be able to check/uncheck?

It has to at least be optional in some way because for me it was far too limiting in the search results which would force me to modify the item data which's tedious to do and would force me to redo the pricecheck entirely.
I probably encountered it earlier too and didn't realize that that was what the site was doing which probably made me confused on if the site was working correctly or not, that it might have some bugs that I can find items on trade that aren't ending up in the results to compare my item with.
That shouldn't be something you want to happen.

Also one combination of 4 off color sockets can be useful while another can be utterly useless, it's comparing apples to pears basically to assume they're equal in contribution of value of the item.
Last edited by World_Destructor#4649 on Sep 7, 2018, 5:26:03 PM

Based on your suggestion, the off color socket search criteria has been added to the website. If an item has >=4 off color sockets, the search criteria will be available for modifying the search.

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