Poe Price Check – Check Single Item and Stash Tab Items with Ease
There was an error in generating one of the models within the algorithm. I am still trying to recreate this rare issue. But a remedy has been implemented to make it robust. However, the new influenced items (e.g. hunter, etc.) still need more time for us to figure out how to make the prediction more robust.
BTW, due to the very less amount of items in Hardcore, the prediction might be way off.... Try standard league if you want to test it out at the moment. Thanks again for your reporting. Previous Message:
" |
Request and response:
{ "added": { "browserUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Metamorph&i=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&w=1", "encodedData": "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", "encodingError": "", "league": "Metamorph", "requestUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Metamorph&i=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", "retHeader": "502", "timeoutParam": 25 } } |
Might be intermittent issues. Services are fine atm.
" |
Anytime I attempt a price check for anything rare I get this:
ERROR: Request to poeprices.info or returned an invalid response! Please take a look at the file "temp/poeprices_log.txt" *Proceeded to said file and was instructed to come here* ##### ### Please post this log file below to https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1216141/. ### Try not to "spam" their thread if a few other reports with the same error description were posted in the last hours. Please note, there was nothing in the log file also the macro works fine for uniques,gems and fossils just getting nothing for anything that's rare. ##### Request and response: what do I do? |
Hi, there, sorry to hear about it. I am guessing you are using TradeMacro. The server is definitely working. Maybe start checking the settings in TradeMacro such as e.g. league (if this is wrong, the return can be invalid).
To check whether our server is working, go to poeprices.info and paste your item. If you can get a machine learning predicted price, the server should be good. " |
Keep getting error when trying to price stash.
Sorry about that experience. When we did a test few minutes ago, it was working fine for our Metamorph stash tabs. Can you let us know what does the error say, or paste the stash text through e.g. pastebin.com so we can debug to see what happened? Thanks.
" |
can this work for ps4?
Pasting from an earlier post:
Hi there, we have website (www.poeprices.info) and integration with TradeMacro, and also mobile phone apps (www.poeprices.info/apps). Currently, (1) Mobile app works with ps4 and xbox (2) Website price a stash: need to add realm=sony in the URL, such as: http://www.pathofexile.com/character-window/get-stash-items?league=Synthesis&tabs=1&tabIndex=0&realm=sony&accountName= Remember to add your actual account name at the end. Note: since there are only few items in the realm (and GGG's publish API does not include sony or xbox items), we can only compare the items by default to its corresponding league. For example, ps4 synthesis league to be priced with the PC synthesis league. This is not very accurate, but it is a starting point to flag potentially valuable items. " |
Hello again.
Unnerve is missing:
Rarity: Rare
Entropy Knuckle Slink Gloves -------- Quality: +20% (augmented) Evasion Rating: 318 (augmented) -------- Requirements: Level: 70 Dex: 95 -------- Sockets: R-B-B-R -------- Item Level: 86 -------- +13% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier +23 to Evasion Rating +28 to maximum Life +42% to Fire Resistance +9% to Lightning Resistance 0.32% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana 9% chance to Unnerve Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit -------- Hunter Item |