Bugs that needs to be fixed in PvP
" I don't know how many fucking times i said this from the fucking start of Season 1 and all i got was shit from the scum of the PvP community. I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
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" Nah your not the only one. (after s1)I recommended they nerf point blank specifically to nerf attack based traps and instead they insisted that the trap nerf combined with a point blank nerf would of been too much. How wrong that was. IGN: @GreenDude Last edited by GreenDude#3233 on Mar 13, 2015, 11:00:07 PM
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" Oh noes, GD already pitched it and it was ignored. GG boys it's hopeless now. | |
Traps are Ok and if you ask me they got nerf TOO MUCH with CC going from 5sec-->2.5sec and bleed immunity ( a nerf was in order but bleed immunity is tooooooo much and should have been corelated with other nerfs for other skills)
By nerfing traps more, you basicaly want to restrict LLD to melee flicer strike/cyclone + firestormers and fp all builds that realy require a lot more skill than the - how you call it? - builds made by the scum of the PvP. You basicaly just want to rush without anything to care and kill the scums. If you find avoiding / destroying traps too hard try other games or stick to std pve (that's fun). LLD is in a point where they got back to the point before patch 1.3. With QQ like yours we're getting nowhere. I think all us scums who actually do play LLD need to get together and try do something constructive (like a list of things that need changing / nerfing/ boosting) in order to give it to ggg so they can have a general opinion form all of us. I think a manifest signed and supported by most of us would make them do something. If we cannot have consensus among us how can ggg do something (who should they listen to in order to change something if we all wish different things in function of our own interest/point of view - as it's clear we are a minority and they cannot dedicate people to make it nice for us few) PS i would go one up to what mimi told and vendor you completely with your shitty comments and bad jokes that only make us look bad. Stick to pve mate leave us scums to do lld. PS 2 making jokes about GD is to say the least bad taste. i don't agree with all his points of view but you really need to change your attitude and show him some respect as he is probably the one who did most for this lld Last edited by poeacc79#5013 on Mar 14, 2015, 11:44:08 AM
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" You do realize that the reason GGG does not take our comments into consideration is because they only listen to greendude, and im sure some people out there would do as well for the balance if not better. If GGG could stop being all over GD and ask the community more about what needs to change we would have a much better LLD metagame, you cant balance a whole game with just 1 person perspective because there will always be biased facts from the players own point of view. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Mar 14, 2015, 11:26:07 AM
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" 2.5 seconds is plenty for traps. They are still impossible to counter as a melee with melee splash and self-casting to destroy is ridiculous because of such high self cast (mainly self bow) damage. Addressing some real shit: Bows are hopelessly imbalanced. If you do not believe so then min/max either ele or phys builds and see how wrong you are. Rearguard is mmmmuuuuuchhhh better than perandus: ____________Rearguard_________________Perandus______________________ block: 31%___________________________ 24%!! damage: 0 ____________________________20%!! 6-12 phys spell block:0___________________________ 15!!! wtf is this utilities: life regen, leech, life_______projectile speed defense: 40~ evasion____________________50 armor lmao (t1 rare chest) and 50%!!! stun recovery So while yea, perandus is still a good piece.. WHAT THE FUCK IS REARGUARD? Those insane stats coupled with the fact that as a bower you receive 2hand damage and u can achieve an additional attack corrupt makes this absurdly OVER FUCKING POWERED!!!!!!!!! As a CC trapper this is how bow vs melee shapes: Bow user use ice shot/puncture as range (lets not get started on ice shots OPness) which can easily kill any melee with very good speed. When melee closes the distance simply blink arrow or smoke mine away.. hell there's no point there. A bow/trapper will tank any melee and 1-2 trap show them at their feet anyway. Barrage can and will beat any melee damage facetank 7/10 times for no good reason. Point blank being free and obvious ridiculous damage is asinine. Ah.. I forgot to mention another staple item for a trapper that is blatantly OP: deerstalker. I'd love the argument for why deerstalkers should continue to have their same over-efficiency. Traps can be thrown across maps faster than a spell or arrow can make it, and maintians point blank/1shot mechanic. Unless the trapper is chill/tc then there is little chance of effectively evading these traps..especially if you are chill/tc yourself (ice shot). I can go on and on about how/why these builds are completely IMBA, and believe me I've done plenty of "attempting" to counter.. hardcounter, build changes, character changes, etc. Last edited by bigfoot312#3283 on Mar 14, 2015, 12:28:19 PM
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I agree anybody can have he's (she's) point of view but in order to be credible you need to actually have some good results in pvp. I don't know what's the reason you do not do well (probably just bad items) but seeing your results, you seem to have troubles with all not just archers. To resume what you said: nerf ice shot / puncture, nerf bow dps, nerf traps ... so basically eliminate bows as they are annoying ....... not very constructive.
Please allow me to not really trust you when you say you try hard and have no results. |
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" So you dismissed my suggestions because YOU are a nobody and don't know who I am? please... edit: good results in pvp? I was an invitational season 1 and only participated in 1 swiss and got rank 2. You should have some credibility and some counter arguments if you think you can dismiss me son I encourage you to join standard and attempt at beating Lapiz ele/cc trapper with a melee and come back to me with your half assed insults :D Last edited by bigfoot312#3283 on Mar 14, 2015, 12:26:22 PM
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" Are you talking about bigfoot? He's got some of the best gear on standard, and a lot of insane builds. He's a very capable lld'er with a lot of experience. He just happens to have a job and a wife that permit him from camping most of GGG's events. So, chill. He's been dueling with Lapiz and Heelon a lot on standard, so he's got experience primarily with the t1 players on their t1 builds with t1 gear. If you want top level play feedback, he's a good dude to listen to. Most of the whining on the forums is from people with a month on a single build trying to wonder OMG WHY SO MANY PEOPLE MAKE BOWS Welcome the change. |
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" tha dude |
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