The 6 Simple Ways GGG could save PvP
" I really like the random rare jewelry idea. That would definitely help. I still think it benefits players who are avid enough to lvl multiple accounts so they have a better chance to get useable elreon gear. But any greater supply is better than the current deficiency. Ya prismweaves need to drop more, in hc its like impossible to get them. I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, |
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" It appears you misunderstood multiple parts of my argument. 1. Ok you need to understand this aspect quite a bit better kuan. GGG does not want to turn this game into a moba, they dont want it being world of warcraft PvP buying your rewards from vendors, its suppose to be a gear grind. Gear grind is fine as long as its rewarding. If you farm for 500 hours and dont get anything besides some alts and chroms from vendoring, thats a huge problem. No one currently grinds LLD areas because its unrewarding. I had plenty of new players message me asking where to farm. THey farm for hours with no reward. If players dont want to farm for gear to PvP, they can use the premade chars. One thing people need to understand, this is a ARPG, and GGG has spoken multiple times about wanting to keep that element. If players dont want to farm for gear whatsoever then crafting is a choice but its going to be far more expensive, as it should be. Farming gear is the answer because its what this game is about, and currently you cant farm LLD gear effectively. I was not using the maligaros cost to justify them dropping as much as asenaths and crest of perandus, but to show case how expensive the items can be. The price needs to drop. Farming uniques to corrupt yourself fits GGGs ideals. And I absolutely disagree with you about maligaros curse on hit being a luxury. I dont think you have played enough crit builds to speak about this dude. I have fought so many dagger builds without curse on hit gloves but the rest of the gear is competitive....they didnt stand a chance. I ended up selling one of the only other maligaros in HC for over 100 exalts man....that shows how required they really are. 2. With your argument cross league PvP shouldnt exist then. If they want to punish HC by leaving those players in the league, they chose to invest everything they have, which is dying and has no way to compete on a larger scale....cross league cant happen. Putting pvp only hybrids on the bench makes pvp more accessible to everyone. Isnt the goal to be more accessible? You are telling me in #1 we would get an advantage by farming when casuals wont farm, but u say hybrid makes the game too easy? Seems pretty contradictory to me m8. 3.I never said 4ex multimod. I said 4ex for elreon mod, meaning elreon signature mod, which is pretty clear when I start talking about regaling jewelry. Please dont act like a healthy supply of good gear is going to affect the scene in a bad way. "omg everyone has decent gear, how do I win now since my gear isn't 10x better than theirs...." There will still be tons of room to divine gear to perfect range. More good competitive gear would promote a thriving pvp scene. You really dont have any proposal for something better here other than lower Elreon multi mod cost which could be good but still wouldnt get players to a competitive level without other changes. 6. Sounds like I am going to tear prettyboys summoner up with mine if he doesnt have 20q. I dont understand how your argument works. "some noob made a cheap summoner and he plays it somewhat well, you dont need 20q gems." ummmmm okay? great someone made a half useable summoner build that will just get rekt but other more complete summoner builds, I dont know what u are trying to argue here man. You keep saying make this game more accessible for casual players and then argue against basic shit like 20q gems for premades....where is your angle man? p.s. jk about prettyboyswag being a noob, but if he doesnt think 20q will make a difference he might be a noob ; ) The pvp scene has gotten bigger but wont take long for it to die without attention. You expect everyone to wait 6months for the next LLD season? The core of the game would BARELY change with my suggested ideas. Vaal orbs recipe and some more low level uniques? Thats pretty small man and hardly affects end game players. More drops usually makes the game more fun too. They need to think about that. Tormented souls are pretty weak in comparison to D3 treasure goblins...which is probably the only fun thing about that game ; ). You are going to sit here and tell me, better premades with hybrid available on bench, starting with 20q gems, being able to craft elreon jewelry and other signature mods, and being able to farm the corrupts yourself (THE HARDEST PIECES TO GET), only supports the dedicated players? It seems to me you want to keep this game inaccessible to others and only are disputing my post to obscure what it actually is. If a player is too casual to atleast try to farm some parts of their build, then pvp in a ARPG isnt for them. Are they going to go farm 100 ex to buy all their shit or craft it? Well if they arent going to farm for some pieces of their gear with a rewarding farm spot, they wont farm end game to fund their char. Farming is part of the game no matter how you look at it. I am getting pretty sick of PvP being a RNG lotto fest with everyone buying all the regals up. Are they too lazy to do regal recipes too m8? Honestly you just pick my suggestions apart without any better solution. p.s. I like u kuan I hope you dont take my tone the wrong way, I am a bit flabbergasted at some of your points of argument tho. I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Mar 12, 2015, 5:26:46 PM
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I agree with a lot of grinds points. I know that ggg is supposed to balance around the temp leagues but Im pretty sad at how HC is getting left in the dust with no reliable way to craft physical weapons or attain corrupted gear. (prismweaves are very hard to come by and alterations crafting is prohibitively expensive because of how hard it is to buy bulk alterations or most any other crafting materials for that matter). Anyone that didn't make a character in bloodlines or didn't craft a descent assortment of weapons/items before the hybrid removal is going to be at a severe disadvantage if they decide to get into pvp from hc.
Also regarding the quality gems, maybe a compromise can be to have 10-15% quality gems? For the most part one can find them for a few chaos a pop so people really don't have good excuses to not have at least a 10% quality gems in their links. LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide Last edited by andkamen#5405 on Mar 12, 2015, 5:33:47 PM
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" ya definitely. I originally proposed about that range of quality too. I only argued 20q since I thought it was debatable enough to explain why I was for it. if premades had 10-15% they would hardly be at a disadvantage against other builds with 20q. my points 1 and 2 kinda coincide with each other. The could probably deal without putting hybrids on bench if there was a massive influx of prismweaves. Althought even with prismweave vicious recipe, and adding hybrid to bench, there would still be so much room to customize gear. You still have to regal the vicious roll and have a chance at a garbage property, then multi-mod and add hybrid. Hybrid also in the past was a lower % on bench compared to the natural roll. This still allows quite a bit of room for min-max gear junkies to wanna go above and beyond to get perfect gear while the more casual players and mid tiers can still compete. There is just something about having a solid huge dark blue % increased phys damage property, it is definitely is easier on the eyes. Who wants to add the ugly light blue mod to the dark blue mode to get total phys damage %?; P I dont want to remove the fascination for 1337 gear but I want people to have gear they can look at and feel good about rather than overwhelmed and hopeless. At the current state of the game, I imagine so many people are really only upset with pvp because they go through a whole event and get only a couple kills while in the lowest brackets. This just isnt fun. I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Mar 12, 2015, 5:48:33 PM
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" There are no simple ways, the main issues are the PvE related ones all mentioned in the feedback forums, newcomers that doesnt have enough wealth to spare for compete in LLD or reach at least the Tier2 status about HLD the thing is way more for elite players due the investment. Last edited by 2i0#7192 on Mar 12, 2015, 6:35:46 PM
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Guys seriously you keep repeating that its ok to grind to get your gear and GGG wants it that way but you keep suggesting that premades get free quality gems, free 5l, rare elreon jewellery etc. Can you see the irony here? If not then this thread is surely a joke, even if number 5 is really good idea (from OP)
Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions |
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" " The premades will lack customization but atleast the items they have should be enough for the build to compete. Currently idk wtf the point of the premade items are....they are worthless. I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Mar 14, 2015, 5:04:36 PM
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Yeah most of my mates stopped with pvp the moment they realized it is basically a rich guys dick waving contest.
they aren't wrong either. so long as gear is part of the equation pvp low level or otherwise is simply never going to be taken seriously. especially when you need certain corruptions to not be laughed out of the room. the difference between having a corrupted 4l or 6l and not having one can be 50 - 100% change in damage. in the end the duel itself is a skilless affair in which most of the time the only uncertainty is in who will kill who in a quarter second. all the skill if you can call it that is in amassing gear. but really how difficult is it to figure out that life, es resists and damage is what you want? Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Mar 19, 2015, 7:31:19 AM
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" It's not really a rich guys dick waving contest at the mid tier level, you just need to be capable. I managed to build a low level dueler on torment just off pve leftover currency, and I'm not that good at pve or wealth acquiring. I had maybe 4 exalts into the build total, and I still had a lot of fun in the team events. 1v1, you're gonna get wrecked with half assed gear and no tactical advantage. You only need corruptions on a caster, on a melee or a bow build - the corruptions aren't necessary at all, they're just perks. |
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" hey man i am just saying why all my mates dont play. You do play pvp so you have been around to know enough that there are spots for less rich people to play, but you must understand that pvp has a very negative image right now of being populated by rich and cheesy one-shot builds. that is a fact the gamemode cannot and probably will never escape. All it takes is a few experiences playing this players to really sour the experience Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Mar 19, 2015, 8:01:52 AM
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