PvP characters??

You still have to use PvE gear on them? What's the point of even making a PvP char, then?
1 hour & 7 views later, no response. Is that the response?
No, you get all BiS gear on your character as well as gems, go ahead and now win those events ^,^
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
i dont see the point of this thread, thats just how it is
I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: https://www.instagram.com/victorseiche/
World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1058950
Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral
Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Mar 10, 2015, 6:15:27 PM
the point is that people like you and almost everyone else are too lazy to level a pve char to 28 and then use that for pvp. So they make a pvp char in 10 sec and are done with the stupid grind to piety in act 3
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
At least you guys were helpful and friendly to him...

PvP only characters were designed to help players get a start in PvP. They weren't supposed to be anything good. It was just somewhere to start.

However, they are really really bad and no one should ever actually use them because you'll get smashed.
IGN - WazaBaza
^ most people now use pvp only chars (unless they want a guardian) but almost no one uses premade pvp only chars ...

and he posted his legit question in a bait/troll way so he got troll answers
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
How was it a bait/troll way? Why be a sarcastic clown? What the hell is wrong with you, lmao...

My question is legit.

Tommie_Sjukskriven wrote:
No, you get all BiS gear on your character as well as gems, go ahead and now win those events ^,^

This is how I thought it would be upon hearing about it. But since I couldn't find out how to do that, whether in-game or by researching, I made this thread.

When you don't have the ability to get top gear and then jump into competition, why even make the option to create a PvP-only char? And one that's restricted to 28, thus making it LLD only?? It just seems very strange, specific, and overall useless.

andkamen wrote:
the point is that people like you and almost everyone else are too lazy to level a pve char to 28 and then use that for pvp. So they make a pvp char in 10 sec and are done with the stupid grind to piety in act 3

Again, ignoring your pointless jackassery, that does indeed seem to be the only point. To skip on leveling to a mere 28 for the specific purpose of LLD. I don't know why you had to throw in some useless assumptions about me (I have a level 73 and a 55), but you're the kinda person who won't stop for any reason, so carry on.

Back to the point here, that is really disappointing. People who PvP do so for the competition. Top gear being accessible right off the bat is always a good thing for this. When you make PvE the primary enabler for PvP'ing, nobody can take it seriously, majority of people that would be solid competitors don't get to compete, and the overall scene is just a wasteland, with the same few rich people circle-jerking each other.

That's why I made this thread. To get an actual answer to my actual question.
I'd consider myself a fairly casual PoE player, playing anywhere between 5 to 20 hours on an average week, when I actually decide to play. I can still scrounge up 20-30ex to pay for a PvP character in a temporary league.

Yes, absolutely, it takes gear (currency) to make a decent PvP character. Knowledge and experience makes currency. Instead thinking of people with currency as a "few rich people circle-jerking each other" and that you'll never be one of them, why don't you try figuring out how to make currency yourself?

ShadyC wrote:
I don't know why you had to throw in some useless assumptions about me (I have a level 73 and a 55)

That's not very high at all. The bottom of the Torment Ladder (rank 15000) is at level 86.

ShadyC wrote:
Again, ignoring your pointless jackassery, that does indeed seem to be the only point. To skip on leveling to a mere 28 for the specific purpose of LLD.

What andkamen said is correct and was in no way an attack on you. You're simply interpreting it that way. I'm aware of maybe 4 or 5 people who actually leveled a character to 28 for LLD, and that's simply because they like to hang out in Sarn Arena. The other 50+ LLDers I know, including myself, all use PvP-only characters, because who wants to waste 2 hours?
The other 50+ LLDers I know, including myself, all use PvP-only characters, because who wants to waste 2 hours?

He's right, but there's also this fact. Dabbling into LLD more then "just a bit for fun" most often takes more then one character. A LOT more. Making those instant pvp-only 28 chars lets you test variations/slight gears, gem or playstyle differences until you're satisfied with your char.

And that's a solid point, because why waste several times a few hours for leveling and/or a ton of regret orbs?

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