Rory_GGG wrote this about Puncture
" We should probably just leave it alone, I think it's okay right now, it requires a lot of skill and top gear to be competitive - which is sort of the goal for any build. If anything, we should give it the GGG magic touch - FIVE PERCENT BUFF! #balance |
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I agree about increasing the DoT damage, at the moment I only see bow users using Puncture skill because of the extra damage it does to moving targets. Bleed flasks counters the bleed now, and if small initial hit with bow it doesn't do that much damage.
Combined with a trap, and you move around with the bleed from the trap it can be very overpowered. Because it scales from the initial hit. I think we need to change the puncture in PvP. I would really like to see Melee making a puncture build. Theres been alot of Cyclone & Heavy strike melee. Puncture & Viper strike, we need some degen builds other than IGNITE LOL!! My wish for puncture is, that it would be a secondary attack, just to keep a dot on the enemy and then use another attack for main damage. To maximize the DPS. I don't like the idea of spamming the same skill all the time :) we need more spell we can combine with other things^^ wait wait wait! Make it like flame surge skill!: Deals 50% MORE damage against bleeding enemies, debuff! Last edited by Emro#6742 on Feb 24, 2015, 10:58:59 AM
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" All that would do, if it was viable, is convince people to hit and then whirling blades away until the enemy dies or the bleed ends. Rinse and repeat. |
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I'm pretty sure that must be a typo.
" and " doesn't go well together. |
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Ummm... You guys want to do what???? fix point blank before you Fuck up viable skills
GGG = noob Fucking train | |
I think for the first time since I've pvp'd puncture is at a very respectable place.
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Puncture itself is fine. Traps still feel a bit strong though and I'd prefer if their damage was toned down a little. However, this should only be done if some other bow skills are improved.
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" Solid suggestion. It's unfortunate that traps are the only viable thing about bows right now for 1v1, buff some bow skills and nerf trap damage and I'd be happy. Maybe make it so you have to spec trap or spec bow in order for each one to be viable? Trap focus as a melee counter, bow focus as a trap/caster counter. |
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