Season 2 Balance Feedback - Week One
I've been saying it for months. Firestorm is pretty ridiculous too.
Things that warrant nerf IMO: 1. sword - someway, somehow. this should be treated as 1.2 crit dagger. nerf the tree, nerf the wep, do something. 2. molten shell - the convenient damage of this precasted skill is absolutely ridiculous. I imagine a 40% nerf would still leave this strong. 3. firestorm, clrly hits too hard, too often with too great of range/aoe 4. herald of ash overkill dmg - stupid 5. trigger gems - rrreeemovee. im still trying to figure out what place these have in PVP. any1 know? 6. ALL alt art in PVP match. Make it simple. No alt art (especially for skills) in any arena. To me this is p2w. Firestorm alt art completely disables people moreso than beartrap. buff: 1. arc - either buff arc or make ball lvl 28, lightning corner has very weak distance skills 2. EK - this needs a buff. 3. split arrow - a REAL buff to this will unveil a completely retired build: tora bower. It's a shame such a great utility is lost due to massive unjustified nerfs to this particular mod. 4. Tora bow ^ 5. Fireball - at least lower mana so it can spam properly like other distance skills 6. Spark - mana cost is too high to compete with FP's ability to LMP just a few things ive been thinking about. im sure people will agree and disagree, but if any1 wants to debate one way or the other i'd love to hear an argument on either side. |
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Penetration gems should be looked at for PvP too
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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firestorm - remove siege firestorm from a pvp, because lags
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" I can get behind these. WTB real lightning skill fer sure. |
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Lightning traps could be fun and same with fire traps. They just deal no damage =\
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" First of all PvP in arpgs always gonna be related with grinding PvE and the core problem here is that is related to the accessibility in PvE, they keep nerfing it since beta: Item Quantity support gem, Legacy gear, Legacy master mod, Penalty for farming certain monsters in the game, Vaal orb drop rate and there are probably more.... so in the future the player gap/tiers gonna be crazy because of this. About the LowLevelDueling balance: Melee Weapon Range: what is the logic between Sword/Axe/Mace/Staff range, why 1-Hand swords has alot more range than any other 1hand/2hand weapon in the game? This not changed or evolved since CLOSED BETA. Defenses: DODGE and BLOCK as the ONLY VIABLE DEFENSES, why armour/evasion/energyshield are such useless against these ones? as example: 2H melee builds has no chances in this metagame to reach Middle/Top Tier even with the highest investment on gear. LEO Master Mods not changed ANYTHING in the S1/S2 metagame the Stun avoidance is just relevant for AcroBlock Rangers due the tree. | |
this is my old post , but i think its good to post it here too.
(HLD but some from this may be good for LLD too) 1. Arena design is horrible(too small, too many walls, corner fighters is simply a joke) 2. Cwdt reflectors too op, Molten is op in cwdt and hand cast too. 3. to the 2d->all penetration element gems is too OP, i tell this all the time (we need 20% as a max) 4. to the 1st and 3d-> EA is OP(small arenas full of walls+penetr gem+Elem Eq) 5. to the 4 ->walls spam (wall need high cd for not spam it, or!!! may be cast by hands only not CWDT) 6. too many elemental in all!!! (mele range cast) builds, who need phys dmg if enemy got cwdt IC+EC , molten reflection+punishment curse.. 7. puncture traps or all puncture mechanics was lasy in all times(ask any on sarn or old pvpers)dont tell me about flasks, its simply lasy and op (drop and run, drop and run , in 1vs1, 3vs3, and w8ing for burn flask and then kill, on 3vs3 its spam on small arena tons of traps , what a skill ahh?) 8. GGG need to re mele weapon range table and may be some skill gems range mechanics. this is my IMHO(sry for my english) P.S. I do not advocate for nerf all this things, i wanna smart tuning of this, yes its twice hard to do, but i think GGG can do this with help of our small but rly strong pvp community. 100lvl mele pvp QUIT
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I thought I'd make a few comments about Firestorm as its a very hot topic here.
(1) There is a Firestorm build that has suddenly cropped up. Its power doesn't just come from getting Firestorm gem, and throwing the Stun support on it. I don't feel I should discuss the build any more beyond that, as that is their build, and its not my place to make it public. This makes it hard to discuss. (2) Despite some people saying that we weren't warned about Firestorm before the season, none of the balance feedback I received before the Season suggested this. There were complaints casters were ruined, and their were explicit requests to increase the damage of Firestorm. This includes one of the most reliable sets of feedback we got, which was compiled from a wide variety of PVP guilds by one of the PVP community members. (3) When someone looks at the current balance, and the meta, and makes an awesome build that dominate their opponents, that is awesome. It is living the dream, I imagine what a lot our PVP members want to do. When someone succeeds at this, I don't want the immediate reward to be a swift nerf, and that build never being seen again. (4) I think its still early to say how much of the power here from skill and build, and how much is from the tools available. I don't think we should rush out anything. I am also curious to see what turns up in the Swiss we haven't seen elsewhere yet. I also want to note, what while I am the one posting here, I am trying to be representative of discussions in the office rather than just presenting my opinion. (And trying to reasonably open about where there are points where its hard to know what to base our decisions on). Nick is currently leading PVP balance. He has shown very good instincts for predicting what will happen based on changes. Also, when you guys are saying Season 2 is more diverse, all the good results are from final decisions Nick has made. We do take your feedback very seriously, and try to incorporate it. I have used the term bias before when referring to peoples feedback. This is not intended to say feedback provided is bad, or that we feel people are trying to trick us, just explaining why its hard to assess feedback, and why we might not act quickly, especially mid-season. I'll try be careful with my tone, but assume these are words are happy, and from a team who loves to see the PVP season unfold! Also we love to watch video of PVP, but for usefulness in assessing play vs build strength, and also because it is entertaining. More streaming and recording, please! | |
then Nick_GGG was WASTEDin the last State of Exile podcast episode because they not mentioned anything about the PvP future plans or goals of the company.
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Qarl, just make sure the buffs and nerfs are separatedbetween lld and HLD. What maybe needs a small nerf in lld, needs a bigger nerf in HLD, vice versa. Most people here are talking about lld, so keep in mind what and how to balance between lld and HLD.
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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